Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 139 The gap between people is bigger than that between people and dogs!

Onboard the Kunming ship.

Fang Jing followed Zhou Yuan and got addicted to crash landing on the moon and fighting terrorists.

The task is actually very simple.

The object of the simulation was a terrorist organization that hijacked merchant ships and even took control of the lunar development base.

The mission of the Kunming ship is to carry out counter-terrorism.


In the end, the spacecraft stopped twenty kilometers away from the target.

Subsequently, the space marines inside the ship drove vehicles with various characteristics and rushed towards the target.

During this period, the Kunming ship also needs to conduct long-range signal and fire suppression.

Fang Jing also got into a car and cooperated with Zhou Yuan to rush in from the side and fire on the moon.


A small hill was blown down.

Fang Jing doesn't know whether this task is serious or not.

However, from the perspective of the scenery, it is quite interesting.

After all, they are the only ones in space who dare to say that they are a serious space force.

Is it possible that they rushed to the International Space Station to fight against terrorism?

Isn't this... bad?

"Okay, this mission is over, it's time for us to return."

Zhou Yuan took Fang Jing back to the Kunming ship.

The fifteen-day trial is over. The first phase of the Kunming ship's trial is over. All systems are basically working normally.

Of course, there are still some minor problems.

But most of it is a matter of system running-in.

Just go back to Earth and revise and modify it.

Just like this, this huge dark battleship took off from the moon again and headed back to the earth.

Now, the earth is equivalent to its home port, and the universe is an endless sea to be explored!

In the past, China only explored the edge of the "sea". Finally, it has the strength to go out of the offshore and move towards the ocean!

On the way back.

Fang Jing stumbled upon an interesting place.

On the hull of the Kunming ship, there is a protruding, all-glass platform!

This platform is very small, only two meters wide. When it shrinks, it is protected by thick armor!

Only when it is used again will the armor be opened and stretched out.

Stay in such a platform.

Fang Jing was in the universe, looking at the darkness and the blue planet in the distance, and he was only shocked.

Here, Fang Jing saw his own insignificance!

Afterwards, as it entered the earth's orbit, the outer reaches of the earth were full of garbage, which threatened the platform, so it was forced to close.

However, there are some coincidences.

The Kunming ship was descending, and unfortunately, it happened to encounter the International Space Station...

It can’t be said to be a coincidence, after all, the space station orbits the earth every 90 minutes.

In other words, the same point, the International Space Station, will appear again every half hour.

In addition, the Kunming ship is doing some experiments in low-Earth orbit and will stay there for several hours.

It can be said that if you encounter it, it is a sure thing!

Sharapova is an astronaut from Da Mao. As usual, she ate in the cabin of her own country and prepared to continue working.

The atmosphere on the International Space Station is very bad right now.

Because the three American astronauts are still up there!

They stayed for months!

And it's a pity that based on the information they got.

Today, America has split into the Federation and the German Alliance.

In other words, no one came to pick up the three American astronauts!

After months of anxiety and wrangling.

Finally, things turned around. The German Alliance paid and invited Da Mao to pick up the three astronauts!

This news has made the atmosphere on the International Space Station a little better now.

But not much.

After all, it's an aviation mission.

People are floating in the sky, but their underground homes are gone?

Anyone who encounters this situation is desperate.

That's how it used to be.

Now, the same is true for these three astronauts.

Grandma's house was stolen!

It is precisely because of this that the three American astronauts are not interested in working now. They stay in the observation cabin and look at the earth quietly, not knowing what they are thinking in their hearts.

"My home is on the West Coast. Joan, Orwell, your home is on the East Coast, right?"

Doug sighed and looked at the two people beside him with a complicated expression.

"Yes, Doug, who would have thought that our great country would be split into two?"

Joan had her blond hair tied up, heavy dark circles under her eyes, and a pale face, showing that she was not in good condition.

"Don't worry, Doug, we may have to rely on you in the future."

Orwell knew what Doug was thinking, and he sighed helplessly.

The German Alliance promised to take them back.

They will become tools for German League propaganda.

Perhaps, I can only stay in the German League forever.

And local man Doug may be able to help them tide over the difficulties.

"Well, you guys are going back. If you don't have anywhere to go, you can rest at my house first."

Doug murmured, his eyes fixed on the earth, as if he was greedy for this last scene.

This may be the last time they see such beautiful scenery!


Why, is there a black spot down there?

Doug rubbed his eyes, thinking he was hallucinating.

What is that?

"Orwell, Joan, look, the spaceship!!!"

Doug exclaimed and pointed to the edge of the observation cabin, somewhat in disbelief.


Orwell and Joan turned their heads in surprise and looked down at his hand.

On a much lower orbit than they are.

A huge spaceship stopped suddenly.

It was like a warship that dropped anchor in the sea, floating steadily in place.

Under the sunlight, the entire shell flashed a sharp cold light.

And, at the tail end of the spaceship, there was a low-visibility black five-pointed star!

Seeing this sign, not only the three astronauts, but also Sharapova, who was attracted by their screams, understood instantly.

This real spaceship belongs to a certain Eastern power!

"Since they have already built a warship... incredible?"

Looking at the spaceship with sharp lines and the five-pointed star that made her familiar.

Sharapova murmured in a low voice:

"We seem to be no longer a civilization."

Thinking of this simple international space station, compared with the sci-fi spaceship in front of it.

Has the technological gap between human civilizations become so large? !

Presumably, if the primitive people in the deep jungles of Africa saw the current Eastern power spaceship, they would exclaim and bow their heads in worship, and worship it as a god!


The same earth, the same species.

The technology between human countries.

The generation gap has been pulled to such an extent.

Sharapova smiled bitterly.

Other countries have not yet developed controlled nuclear fusion.

The Eastern power has already started to develop spacecraft!

The next step, are they going to break out of the earth?

This... is simply unimaginable.

"The former International Space Station, because it rejected China, tried to block them from the gate of space forever."

Sharapova laughed at herself and said sarcastically:

"I didn't expect that we were the ones who were blocked from the gate of space forever."

"Now, they no longer need us, they can set sail alone and head towards the vast sea of ​​stars!"

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