Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

025: "The Old Village Is Back!" Everyone Burst Into Tears!

Not only the people in the chat group, but also the victory team didn't know why Obik wanted to scare the people in this town and make them feel afraid.

But before they could figure it out, a strange flute sound came from the whole town.

"Obik! Obik is here!"

Someone screamed in terror, and the next second the crowd dispersed and fled in all directions!

"Run! Run away! Obik is coming!"

Seeing the crowd fleeing in all directions, Zongfang made up his mind——

"Okay! Search the dark corners of the town!"

Soon, the victory team began to search for traces of Obik throughout the town.

However, although they did find Obik in a dark corner, he quickly escaped easily!

——It’s as if you are playing tricks on them!

[Esta: It’s really weird. It looks like Obik is just playing tricks on the winning team, and he doesn’t even attack them! 】

[Padophilis: Obike doesn’t look like a bad guy. 】

[Alicia: That’s right! But why did Obik do this? 】

[Fu Hua: I’m afraid the only way to ask this question is to ask Obik himself. 】

[Navia: But, we can’t catch Obik at all! 】

"Obik should be with the shadow in the pot..."

Just when the victory team was at a loss, Zongfang suddenly said: "I have a good idea!"

Then, the scene changed and the time came to dusk.

Obik was sitting alone on the hillside, looking at the village below.

His eyes were full of nostalgia, as if he was recalling the long past.

"Shadow, only the beautiful sunset is exactly the same as before."

Obik murmured to himself: "I think we have to leave this place."

Suddenly, the pot was opened, and the shadow inside was revealed: "Tomorrow the excavator will drive to the mountain, and even the mountain will change."

"Yeah, it's just like a dream..."

Obike said in a daze: "The previous villages disappeared without knowing it."

"——Do you remember? The village lookout used to be over there, and there was a clear river, and opposite it was the lotus root pond."

"I said Shadow, this is the last night!"

Obik's eyes seemed to be filled with determination: "Let us give our best!"


[Sinadia: Is it possible that Obik misses his old village? 】

[Xieer: The last night? What does Obik want to do? 】

[Shiluva: It feels like he has made some kind of determination? Victory Team, find him quickly! ! 】

In a blink of an eye, time came to night.

The victory team had already arrived at the dry well connected to Obik's pot, and then fired the flare into the dry well!


The next second, gorgeous fireworks bloomed somewhere on the hillside!

"over there!"

Dagu pointed to the place where the signal flare appeared. That is the planned place to build a health park. After tonight, this place will be transformed into a health park!

Dagu noticed this information, stopped for a moment, and continued to rush over without stopping!

Soon, the victory team found Obik!

However, what is surprising is that Obik did not escape this time, nor did he hide in the darkness.

He just held his pot, turned his back to the victory team, and looked at the familiar but unfamiliar village.

In his mouth, he muttered to himself——

"It's exactly the same as before, the same darkness."

Obik suddenly turned around and pointed excitedly at the village behind him: "Look! That was the night in the village before!"

"Our village is back!"

"The old village is back!"

Obik laughed crazily, as if he didn't care about the victory team's vigilance at all. He pointed to the village, his eyes full of joy and nostalgia: "That is the observation deck of the village, and there is a clear river there. , on the other side of the river is the lotus root pond!"

"The village is back! The village is back! The old village is back again!!!"

"Back! Back!"

Obik danced excitedly, while the victory team just silently lowered their weapons and watched this scene.


Dagu looked at Obik and said sadly: "That's not a village!"

"In that darkness..."

Dagu opened his mouth, and finally said the cruel truth full of sadness: "There is no longer a village like before..."

"...You are lying to me, I saw it all!"

Obik kept shaking his head: "The previous village!"

"The previous village has long since disappeared!"

Dagu stepped forward and stretched out his hand towards Obik: "Follow me, and I will find a quiet place for you to stay."

"——I'll definitely find it!"

"...I, I don't want it!!!"

Obik refused loudly, and he looked sadly at the village below: "If, if this is not the previous village..."

"If it weren't for the previous village..."

"I'm going to destroy this place!!!"


The next second, Obik looked up to the sky and roared!

The whole body keeps climbing and eventually turns into a huge monster!

[Gratio: Obik...is the color of sadness...it's sad...]

[Aponia: Graciu...Yes, no matter what kind of creature it is, there will be sadness...and nostalgia...]

[Sakura: The old village... reminds me of my hometown]

[Sakura: With the outbreak of the Great Collapse, the hometown of my sister and I has... ceased to exist...]


In the picture, facing Obike who has become a huge monster, the deputy captain Zongfang was the first to recover from his grief and immediately gave orders——

"Everyone disperse!"

"Understood!" x4

Dagu deliberately fled in one direction alone and hid behind a dense forest.

Then, he took out the divine light stick.

Unlike the past where he transformed without hesitation, this time, Dagu stared at the Divine Light Rod for a long time, with struggle, entanglement, and more helplessness in his eyes.

But in the end, he still raised the divine light stick in his hand high, and as the light bloomed, he transformed into Tiga.

[Alicia: It can be seen that Dagu is also very confused about transforming into Tiga to fight this time...]

