Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 12 The fastest legend in the imperial city

Li Xuan was breathing heavily, staring at a bright light below.

The light went farther and farther, and after a long time it completely disappeared from sight.

The wind roared in his ears, making him unable to open his eyes.

Li Xuan was hiding on the eaves of an attic.

This place was the highest point nearby. He rested here for a long time, but his heartbeat was still racing.

He was lucky enough to be blocked by a cat before and got the stolen goods. If he hadn't evacuated in time when the opportunity came, one of the cats would be in trouble tonight.

"I really underestimate these eunuchs."

Li Xuan thought with some fear.

Despite all calculations, I still underestimated the martial arts of the Ouchi master.

He set up a trap today just to frame the two eunuchs of Yanqu Palace.

Jingyang Palace has been bullied, so he has to show something, right?

After Li Xuan stole their things during the day, he deliberately dug out the food remains buried during this period, and then buried them in their room and yard.

After that, he broke into the imperial dining room at night, ate a lot, made noise, spread vegetable soup, and led him all the way to Yanqu Hall. This was all part of the plan.

It's just that something went wrong during the final escape.

In order not to give the two eunuchs a chance to react, Li Xuan wanted to secretly hide the food box in their room without anyone noticing.

As a result, firstly, they did not expect that these two people had lost all their savings and were so worried that they could not sleep until late at night. Secondly, the pursuers came too quickly.

He had just arrived at Yanqu Hall, and before he had time to stop for a while, he caught the strange sound of breaking through the air and the strange smell approaching quickly.

Thanks to cats' very sensitive senses of smell and hearing, Li Xuan, who has practiced the Ten Tiger Forms, is far superior to his peers.

Coupled with his excellent reaction speed, almost as soon as he felt something was wrong, he threw the food box into the yard and ran away.

And just when Li Xuan jumped off the courtyard wall and didn't run far away, the eunuchs in colorful clothes were attracted by the sound of the food box hitting the ground and chased him into the courtyard.

The fleshy pads on his paws helped Li Xuan escape from the crime scene quietly.

Thanks to the fact that most people don't pay much attention to the kittens parkouring in the palace at night, otherwise it's hard to say whether Li Xuan could escape safely.

Today's plan was going smoothly, except for the last step which was too thrilling.

"The martial arts in this world seem to be much more powerful than I expected."

Recalling the ghostly figures of those colorful eunuchs, Li Xuan immediately revised his mind's understanding of the world's power system.

After all, he knew too little about this knowledge.

There is no knowledge related to martial arts in Jingyang Palace.

Li Xuan is now speechless and unable to take the initiative to ask these things.

But fortunately, he can still read. He will have to find an opportunity in the future to see if he can find relevant books.

As he continued to gain strength, Li Xuan gradually awakened his courage and became curious about the world.

As long as we can continue to gain strength, our exploration will surely go further and further.

He watched from a distance that silence had returned to Yanqu Hall, then he ran down the eaves of the attic and disappeared into the deep night.

A small black shadow flexibly shuttled through the buildings, stepping on the walls in various unimaginable ways to gain strength, as if it had escaped the shackles of gravity.

Li Xuan made this kind of movement a breeze with his physical strength far beyond that of his kind, as well as the cat's innate agility.

"Calculating the time, I should still be able to make it."

Not long after, Li Xuan's figure jumped onto the wall of the Imperial Palace.

The familiar figure was still practicing in the yard.

"Great, just in time to practice again at the end."

Seeing that "Master" was about to start a new round of momentum, Li Xuan quickly followed the action.

He had reached the final stage of the Ten Tiger Forms, and he wanted to make this final breakthrough here, so that he could finish well with his enlightenment teacher.

Under the wall, two figures moved slowly, like two fierce tigers, one big and one small.

Their tiger claws sometimes hide and appear, implying various changes.

From time to time he bends down, and from time to time he raises his head and looks at the moon, which is so lifelike.

Li Xuan and the young eunuch of the Imperial Palace performed a harmonious synchronization.

With the final finishing move, Li Xuan's body suddenly froze in place.

His heart suddenly beat violently, and his body heated up rapidly, as if lava was bursting out of his atrium.

Li Xuan only had time to scream "meow" before he fell straight down and fell on the grass outside the courtyard wall.

The pain in his body intensified, and even his bones began to crackle.

Li Xuan's consciousness slowly blurred, and after a few seconds he completely passed out and became silent.

The little eunuch in the court also heard the meow. He looked up following the sound, but saw nothing.

"Wild cat?"

He didn't take it too seriously and went back to his house to rest after finishing his work.

He will have to undergo training tomorrow, so he must seize the time to rest.

The late night in the palace belongs to the endless patrols of the Ouchi guards, who have stepped on almost every stone brick in the imperial city throughout the night.

And it's not just these Ouchi guards who are so busy, there are also three ferocious shadows.

As the only cat tyrant in the imperial city, the one-eyed civet cat was not in a very good mood tonight.

Fat Orange and Cow, who followed behind, also looked dejected.

While patrolling the territory, they were humiliated and persecuted by the hateful human race.

This is the first time in many years that the skin on the back of their necks has been touched by their mother except when they were young.

The humiliation of being unable to move and having to be played with by others lingered in Mao Ba's heart for a long time and was unforgettable.

After patrolling the territory again and again, it still couldn't calm down.


Mao Ba's back arched and his eyes looked fierce, obviously unable to swallow this breath.

Fat Orange and Cow followed the boss timidly, at a loss.

Mao Ba looked at the two of them, then tilted his head in one direction, which was the direction of Jingyang Palace.

Fat Orange and Cow immediately understood.

"The boss is going to find trouble for that kid."

The two of them looked at each other and understood that tonight might be more than just swearing.

With the boss's temper tonight, I'm afraid he's going to break in and give that kid a good beating.

Fat Orange meowed and solemnly accepted the order.

The cow licked its mouth with a greedy look on its face.

The three cats reached an agreement and headed towards Jingyang Palace in a majestic manner.

But before they could reach Jingyang Palace, the one-eyed civet cat walking in the front suddenly turned back and stared at the darkness behind it.

The fur on its tail exploded silently, but he didn't notice any threat.

Just when it was confused, a dark shadow with a faint light flashed past, as fast as thunder.

The three cats walking in the middle of the road were suddenly hit high like bowling balls and rolled all over the ground.

Among them, the cow reacted the most violently. It screamed incessantly, and kept spinning like a top. It was so frightened that it became incontinent on the spot, and its feces and urine were showered all over the two companions.

"Meow, meow, meow, meow..."

The one-eyed civet cat got up first and looked around in panic, but there was no black shadow anywhere.

There was no movement except for the screams of his companions.

"What was that just now!?"

The unknown existence made even the cat bullies afraid.

But as the top of its head became increasingly wet, it couldn't hold it anymore, so it rushed over and held down the cow, stopping its "sprinkling operation".

Although the cow stopped moving, its eyes were still empty and it kept meowing, obviously frightened.

At this time, the one-eyed civet cat saw a dark cat paw mark on the cow's face.

"What just passed by was a cat!?"

Mao Ba's eyes widened in shock.

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