Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 169 Are you sure you are not kidding me?

This universe, Xishan base, underground.

Fang Jing woke up.

As soon as he woke up and felt the soft mattress under him, he knew that he was sent to the activity cabin in the disinfection room.

Sure enough, as soon as he opened his eyes and saw Zhou Yuan standing in the distance, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're awake, how do you feel?"

"Although Sun Wang and Wu Xi have given you a detailed examination, that thing is so weird, maybe there will be some sequelae?"

"It's okay, Brother Zhou, don't worry."

Fang Jing, who was lying on the bed, seemed to have thought of something, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he jumped up and climbed up directly.

He's energetic!

Looking at Zhou Yuan, he smiled, his mouth almost grinning to his ears.

"I'm glad you're okay."

Zhou Yuan raised his eyebrows at his weird behavior.

What does this kid want to do?

"Of course it's okay, hehe."

Shrugging and laughing arrogantly, Fang Jing raised his head and said casually:

"Brother Zhou, the weather is good today."

"How do you know that I hijacked a superluminal spaceship alone?"


Zhou Yuan's chin grew big, and he even staggered against the wall, with a face full of question marks.

"What did you say?"

"A single soldier hijacked a superluminal spaceship???"

The voice was full of disbelief. Zhou Yuan widened his eyes and pointed at Fang Jing, then thought about the size of the superluminal spaceship in his mind.

Fang Jing,

A single soldier, hijacked a superluminal spaceship!!!

Is this reasonable?

Is this possible?

Is there any law for this? !

Zhou Yuan was completely confused.

No, what the hell, what did you say?

In the monitoring room, Zhao Guangyao and others saw Fang Jing wake up, and they were all smiling, waiting for Fang Jing to rest and talk about the situation in the new world.

Old Zhu was still thinking about asking the experts to come over and discuss what to do next.

As a result, he heard this sentence from Fang Jing.

A single soldier hijacked a superluminal spaceship?

Superluminal, spaceship?


Zhang Guangyao had just relaxed and poured a mouthful of water into his mouth, and now he was shocked and vomited it out.

Damn, what did I just hear?

Old Zhu and Zhou Zhezhi looked at each other, their eyes full of disbelief.

This can't be blamed on them.

Anyone who heard this news would react in the same way.

In the disinfection room,

the air seemed to solidify, and Zhou Yuan raised his hand for a long time.

He stared at Fang Jing, his chin opened wide, blinked his eyes, and repeated:

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true, the real thing!"

Fang Jing smiled, made a Wing Chun start, and said with a smile:

"Not only that, the new world. The space door can already be opened!"

What is a surprise, this is a surprise.

The harvest of the new world this time was beyond everyone's expectations.

Not only was the space gate opened for the first time, but also, at the beginning, a spaceship was hijacked.

When Fang Jing told Zhou Yuan the details of the new world one by one.

Zhou Yuan narrowed his eyes, but he was impressed in his heart.

Good guy, it's really just as he said.

This is not just a single soldier hijacking a superluminal spaceship, this is a planetary spaceship hijacked.

"Alien: Prometheus"

237 plan, all personnel were organized to watch, analyze and write strategies, and even Zhou Yuan was a little impressed by the timing of Fang Jing's entry.

This is just right, all in one fell swoop.

Spaceships, biological weapons, engineers.

Mine, now, all mine!!!


In the monitoring room, listening to Fang Jing's slow narration, Zhu Lao was overjoyed and laughed with his head raised.

"Hahaha, great, the fleet of the Prometheus and the Engineers, including biological weapons, this time's harvest is the greatest in history."

"This is indeed a godsend."

On the side, Zhou Zhezhi also nodded constantly.

The node universe has just begun to leave the earth.

As a result, the new world directly sent a superluminal spacecraft.

Superluminal spacecraft!

With this thing, the original plan to move mountains would not pass!

By then, all the Earth will build large spacecrafts, and you can go to any planet you want, and escape however you want!

Looking at Fang Jing chatting with Zhou Yuan in the surveillance video, Zhou Zhezhi showed a complicated look.

But it was only a moment, and he recovered.

In any case, they are now completely free from the influence of the solar crisis!

"Old Zhou, this time, we have to rely on you. Superluminal spacecraft, with our technology, it is as difficult as ascending to heaven to reverse."

Old Zhu turned around and stared at Zhou Zhezhi, speaking sincerely.

This discovery cannot be swallowed by this universe, and it does not need to be swallowed alone.

Let Jiuzhou World help digest it together, and share technology. Isn't it more profitable?

"Although we are not sure."

Zhou Zhezhi exhaled, smiled slightly, and nodded to Zhu Lao:

"But we will do our best. I will go back and gather the top scientists in Jiuzhou and the world!"

Jiuzhou World has a huge advantage compared to this universe.

That is, there are no foreigners in the whole world!

Therefore, some things do not need to be kept secret.

For example, the intelligence of the "other world", Zhou Zhezhi dared to announce it to the world openly, and used all his strength to gather the world's top scientists.

But this universe can't do that. To do these things, you have to be sneaky.

This is why Mr. Zhu attaches great importance to the Jiuzhou World.

This logistics work must be done by the Jiuzhou World!

This universe Fang Jing creates a "new world", and the Jiuzhou World will crack the technology, and then work together to take off together!

"I'll leave these things to you, and our scientists will follow up."

After sending Zhou Zhezhi away, Mr. Zhu couldn't help but curl his lips.

This time, China is really going to take off!

As long as the superluminal spacecraft can be handled, the Eastern country can completely become a space-level civilization!

Imagine the intergalactic Chinese Republic.

What will it be like?

At that time, the solar system will be the capital!

The capital star system!

"I dare not think about it, I dare not think about it, Xiao Zhao, let the engineers speed up and build the buffer room for the new world as soon as possible."

Old Zhu showed a gentle smile on his face, and murmured:

"Is there still a living engineer?"

"Intelligent alien creatures, it's really rare, really study it carefully."

"The alien world has great potential, but the human civilization that can roam the entire galaxy is not easy to get along with."

The information of the aliens was called up from the computer.

Old Zhu frowned.

Of course, he would not really think that the people in the aliens were stupid.

They just lived in a vacuum area and had not encountered danger for too long.

Once awakened, the "vicious" side of human beings will reappear. .

So, the next plan must be careful and careful.

However, Old Zhu already has a rough idea of ​​the specific plan.

In the original work, the planet in the alien contract is very suitable as a base.

But even if it is superluminal travel, it will take three years, so this matter cannot be rushed.

At present, there is only one policy.

Store up food, build high walls, and slowly become king.

First, gain a firm foothold in the alien world!

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