[Thunder Meiyi: After all, he understands that Obik did not harm humans, nor did he do anything to destroy the earth. 】

[Sinadia: The most important thing is that he understands why Obik does what he does and really wants to help him. 】

[Otto: It’s a pity that Obik is stubborn and unwilling to admit that the village of the past will never come back, and he also wants to destroy the current village. 】

[Zhongli:………………the past time……?……]

[Fu Hua: The past time...]

[Paimon: Tiga...does he really want to fight Obik? Is there really no other better way? 】

[Ying: Paimon, there are many things in this world that we cannot decide. 】

In the picture, Obik was about to rush towards the village, but was blocked by Tiga falling from the sky.

Diga stretched out his hand to stop Obik.

But Obike ignored it and hit Diga with his arms without any control, and then tried to knock Diga away with brute force.

However, Diga, who had experienced many battles, easily blocked Obik's collision. After so many battles, Dagu had already gained extremely rich combat experience.

In his eyes, Obik's attack was full of flaws.

But in the face of Obik's venting attack, Diga still couldn't take action after all. It wasn't until Obik suddenly released a red ray attack that sneaked up on Diga. Diga, who sensed danger for the first time, subconsciously released a ray. , hitting Obik.

Obike wailed in pain, and then attacked Tiga again!

Although it was an attack, Obik just waved his fist randomly. Diga didn't even need to dodge, he just raised his arms to block.

[March 7: Sure enough, Diga had no intention of harming Obik at all. 】

[Coral Palace Xinhai: I think, firstly, it’s because Obik’s attack can’t cause any substantial harm to Diga, and secondly, because Diga really can’t bear it. 】

[Kamizato Ayaka: Maybe Tiga wants to wait until Obik has vented and calmed down before having a good talk with him. 】

[Topa: Is that why you let Obik vent his anger? 】

[Qianori: But, continuing like this is not an option, right? After all, Tiga's active time on earth was only 3 minutes. 】

[Hook: Ah! Ultraman Tiga, be careful! 】

In the picture, Diga was not paying attention and was severely knocked away by Obik's charged force.

But Obik didn't pay attention to Diga who fell to the ground, but rushed straight towards the village.

When the victory team saw this, they didn't care about feeling sorry for Obik, and used the ray gun to pull the trigger on Obik!

The powerful light knocked Obik staggering and successfully stopped his progress.

Xincheng pulled the trigger with difficulty and shouted sadly: "Don't destroy this town!"

"——You must know that the old village will never come back!!!!"


Another ray attack hit Obik, but this time, Obik just stood there blankly, without wailing or roaring.

Silent like a sculpture.

But huge sadness spread around him, making people despair.

He slowly turned around, silently clenched his fists, and then roared and sprayed flame rays towards Diga!

But Diga just tilted his head slightly, and the luminous line flew past his head.

Obik stopped attacking. He stared at Diga, then turned his head slightly and looked at the village behind him.

For a moment, he seemed to see what the village looked like in the past, with thousands of lights gathered here like a lake, accompanied by people's laughter and laughter.

Even in this dark night, it makes people feel safe and happy.

But the village soon disappeared and turned into high-rise buildings, becoming more prosperous than before.

It’s also even stranger.

Obik suddenly raised his head and charged up the high-heat flame light in his mouth again, as if he wanted to destroy Diga and the village behind him!

Upon seeing this, Diga immediately shot out a ray of light, trying to interrupt the spell!

However, Obik suddenly opened his arms and allowed the luminous line to hit his head without any intention of dodging!

[Alicia: Obik! 】

[Funina: He didn't move away! It was a solid hit! 】

[March 7: Why? Could it be that he did this on purpose? 】

[Xinadia: Obik! Why? 】

Not only everyone in the chat group was shocked, but even the Victory Team and Diga were unexpected.

And Obik, who was hit by Diga's light, fell straight down.

Diga immediately rushed forward and picked up Obik.

But Obik just glanced at the village for the last time, and then seemed to give up the chance of survival and closed his eyes.

Diga stared at Obik in silence. The huge sadness was like a tsunami sweeping over him, catching him off guard.

Suddenly, their bodies were enveloped by a burst of light, and then Obike and Diga turned into dazzling particles of light and dissipated in the dark night.

[Kiana: Obike...]

[Hook: Woohoo! Why does it become like this! 】

[Thunder Meiyi: Even Tiga will sometimes feel powerless...]

[Keli: Woohoo, Obik...Tiga...]

[Himeko: In the end, it turned out like this...]

[Otto: Obik, I just returned to the previous village. This time, he could really see his former village. 】

[Walter: Yes. Perhaps, this is also Obik’s long-cherished wish...]

Under the dark starry sky, the five members of the victory team sat on the grass, as if they were still immersed in sadness.

Xincheng looked up at the starry sky and said blankly: "I'm thinking that maybe Obik is scaring everyone in the hope that people will remember it."

Dagu whispered: "It's like Obik always remembers the old village in his heart."



PS: I finished writing the 4K chapter in one go. I was really overloaded today. I got up at 7 o'clock in the morning to watch the CPT finals, and then it was high-intensity coding again.

Families, please send me flowers and comments! Have mercy on the poor child ORZ! ! !

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