Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 153 Five skyscrapers flying in the sky

Europe, a familiar room.

Representatives from the European Space Agency, Damao, the German Federation and the American Federation had different expressions at this time.

The Mi Federation was livid.

The other three people had their own thoughts and kept silent.


The representative of the American Federation, Orr, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He slammed the table angrily, stood up suddenly, glared at the other three people, and said hysterically:

"You said you want to suspend the ITER project???"

"In order to restart this plan, we have paid so much price and money, and now you have gone back on your word!"

"No way, we will never agree!!"

"Your Excellency Orr, we are also helpless. This is a decision made by our government."

Da Mao’s representative waved his hands helplessly, and he also said with some annoyance:

"A diplomatic team from a major Eastern country came to our home."

"They promised to build cargo distribution centers in border areas."

"All kinds of goods with cheap prices, good quality and large quantities will be supplied to us."

"Also, there is space ore. Although it is just a little oil and water, it is enough for us to survive."

Mao’s representative was also helpless, but this was a domestic decision and he had no right to refute it.


Al roared angrily and turned to look at ESA with ferocious eyes.

"You too?"

"Well, our politicians probably took advantage of it and directly... agreed directly."

The ESA representative sighed heavily.


Al almost gritted his teeth and glared at De Alliance.


The German Alliance representative shrugged helplessly: "Maybe this is fate."

"Our politicians agreed without a doubt."


Al was furious.

He knew that this was not the fault of the friends in front of him.

These are short-sighted politicians.

They happily took advantage and won votes, then turned around and sold out their own national interests!

They are a bunch of insects!

"Al, I have some bad news for you."

The ESA representative paused and said in a hoarse voice:

"ITER's central hub has stopped production."


The repeated blows caused Orr to completely collapse.

His vision went dark, and he actually fainted.

Now he just wants to roar.

There is no shortage of tricks and strategies! !

ITER is about to restart successfully!

At the center of production in Germany, we are just one step away from being ready to go.

But now, this is the last step.

But it has become a natural chasm!

Everyone was dazzled by the ore benefits promised by the great eastern country.

Moreover, those politicians are still confident in what they say.

It is better to buy than to make.

The big Eastern country will soon release the license to sell controllable nuclear fusion reactors.


Selling license rights.

A monkey version of a monkey version.

It can only be used to generate electricity.

They will be trapped on their home planet forever.

Because the evil wolf of the United States has fallen, another wolf that is bigger, hidden, and more sinister and obscure than the United States has enveloped the entire earth!

The old colonial system is over, and the new tribute system will swallow up everything they have!

Al's moment of fainting.

It was as if he had seen their ending.

Great Eastern country.

Chen Limin looked at the news in the newspaper and couldn't hide the smile on his face.

Sure enough, Mr. Zhu’s suggestion was more reasonable and thorough.


Europe actually started to dismantle ITER on its own.

Just because the Eastern powers promised to build controllable nuclear fusion reactors there in the future.

Controlled nuclear fusion is not a solution for the big Eastern countries to keep covering it up.

Therefore, after the scientists made monkey versions of monkey versions again, finally, a specially made export model was developed.

Of course, exits don’t just build and leave.

The export agreement clearly stipulates that the exported controllable nuclear fusion power plants must be operated by personnel from the great Eastern countries.

That is to say.

What they bought was the right to use

This thing is still in the hands of the great eastern countries.

that's all.

People from other countries have to thank our family!

"You have to be a political person..."


Chen Limin didn't say it out loud, but everyone understood it.

Mr. Zhu is so amiable!

In this way, possible threats from other countries were completely nipped in the bud!

Domestically, we will completely concentrate on construction.

Early 25.

The country of the great Eastern country can be described in one word.

Big construction!

First of all, the construction of a large airport in the northwest has been successful.

This is a large-scale comprehensive industrial zone integrating air transportation, railway transportation and space transportation.

Almost at the same time, after the construction of this airport was completed.

The Eastern Powers announced.

The state-owned "Sky Mining Co., Ltd." was established!

This company is extremely powerful.

Just at the beginning of its establishment, five mining ships and ten sky and sky ferry ships were registered!


The five mining ships are of the 200,000-secret level!

That's right, it's the Jupiter Gravity Mod.

These five ships were produced at shipyards in Jiangnan and Dalian respectively, and have already rolled off the production line!

in the future,

The ore will be smelted at the Mars base, the Moon base and the Xirang base.

Then, the finished product will be transported to the airport by ferry!

Then use the various transportation of the airport for distribution.

In other words, in the future, the vicinity of the Northwest Airport will become a window from the earth to space!

Of course, it is only temporary.

In the future, there will definitely be more such airports across the country.

At the unveiling ceremony.

Hu Weibing, chairman of Space Mining Co., Ltd., cut the ribbon in front of the media cameras around the world.

The result was beyond the expectations of all reporters.

There were no fireworks or cheers.

Everyone in the company looked up at the sky, as if waiting for something.

"What are they waiting for?"

The reporter of Da Mao also raised his head and looked at the blue and clean sky, very confused.

"Maybe, some big shot is coming?"

The US Federation leader on the side was the same.

"I think the matter will not be small, don't forget that this is the 'airport'."

The European China reporter realized some problems.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking.

Several black dots appeared in the distant sky.

The black dots approached quickly at an incredible speed.

However, as if they were about to reach the destination, these black dots slowed down at a visible level.

"That is..."

The reporter from Da Mao widened his eyes and exclaimed.

"That is the mining company's mining ship!"

The reporter from Hua Guotong exclaimed.

Five huge spaceships were already very close to them.

In the northwest, it was morning at this time. Although the sun was mild, it still shone on the earth.

However, strangely, a large area of ​​shadow appeared at the scene of the entire press conference.

Five huge spaceships, separated by a very short distance, came together, covering the sky and the sun, a magnificent sight!

Everyone present understood.

Why did those Chinese people look up.

It turned out that they were waiting here!

Five huge mining ships were across the sky and above everyone's heads.

This is equivalent to five super-super aircraft carriers, or five skyscrapers, or five hills!

There is a saying that dark clouds are pressing down on the city, threatening to destroy it.

That kind of oppressive feeling is suffocating!

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