Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 152 Research results that are enough to drive people crazy

If it is said that the Eastern powers' entry into space only makes other countries feel unprecedentedly nervous.

Well, there are real benefits to be gained from space.

This made almost everyone else completely jealous.

Not only the citizens of the big Eastern countries have realized the importance of space through the simple and crude "more than five hundred meters of gold", but even the civilians of other countries are not immune to this news.

Nothing else.

Just because, this is gold.

This is sudden wealth!

In the face of sudden wealth, no matter which country or nation you are in, it is the same!

Simple, crude and efficient, it arouses people's inner greed.

Sometimes greed is motivation!

The engineering team of the ITER restoration project even tightened the screws three-thirds of the time.

The reason is simple.

Controllable nuclear fusion is the theoretical energy core of the spacecraft!

Even if they knew that, even if they could develop controllable nuclear fusion, they would not be able to build a spaceship in the short term.

But as long as there is something that can get close to that goal.

This is motivation!

With everyone's concerted efforts, everyone at ESA is delighted with the progress of the project.

The ITER project is finally coming to fruition!

A big country in the east, a base in the West Mountains.

Chen Limin walked up to Mr. Zhu with the documents and said softly:

"Mr. Zhu, our informant sent a report that controllable nuclear fusion in Europe is probably going to be completed. This is the specific data."

Since the revival of the great powers in the East, they have destroyed the American allied fleet in the Western Pacific and caused the split of the United States.

After entering the customs, there were great Confucian scholars who debated scriptures for the great Eastern countries.

Now, on the contrary, Omi has many, many dogs.

It’s against Tiangang!

This made Chen Limin happy.

Damn it, intelligence work is still so easy to do.

No, I want the controllable nuclear fusion data that the European Space Agency is covering up.

For just one sentence, informants in Europe rushed to send it over.


This kind of religious piety also made Chen Limin feel cold.

"Let me see."

Mr. Zhu became interested, opened the document bag, and started browsing.

Is this an artifact created by the European Space Agency, Damao, the German Federation and the American Federation?

let me see!


Look at the first page to see the detailed data.

Mr. Zhu couldn't hold back. If he hadn't received professional training, he almost wouldn't have laughed.

"The first wall is expected to be replaced every three months due to neutron irradiation?"

"It doesn't matter if this thing is used for multiple sets of power generation. It can be stopped in rotation, but I want to use it to build space warships."

"Not to mention other things, you will return to Hong Kong for overhaul every three months. Isn't this going to cause trouble?"

Mr. Zhu closed his eyes and covered his head.

It’s really hard for them.

Not to mention engine technology, they don't even have a shadow.

Just say that it is overhauled every three months.

This overhaul is not to repair the fault, but to open the cover of the spacecraft and replace the first wall of the reactor.


Mr. Zhu felt very happy.

Is this the difference between climbing technology and picking up technology?

Their scientists took over and started researching from the most advanced technology.

The key is.

Zhou Zhezhi gave them the database and established Kyushu United University.

In other words, they will have no problem mastering these technologies!

"Mr. Zhu, this is a helpless compromise made by the European Aviation Administration and others to the people."

Chen Limin smiled softly and explained:

"We have gained so much momentum recently that they have to come up with something quickly to appease the people."

"Well, although it's not a threat in the short term, if it really becomes large-scale, it will be a problem."

Mr. Zhu narrowed his eyes, and an inexplicable fierce light flashed in his eyes.

They actually have a plan for the entire solar system.

Moreover, Mr. Zhu is very domineering.

In his layout, the solar system can only have one master.

"Mr. Zhu said yes, what should we do?"

Chen Limin's eyes were gloomy and he made a slashing gesture with a sword.

He means.

Destroy ITER directly and secretly!

"Haha, Xiao Chen, don't always think about fighting and killing. You are too extreme."

Glancing at Chen Linong's gesture, Mr. Zhu chuckled, waved his hand, and said softly:

"Send a message to someone else."

"We organized a visit to the German Alliance and Da Mao to say that we have the intention to cooperate in developing space minerals."

"You go on to talk to politicians in the EU."

"Let's come up with a monkey version of controlled nuclear fusion."

"The ITER project will become obsolete on its own."

Dealing with white people, especially in countries that follow a voting system, is not easy for Mr. Zhu to handle.

Directly provide some sweeteners from the outside and win over politicians internally.

Politicians within them are willing to sell out their country for votes and money.

And this is a space mineral!

When the time comes, the big countries in the East will leak more oil than they have to work hard to fix.

Then, they will create a wave of navy troops in their country and sing "Building is worse than buying", and everything will be fine.

How about this method? Are you familiar with it?

This is called treating others with their own medicine!

"Yes, Mr. Zhu, I will make arrangements right away."

Chen Limin nodded immediately and said with an unconcealable smile:

"Ever since we defeated the United States and won the championship, everything has been reversed."

"With a little encouragement, it can really work."

"Haha, go ahead."

Mr. Zhu put down the document and smiled from ear to ear.


While Omi was secretly suppressed, the Jupiter Gravity was already on its way.

New world, new opportunities!

The gap will only grow wider.

Chen Limin left, and Mr. Zhu sat there and opened another document hidden under his hand.

"Node Universe Zhu Chengcheng personally initiated:"

"Dr. Hillier, through his research on the Progenitor Virus, successfully repaired the telomeres of mouse cells and broke through the limit of cell divisions... I have blocked the news and moved Dr. Hillier in the dark to continue his research."

"In addition, we have found the 'protagonist' Alice, and while giving her a stable life, with her consent, we decided to draw 200cc of her blood once a year, with a safe interval of one year, to provide Dr. Hillel provides research materials.”


The letter was written by Zhou Zhezhi.

It's paper.

The contents of this, if leaked, would be earth-shattering.

It is even more insane than controlled nuclear fusion and interstellar colonization.


Mr. Zhu closed the letter slightly and watched it slowly burn in the ashtray in front of him.

The content of this letter is so shocking.

This is something that can only be studied quietly and must not be known to others.

Even if it’s one of our own!

Dr. Hillel is truly the top biologist wandering the earth!

Under normal circumstances, biological cells divide a number of times, and this number is generally reflected in the loss of telomeres.

That is to say.

This is an intuitive reflection of biological lifespan!

In mice, the number of cell divisions is about 12 times, and the division cycle is three months.

In other words, the theoretical life limit of the mouse is three years!

And Cyril,

Let this number increase to 16.

In other words, the theoretical life span limit of the mice has been increased to 4 years!

This improvement is terrifying!

Dr. Hillel has touched the only area in this world that can make people crazy.


Even if it's not yet mature, life span is not determined solely by telomeres.

But, take this step.

It’s enough to make people crazy!

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