Others are going through the apocalypse, but I am invincible

Chapter 91 The end of the world has just begun

"I won't let you down again." Li Ling'er said respectfully.

Tang Ze patted Li Ling'er's head, which made Li Ling'er's nervous mood relax a little. She was really scared before.

With Tang Ze's wave of his hand, five automatic rifles appeared on the coffee table, HK416.

There were accessories, muzzles, scopes, grips, magazines, and more than ten boxes of 5.56 bullets on the side.

"After cleaning, each person will get one. The first person to kill will be rewarded with a wish."

This reward is undoubtedly a great temptation. The five girls hurriedly wiped the floor, sprayed it with freshener, and changed the carpet.

Soon they sat next to the coffee table, each with an ammunition box next to them, and loaded the bullets into the magazine.

For automatic rifles, not only Li Ling'er is unfamiliar, but Xi Meng has never played with this kind of gun.

An Bai is responsible for teaching Li Ling'er, and Sun Ting teaches Xi Meng. There is definitely no time for disassembly knowledge, so she teaches some simple designs.

"It's better to install a red dot sight. Use a right angle grip and a long muzzle. The accuracy will be higher." An Bai equipped Li Ling'er with weapons like an old hand.

"Sister Xiaobai, how do you know so much?"

An Bai proudly put her hands on her waist: "Who said that girls can't play with guns? And I like my master's the most."

This made the girls present burst out laughing. Tang Ze wiped the saber with a handkerchief and smiled after hearing it. These dirty girls.

"Go outside and fire a few shots to get used to the recoil. Don't make a fool of yourself." Tang Ze reminded. Before, An Bai and the other three had to adapt for a day, but Xi Meng and Li Ling'er didn't have a day. People outside could come at any time.

After opening the door, Xi Meng and Li Ling'er raised the muzzle and really felt that the automatic rifle had some weight.


The sound of the gun was particularly unique in the dark night, making the people living around panic. They didn't know whether it was firecrackers or gunshots.

Feeling the recoil of an automatic rifle for the first time, Xi Meng and Li Ling'er were really frightened. The sound of the gun was completely different from that of a pistol.

"Hold the grip tightly, and press down when shooting continuously to prevent the muzzle from rising." An Bai turned into Coach An and gave instructions. He and Sun Ting dragged several corpses to the middle of the road as targets.

Bang, bang, bang...

The continuous gunshots scared away the crowd who were about to come in to rob. They thought there was a gunfight in the villa community. Looking at the kitchen knife in their hands, forget it, it's just going to die.

In the whole Hua'an City, people have walked out of their homes, and the first target is supermarkets, convenience stores, large shopping malls, etc.

So the most intense snatch battles occurred in these places. It is normal for seven or eight people to die for a bottle of mineral water. Compared with these unorganized snatches, many communities have formed their own group operations, which are much more efficient than lone wolves.

But if the community meets the community, it will be an inevitable fight. In the half an hour since the rain stopped, the death toll in the entire Hua'an City has reached three or four thousand. This number is still rising and will soon exceed ten thousand.

The streets are full of corpses. Some people who are starving to death are looking for food on the corpses, but they can't find anything. This group of hungry people eat people directly on the street. The scene is disgusting and terrifying.

And there are more and more such situations. After all, not everyone has the ability to grab food. After being locked up at home for so many days, they don't have the strength to grab things when they come out. Those with weak constitutions have never stood up after falling down.

The end of the world...

It seems that this time has really come...

Happy community.

There are at least more than 30 vehicles with only wheels parked outside the street, and at the front of all the cars is an old man's car.

But the bloody head of the old man's car is hanging behind it, which makes people extremely uncomfortable.

In the community, inhumane killing and looting are going on at this time. This group of people will not leave anyone alive. Regardless of men or women, they will kill them all and collect supplies.

The leading man was probably in his thirties. He wore a black coat and had a clean crew cut. There was no extra expression on his hard face. He held a Tang sword in his right hand. The scabbard was a bit old, indicating that the sword was quite old.

Many people following him had various cold weapons. The Qinglong Yanyue Sword was taken out. He directly cut off the head of an owner. It can be seen that this man's posture was very standard and he practiced a lot.

"Please, please don't kill me. I can be your woman and let me do anything." A woman in her twenties knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

The man's eyes were calm, and he quickly drew his sword and cut it down. The woman's head rolled to the ground.

"Don't leave any supplies." Luo Cheng reminded again, shook off the blood on the blade, and sheathed it handsomely.

"Yes, Teacher Luo!"

This group of people are from a martial arts school. There are several teachers in the team, and the others are young students.

There have been several fights in the school these days, and only these people are left. I thought they were going to starve to death in the school, but when the rain stopped, they immediately rushed into the city and killed anyone they met without saying a word.

And that old man's car was Luo Cheng's car, and the heads hanging on the back were all defeated, two of them were former colleagues.

"By the way, leave a few women, after all, they are all young and energetic, but don't overdo it, otherwise your hands and feet will be weak." Luo Cheng said lightly, kicked the woman's head aside, and continued to walk upstairs.

Soon, the whole neighborhood became quiet. Almost everything was cleared out. All the supplies were moved downstairs. Several boys carried the women and threw them directly into the trunk.

"Lao Luo, this time we have a lot of gains." The speaker was another teacher named Yu Tong, who had amazing grappling skills. It was not easy to get out of the school. They were all masters.

Luo Cheng looked at the full moon in the night sky: "Take advantage of the rain before it rains, and grab more."

"These women are still a little short. The students more or less want one each."

Luo Cheng frowned and said seriously: "Those who practice martial arts are less likely to be close to women. One each, let them all die on women's bellies!"

Yu Tong didn't know what to say after hearing this. This statement was correct before, but now that everyone has come out to kill, they have to let go.

At this time, a fat boy next to him suggested: "Teacher Luo, Teacher Yu, let's go to rob the rich community. I heard that the women there are also beautiful, right, classmates."

When the boys heard this, they were like chicken blood. They really made the right decision to learn martial arts. Now it has become a way of survival.

"Lao Luo, let the students indulge for one night, don't be so strict."

Luo Cheng glanced at Yu Tong, and Yu Tong smiled and said: "Let's go to Shanhu Community. That's also where the rich people in our Hua'an City live. Kill those people and we can live in that luxurious community."

"Then go, I hope Shanhu Community has not been robbed by others." Luo Cheng sighed, and at this time a man ran out rolling and crawling.

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