[Funina: Unexpectedly, Adamu and Yiwu chose to leave in the end. 】

[Gan Yu: They hurt human beings, but in the end they were saved by Dagu, who was a human being. They should be willing to choose to leave. 】

[Navilet: If they really want to continue living on the earth, humans will surely welcome them. 】

[Navilet: Although it is impossible to change the prejudices of some people, as long as this continues, we will definitely be able to live together. 】

[Charlotte: Is it the same as Fontaine’s Meloxin? 】

[Chiori: I think Meiluxin is quite cute, but looking at Fontaine’s past history, it seems that she was quite repelled by Meiluxin. 】

[Navia: But it’s much better now. Although there are still a few people who are biased against Meiluxin, the vast majority of people in Fontaine have accepted and recognized Meiluxin as a member of Fontaine! 】

[Clorind: For those who harm Meluxin, the law will also impose corresponding sanctions. 】

[Xiavorei: I will let them receive the punishment they deserve. 】


Watching the exchanges in the chat group, Zhongli remained silent, picking up a cup of tea and tasting it.

Immediately, he stood up and looked at the port of Liyue Port, and suddenly sighed.

Once upon a time, during the Demon God War, this Liyue Port was a treasure land that many Demon Gods competed for, attracting countless famous and powerful Demon Gods to compete for it.

As Morax at that time, although he had no intention of fighting with them, he was aware of the suffering of the humans living here.

Just like what he said in the past - [In this world, demons and gods are rising together. Although I have no intention of competing, I know the suffering of the people. 】

So he resolutely joined the Demon God War, and during this period he made many companions, and finally unified Liyue!

Now that a thousand years have passed, some of the former friends have retired to the mountains and forests, and some... have passed away.

Even Morax couldn't help but feel a touch of sadness in his heart.

He misses the past when he united with his companions to fight against the enemy during the Demon God War, but he cherishes the peaceful and easy life now even more.

This is also a tribute to those who have passed away.

Thinking of those friends who passed away, the emperor's heart became even more sad. He raised his head and stared at the ships coming and going, and at the sailors singing songs.

I couldn't help but sigh——

"I want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus and carry wine with me, but it's a pity that I am an old friend. When will we see you again..."

Yes, the past is past, whether it is former companions or enemies.

Neither will come back again.

Just as Zhongli was lamenting how time flies, he saw another burst of exclamations in the chat group, as if new content had started to be played!

So he sat down again, took a sip from the still warm tea cup, and continued watching.

And on the screen, a line of text appeared like a preview - [I saw it, Obik! 】

Seeing this line of text, everyone in the chat group started a new round of discussion!

[Kiana: Obik? Who is this? 】

[Herrscher of Knowledge: Who knows, maybe whose name it is? 】

[Esta: But it could also be a place name? Maybe it's the name of an animal? 】

[Xiao Gong: Could it be the name of the monster? 】

[Linette: It’s not impossible. 】

[Kujo Sora: However, since the prefix is ​​‘saw’, it means it should be a physical thing, right? 】

[Miko Yae: You want me to tell you, why don’t you stop guessing and you’ll find out if you read on? 】

[Thunder Movie: The Son of God is right. 】

Everyone also listened to Yae Shenzi's advice, no longer guessing, but watched calmly.

I saw the members of the victory team on the screen discussing something seriously in the base——

As the vice-captain, Munakata was the first to speak: "The rumor that someone saw Obik spread around Hikono Street about three months ago."

"But this is the first time that a victim has actually appeared."

With that said, Zongfang told everyone the detailed situation.

It turned out that a young man was attacked by Obik, and he was sent back after being attacked, but there was only 5 minutes between the time he was attacked and the time he was released, but it was these 5 minutes that made him The position has deviated quite a bit.

It is simply impossible to run such a long distance in 5 minutes at human speed!

And because it was in the deep mountains and old forests, ordinary means of transportation could not be used at all. If it was a means of transportation such as helicopters - the humans nearby did not hear the roar of any aircraft engines at that time.

And there was no sign of any helicopters stopping nearby.

This made everyone in the victory team feel surprised and didn't understand how it was done.

Captain Megumi also said that this was the reason why the victory team was dispatched.

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, Dagu suddenly opened his mouth and expressed the doubts in his heart——

"Why did Obik send him back?"

"Eh?" Lina was stunned and subconsciously looked at Dagu.

Dagu continued to express his opinion: "Whether that young man met Obik or something else...in short, he came back alive. Don't you think this is strange?"

