Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 138 Space Anti-Terrorism Drill? ? ? Apart from our people, where else could this person come

This universe, space, earth-moon orbit.

Fang Jing doesn't know whether the space age will come or not. He only knows that he is in space now.

The Kunming ship immediately conducted sea trials after entering space.

All systems and all projects must be thoroughly tested.

Of course, the reason why we dare to fly directly is because of the intensive take-off and landing test data of Tissot.

For this reason, the regenerative life support system and take-off and landing system on the Kunming ship are absolutely error-free systems and have the most safety redundancies.

That is to say.

Among the ship's crew, there were two people who followed the ship!

Fang Jing and Zhou Yuan!

No, it should be only Fang Jing!

Because Zhou Yuan was helping the crew adapt to the weightless environment of space.

Fang Jing was doing nothing, floating around in the activity room.

Not to mention, the spacious activity room and dock cabin, the feeling of flying is really different from that of a manned spacecraft.

It's bigger here!

Flying is more exciting!

"Brother Zhou, where are we flying to this time?"

There was a Thomas U-turn, and Fang Jing came to Zhou Yuan in a roundabout way.


Zhou Yuan ordered the crew angrily and said this.


Fang Jing raised his eyebrows.

"Of course it's fake. This time it's mainly a preliminary test flight. It will take about half a month. At most, we can practice an emergency landing on the moon."

Zhou Yuan pursed his lips and said:

"You can go to Captain Wu to test the weapons."


Fang Jing instantly became interested.

Testing weapons was his favorite.

So, without saying anything, he went to find Captain Wu.

Weapon system!

The Kunming ship, as a space frigate, is naturally equipped with a sufficient arsenal of weapons.

Fang Jing was assigned the opportunity to test the electromagnetic gun.

This is an electromagnetic gun!

He was secretly excited for a long time.

As a result, controlling the electromagnetic gun on the Kunming ship is no different from playing video games.

Fang Jing is sitting in a spherical cockpit.

The glass in front of him changed color and simulated the environment outside the muzzle, making Fang Jing feel like he was in the universe.

Moreover, the dynamic system has helped Fang Jing identify all targets.

Look at the target in front of you and frame it.

Fang Jing became interested and asked excitedly, "Can I hit any meteorite?"

"Of course, our current direction is facing away from the Earth and the moon. We are outside the Earth-Moon system and do not have much equipment. This is now a natural testing ground."

Captain Wu Tong stretched his head and looked at the control interface of the electromagnetic gun, also very curious.

Now, the ship is parked and the deputy captain is on duty, so he has time to come here.

"That's good!"

Hearing this, Fang Jing no longer cared.

He took control of the ball-shaped controller and quickly locked onto the target.

At the same time, there is a small box in front of the whole face, framing the target.

The blue one is the muzzle box, and the green one is the target box.

When the two overlap together.

Fang Jing pulled the trigger without hesitation.


Only analog sounds appear.

Then, more than ten seconds later, violent explosions and flames erupted from the target meteorite.

In this way, silently, the electromagnetic gun hit the target! !

There were no explosions, no cheers.

In silence, kill the prey.

Even if it explodes, you can only see fireworks composed of flames.


It’s the cruelty and indifference of space war!

Fang Jing experienced the feeling of firing an electromagnetic gun.

It can only be said that this feeling is far less shocking than the artillery.

After all, the shock of the explosion and the ejection of the cannon is a real shock!

However, real soldiers really like electromagnetic guns.

At least their ears and eyes will be more protected!

Finally, I no longer have to endure the deafening sound!

Ears, saved!

In addition to testing various systems, the Kunming ship actually has an optional mission.

That is when there are no problems in each test.

Go ahead and crash land on the moon!

The content of the exercise is that a group of terrorists hijacked lunar residents, and the Kunming ship made an emergency landing to rescue them!

After various tests, Captain Wu Tong got a definite answer.

The Kunming ship can complete the entire mission.

Since it can be done, of course you have to give it a try!

This is cross-planet counter-terrorism!

How fresh!

Therefore, on the moon, in the Ural Plain, there was a scene that left the lunar base astronauts a little speechless.

At this time, on the moon base, Chen Dong was doing research outside the site.

He is driving a lunar rover and collecting lunar soil.

As a result, the smart terminal suddenly received information from the military network? ?

What was sent was a lunar map, which marked the Ural Plain, a place with similar terrain to the lunar base, but very far away.

The task annotation is——

[The above area is designated as a military exercise area. Unrelated persons are asked to stay away immediately. Warning, uninvolved persons are asked to stay away immediately! 】

? ? ?

Unrelated personnel?

Chen Dong froze on the spot.

Brother, look at this Nuo, which is as big as the moon.

Except for our three astronauts.

Where is anyone else?

Holy shit, what are you doing?

Just when Chen Dong was confused, a communication came from the base in the distance:

"Hahaha, the military is still good at it, conducting anti-terrorist operations on the moon! Dong San, Chen Dong, stay where you are, look up, there will be something interesting later!"

"Dong Yao, Dong San received, over."

Chen Dong replied, looking up with a confused look on his face.

What's interesting?

It took only a few seconds.

Chen Dong's eyes widened instantly.

In the distance, a huge spaceship, with a blue tail flame spraying from the bottom and tail, whizzed straight over his head.

"Damn, you are doing anti-terrorist operations?"

Looking at the huge spaceship.

Thinking that this is an anti-terrorist operation.

Chen Dong was confused.

? ? ?

When I typed the question mark, it was not me who had a problem, but you!

We came here in a manned spaceship, and the internal space is not cramped, but it's okay.

Where did this spaceship come from! ! !

What the hell is this!

Chen Dong looked at the huge spaceship in the sky with a confused face.

This is a real spaceship.

Compared with it, the manned spacecraft they were riding on could only be regarded as a three-wheeled vehicle in the air!

"Dongyao, our spacecraft can only be called an aircraft in the future."

Muttering a few words, Chen Dong looked at the spacecraft that was getting lower and lower from the ground in the distance, and suddenly a touch of excitement emerged in his eyes.

Good guy.

There is a spacecraft.

Can a larger lunar base, or even a colony base, be far away?


Colonization is too ugly.

A development base should be called a development base!

"Dongsan, yes, this spacecraft is really big. It is called the Kunming ship. It is a frigate developed by the military."

"It seems that the Earth-Moon Economic Zone is about to start business!"

"Hehehe, when we retire, we will run merchant ships in space, collect meteorites, and sell ores!"

Dongyao laughed and made a joke.

Turned his head and looked at the other side of the moon.

Their future destination should be... a wider ocean.

After all, who said they are experienced, old astronauts!


After that, it should be changed to astronauts!

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