
"Why did your feet feel weak just now? Did you step on dog poop?"

When Li Xuan returned to Jingyang Palace, he picked up one of his hind legs and smelled it. He retched on the spot and almost vomited out the undigested imperial meal in his stomach.


Li Xuan quickly put his feet down, not daring to smell it again.

"Forget it, it doesn't necessarily stink as much as I do now."

After he woke up from a coma, a layer of sticky, black stuff came out of his body and covered him all over.

And the smell was very pungent, which made Li Xuan feel dizzy for a while.

After he woke up, he went straight to Jingyang Palace, intending to wash away the smell quickly.

Although Jingyang Palace is a cold palace, it still has everything it should have.

Next to the well were several basins of water that Yu'er had filled yesterday. Li Xuan was not polite and jumped directly into a basin and started swimming.

The well water was cold, but it was just enough to cool down Li Xuan's still hot body.

After he woke up, his body was still unbearably hot.

If he hadn't confirmed the progress in his mind, he would have thought that he had gone crazy.

[Ten Tiger Forms: 100% (Perfect)]

Based on this, Li Xuan was convinced that the changes in his body were beneficial.

He had been running wildly just now, and it felt like he was flying on flat ground, with the surrounding scenery twisting and flying backwards.

I ran all the way back to Jingyang Palace in the blink of an eye, feeling effortless and not even taking a breath.

Li Xuan knew that his body had become stronger again, but it was still unclear how much stronger he had become.

He soaked in the basin, looking at the slightly blue sky with contentment, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"This feeling of becoming stronger is so good!"

The first ray of morning light pierced the darkness, and the sky turned white.

Yu'er woke up early as usual, ready to wash up and start today's work.

The maids and eunuchs in the palace are like this. They have to get up before dawn to work.

One good thing about her being in this cold palace is that her daily work is very limited.

After all, although the place is large, there is only Princess Ankang who needs to be served. If Li Xuan is included, it can be regarded as one and a half at most.

But both Princess Ankang and Li Xuan are very sensible and never bother Yu'er too much.

This made Yu'er's work easier, but at the same time it also made her have to always find something to do for herself because she was too free.

On weekdays, Princess Ankang gets up late and goes to bed early.

Therefore, morning and evening, Yu'er had some time to go outside Jingyang Palace to find some odd jobs, or take the work to Jingyang Palace to do it.

According to the rules of the palace, this is not allowed.

If it were somewhere else, I'm afraid Yu'er's ass would be turned upside down by her master.

A servant who does not serve two masters is a matter of loyalty.

But it's different in Jingyang Palace.

If Yu'er didn't take some outside work, I'm afraid their life would have been difficult.

It’s too tight to rely on the monthly basis alone, not to mention that the already thin monthly basis has now been cut again.

All night, Yu'er was worried about how to solve this month's expenses.

Even if she went out to find work, such a big hole would not be able to be blocked.

Although Princess Ankang was barely able to deal with it yesterday, as time goes by, the secret will be exposed sooner or later.

Yu'er sighed, took the washbasin, and came to the well to wash up first.

As a result, as soon as she arrived, she saw a cat standing and taking a bath, its head and body covered with white foam from soap locust.

A pair of powerful hind legs stood steadily apart, and the cat's two front paws were rubbing its belly secretly, as if there was some great treasure there.

Yu'er looked behind her silently for a few seconds, then rubbed her eyes in a daze.

"It seems to be getting violent."

But after Yu'er rubbed her eyes, this scene was still in front of her, so she shrugged indifferently.

The cat at home is just a human being, and she has gotten used to it.

One day this cat can go to the hall or the kitchen, I'm afraid Yu'er won't be too surprised.

"Axuan, why are you taking a bath so early in the morning?"

Yu'er just got up and asked with a hoarse voice.

As soon as he heard the sound, Li Xuan was startled and shrank up with a "meow" to protect his vitals.

His ears were previously blocked by foam, so he didn't immediately notice Yu'er approaching from behind.

Yu'er was amused by Li Xuan's actions and laughed. The fright and complaint in the cat's meow were immediately obvious.

"You little guy, you run around naked every day, but you're actually shy when you take a shower."

"Then you asked Her Royal Highness to rub your back before, how shameless!"

Yu'er joked and came behind Li Xuan, and then helped him wash gently.

In the past, Li Xuan always asked Princess Ankang to help when taking a bath, and Princess Ankang was always happy to do so.

This is the first time that Yu'er has done it herself.

Li Xuan was a little resistant at first, but soon he moaned in comfort and snored with enjoyment.

"You, a cat, are almost cleaner than humans."

"Not only did I take a shower early in the morning, I also learned to use soap locust."

Yu'er was sighing with emotion while rubbing Li Xuan.

She gave Li Xuan a bath for the first time and found that the kitten had grown up a lot. It not only had thick bones and strong muscles, but also had shiny fur.

Under the morning light, it was as soft as ink-dyed satin, with a deep red halo showing, which was extremely magical.

"No wonder Ah Xuan is so understanding of human nature. His appearance alone is extraordinary."

It was also the first time for Yu'er to observe Li Xuan carefully at such a close range, and she couldn't help but feel a little distracted for a moment.

"Who would have thought that the kitten that couldn't even open its eyes and was soaked in the rain has grown so handsome."

Yu'er was filled with emotion. While rubbing it, she said, "Axuan has grown so big before I know it. You are really easy to take care of. You can grow so well just by eating porridge."

"It would be great if Her Royal Highness the Princess could do this. Her body is already weak and she doesn't know if she will be fine if she keeps eating porridge."

Yu'er said this with a worried expression. She didn't know that Li Xuan often brought food from the imperial kitchen to give Princess Ankang extra meals.

In this matter, Li Xuan was not partial. He only brought food to Ankang and not to Yu'er.

But Li Xuan understood that even if one night, there was suddenly a plate of food on Yu'er's table, no matter how hungry she was at the time, she would not dare to eat it casually.

Although they are both poor people living in the cold palace, the difference in status between the princess and the palace maid determines that they will make completely different choices even in the same situation.

Princess Ankang will think that Yu'er secretly got some food for her, and then eat it gratefully.

And Yu'er will most likely report it immediately, fearing that the food of unknown origin will implicate Princess Ankang and herself.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan was helpless.

But now it's better, now he has stronger power, so he can help Yu'er more.

Yu'er gave Li Xuan a bath and kept talking about today's sorrows.

Anyway, she felt that Li Xuan was just a cat. Although he understood human nature, he couldn't fully understand what he was saying, so she poured out all the troubles that were buried deep in her heart and could not be told to others.

Having a pet at home does provide you with someone you can confide in.

Li Xuan listened quietly. Almost all of Yu'er's worries were about Jingyang Palace and Princess Ankang.

But no matter how hard and tired she was, Yu'er never thought of giving up and leaving here.

On the contrary, they are constantly looking for solutions.

This fifteen-year-old girl is very strong, and even makes Li Xuan feel that she is much stronger than himself in the previous life.

With Yu'er's help, Li Xuan was quickly washed and smelling good.

Li Xuan didn't shake his hair after washing, and waited for Yu'er to dry herself with a towel.

While Yu'er was wiping her body, Li Xuan suddenly meowed twice, then came forward and licked Yu'er's cheek with his tongue.

Yu'er hid behind itchingly and asked with a smile: "What, are you thanking me?"

"I also have to thank you for listening to me."

Yu'er rubbed Li Xuan's head and said sincerely:

"Axuan, you are so kind!"

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