"——Obik finally caught a man, why should he be sent back immediately?"


After listening to Dagu's words, Captain Hui Jianjian said: "As long as we find out Obik's true identity, we can solve this question."

Immediately afterwards, Captain Megumi ordered everyone to patrol Hikono Street starting tonight.

After receiving the captain's order, everyone also mobilized and soon arrived at Hikoye Street.

[Padofilis: Having said that, this Obik doesn't sound like there is much danger. 】

[Alicia: Yes, yes, maybe...it's someone's prank? 】

[Esta: Capturing people and then bringing them back again—although it may be scary as a prank, but since there is no real danger, there shouldn’t be any need to dispatch the victory team, right? 】

[Elhaysen: Maybe Captain Megumi thinks this is not a simple man-made prank. 】

[Natasha: Indeed, without the use of transportation, ordinary humans should not be able to cross such a long distance in 5 minutes. 】

Putting aside the exchanges in the chat group, on the other side of the screen, the Victory Team began patrolling at night.

In the end, we actually found that Obik - he was an old man selling soba noodles!

After knowing the true identity of the opponent, the Victory Team immediately launched a pursuit of Obik, but unfortunately, the opponent escaped in the end.

Just when everyone felt discouraged, Dagu showed a confident smile!

It turned out that he had already placed the prepared tracker on Obik's trolley!

But when the victory team followed the tracker to search, they only found a dry well. A local old man said that the young man who was attacked by Obik and sent back was in this dry well. found.

"So that pot may be connected to the well!"

"That young man may have been transferred here from the city through this passage!"

Lina suddenly realized.

[Xie'er: So that's it, interconnected channels. 】

[Clorind: But why do we have to go through this dry well? 】

[Navia: Yes, why is this dry well connected to Obik's pot? 】

[Black Tower: This should be considered a rare item, right? 】

Not only the people in the chat group, but also the victory team were puzzled by this, but at this moment, the old gentleman who had been living nearby told a story about Obik.

"Obik was formerly known as Master Ayan. Legend has it that he lived in the dark corners of this area a long time ago."

"A long time ago?" Xincheng was a little surprised.

"Yes." The old gentleman nodded: "But Master Ayan has been living very restlessly in recent years."

"It is said that this area used to be an endless lotus root pond, and it was also a comfortable and peaceful village."

"At night, the whole village is plunged into darkness."

The old gentleman paused and looked at the land in the distance: "But it is different now. A health park will soon be built on this mountain, and groundbreaking will begin tomorrow."

"By then, it will definitely be very lively."

After saying this, the old gentleman left.

Munakata issued an order: "The tracking of Obik ends here. Let's go back to the headquarters to re-draw the battle plan."

As the victory team returned, they suddenly saw a group of people surrounded by reporters, as if they were being interviewed.

And those interviewed were hyping up the horror of Obik, as if describing him as some kind of ferocious god and evil spirit!

Seeing this scene, Dagu suddenly remembered the information that Obike released the young man!

In an instant, Dagu's head exploded - "I know!"

Hearing Da Gu's sudden words, everyone turned to look at him.

Dagu faced everyone and expressed his opinion: "I know why Obik sent that man back!"

"You want to scare everyone?"

Hearing Dagu's answer, Xincheng was a little puzzled.

"Well, that must be the case!"

Dagu affirmed: "In a place where rumors are widespread, if a victim really appears, the whole town will definitely be in chaos."

"——That's why Obik sent that young man back!"

Zongfang frowned, thoughtfully: "The purpose is to make the people in the town feel scared?"


"So that's it..." Lina nodded understandingly.

Horii said, "It's really a troublesome thing."

[March 7: Make the people in the town scared? 】

[Linette: But why did Obik do this? Is it really just a prank to scare the residents of the town? 】

[Fu Hua: Maybe, there is some other deep meaning. 】

[Liu Ying: Moreover, didn’t the old gentleman say it before? Obike used to be Master Ayan, and he lived in this area a long, long time ago. 】

[Liu Ying: If it’s really like what the old gentleman said, why didn’t Obik start scaring the residents of the town until now? 】

[Silver Wolf: Maybe, you want to play with everyone? 】

[Walter: Maybe it has something to do with the health park that is about to be built in this village? 】

[March 7: Huh? But what does this have to do with it? 】

Everyone in the chat group couldn't quite understand why Obik did this.



PS: The third update, please continue to ask for flowers and evaluation votes!

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