Others are going through the apocalypse, but I am invincible

Chapter 92 Within five steps, I am invincible

"Still running! Cut off your hands and feet!" The classmate who chased after him shouted angrily, his whole body covered in blood.

Luo Cheng waved his hand, and the classmate stopped chasing. Yu Tong shook his head helplessly and started again.

"I'll give you a chance to live." Walking in front of the man, Luo Cheng said lightly.

"What?" The man was terrified and angry. His wife and children had just been killed by these beasts.

A knife was thrown in front of the man.

"Single fight, if you win, I die, if I win, you die."

The man looked at the knife in front of him, which still had his wife's blood on it, and immediately held it in his hand. The anger in his eyes completely suppressed his fear.

"Okay!" The man held the knife with both hands, and he knew it wouldn't work from the posture.

And Luo Cheng's thumb slowly pushed the knife out, and his right hand held the handle: "I forgot to tell you, within five steps, I am invincible."

As soon as the voice fell, a silver light flashed.

The man's head rolled down, his eyes wide open, and Luo Cheng put the man's head on and tied it to the back of the car.

"Let's go, Shanhu Community!" Luo Cheng shouted, and the convoy drove towards Shanhu Community.

When a convoy of this size drove on the road, basically no one dared to touch it, unless there was a stronger force. Obviously, there was no very strong force for the time being, and the potentially strong forces were almost wiped out by my brother Ze.

Soon, the convoy arrived at Shanhu Community. Luo Cheng saw people running out of the community, vomiting while running, as if they had seen some disgusting scenes.

Luo Cheng stopped the car, and the convoy behind him also stopped.

"Go in and take a look." Luo Cheng said lightly, walked into the community, and found someone running out of the garage again.

Luo Cheng and Yu Tong looked at each other, then nodded and walked towards the underground garage.

As soon as they walked to the entrance of the garage, they smelled a pungent smell of blood and stench.

Luo Cheng and Yu Tong frowned, but still chose to go in. Soon they saw a scene like hell.

Some classmates vomited directly. They didn't vomit when they killed people just now, but they couldn't stand it when they saw this scene in front of them.

Luo Cheng and Yu Tong stepped on the coagulated blood, frowning at the shells on the ground.

"It seems that someone is much faster than us." Yu Tong said in a low voice.

Luo Cheng didn't think so: "These people didn't die just now. It feels like they died yesterday. There are so many shells and guns at the scene!"

"Old Luo, come and see!" Yu Tong suddenly shouted, and Luo Cheng immediately walked around, his eyes gradually changed.

Luo Cheng squatted on the ground and reached out to touch the wound of the corpse: "What a fast knife, the whole body was cut in half horizontally, this strength is definitely not ordinary!"

"There are still many here!" Yu Tong couldn't believe it. Most of these people were cut in half. What a strong arm strength.

Luo Cheng also saw it. These people must have been very desperate before they died. They would not die immediately after being cut in half. They would see the other half of their body slowly die. What a cruel method!

"If you meet this person, are you sure?" Yu Tong asked.

"From now on, this person's strength is above mine, but he doesn't seem to have any skills, he just slashes. As I said, within five steps, I am invincible." Luo Cheng didn't observe the corpse again, and walked outside. The smell inside was really bad.

Yu Tong felt relieved after hearing this, and followed him. It seemed that this community was no longer valuable.

Next to him, two classmates looked at the hole in the wall.

"What on earth poked this out? A drill bit?"

"It doesn't look like a drill bit. Why does it look like a blade to me?"

"Knife? Put one in for me. This is a concrete wall."

The classmate pointed to the corpses under his feet: "Look at these four corpses. The wounds are all in a line. If I guess correctly, the four of them were standing in a line at the time. The murderer suddenly threw out the knife, and the blade pierced their heads and stabbed into the wall."

Hearing this, the boy slowly applauded: "Why don't you write a novel? This imagination is very awesome."

"What do you know? This is called reasoning."

"Then you can slowly reason among the dead. I can't stand this smell."

The classmate had no choice but to leave, but he couldn't help but look back at the hole in the wall. This should not be something a human can do.

Coming outside and breathing fresh air, I felt like I was alive again.

"Where are we going now? Continue to rob the community?" Yu Tong asked. Now we are racing against time.

Luo Cheng thought deeply: "Well, continue to rob, to rob enough supplies, I feel that the weather will get colder and colder, if there are not enough supplies, we will be frozen to death."

"Students, get in the car, let's continue to rob the community."

"Teacher, I also heard that there is a community of rich people, all rich people living in villas."

Luo Cheng raised his hand to stop, and said in a deep voice: "Our first task is to collect supplies, we can go if it's convenient."

In the villa.

Ye Qingyi played the elegant piano, and HK416 was placed on the piano cover. The two different items put together looked very different.

But if it was accompanied by the screams outside, it would be different.

The robbery in the villa area started early, because this villa was close to the inside, and Tang Ze deliberately turned off the lights before he came here, because he didn't want to attract firepower for other rich people.

The open door let out the beautiful piano sound, and someone had already heard it.

"Brother, listen." In a villa not far away, seven or eight men were collecting supplies. The owner's family had all been hacked to death on the spot.

The eldest brother also heard it and said with a smile: "Rich people play elegantly, brothers, let's go and take a look."

The group loaded the supplies into the car. The piano sound was not far away, and they soon arrived at the door of the villa. Unlike other houses, the door was not closed, and there were more than ten corpses on the grass outside.

"Brother, it feels a bit weird." The younger brother said vigilantly.

The eldest brother didn't take it seriously: "What are you pretending to be? Playing a piano, there are corpses outside, and they are filming a movie. Come with me!"

After that, the eldest brother took the brunt of it and walked directly up the steps to the house. Just as he was about to step into the house, his forehead was cold.

The eldest brother's heart was about to jump out, and he slowly raised his head and looked into the darkness.

Gun... gun barrel...

The eldest brother couldn't help but slowly retreat, and the person in the dark also revealed his appearance. After seeing it, the eldest brother seemed to forget his fear.

What a beautiful face, exactly like the stars on TV.

"Brother, what are you doing?" The younger brothers stood behind, watching the elder brother retreating, worried.

Li Ling'er solved her timid problem, that is, she imagined that she was acting, and today's role was a ruthless female killer.

"Beauty, toy gun." The elder brother smiled a little reluctantly.

"Then try it and see if it's a toy gun."

Before the elder brother answered, Li Ling'er pulled the trigger directly, bang!

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