Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 170 Let me show you what it means to be cautious!

Alien world, on the LV233 planet.

In the armored vehicle, Dr. Xiao and others are extremely anxious now.

They have awakened now!

However, after waking up, they learned about their current situation and were extremely desperate.

Not only because they had been exiled from the Prometheus by the invaders.

To make matters worse,

the two people who were missing in the alien ruins were also in danger and in imminent danger!

That's right, they were the two who didn't have time to return in the storm and got lost in the ruins.

Perhaps the storm outside was smaller.

At this moment, the radio station on the armored vehicle received the signal of the missing duo.

Listening to the screams on the radio station, everyone was silent and frightened.

"Damn it, it's wrapped around my arm, get it off!"

"Ah, you're making things worse, it's getting tighter, my arm's going to break!"

"Cut it off, cut it off!"

"Right now, relax, relax."



"Help, help!"


The radio station's voice was completely interrupted here.

"Damn it, Milburn and Field are in trouble!"

The captain shouted angrily.

These two idiots!

With a map, getting lost is fine.

Now something's wrong.

They're risking their lives to save them!

They're now waiting for two people to come and save them.

This is good, the Prometheus is probably going to be wiped out.


Vicks slammed the chair, and there was only despair on his face.

What the hell is going on?

Look at what her father has found?

Acting on his own and getting lost in the ruins?

Is this something a planetary exploration expedition team can do? ? ?

Rubbing his temples, Vickers felt full of regret.

I shouldn't have followed this group of vagrants!

Dr. Xiao also slumped in a chair, looking at the ruins in the distance through the glass of the armored vehicle in a daze.

This is the place of her dreams, the place to find the "creator" of mankind.

However, she never expected that it would also become her burial place.

"Boom boom boom--"

Just when she was sighing alone, the ground suddenly shook slightly.

This vibration attracted her attention.

Looking up to check the source of the vibration, Dr. Xiao's pupils shook suddenly, and she was shocked and said:

"Oh my god, look, what is that!"


The crew on the armored vehicle were all crowded in front of the glass, looking in the direction pointed by Dr. Xiao.

In this direction, through the glass, you can just see the airlock of the Prometheus.

It was precisely because you can see the airlock that everyone was stunned in an instant.

Because the airlock of the spacecraft was already open at this time.

One after another, camouflaged tanks with electromagnetic turrets were rushing out of the cabin at an extremely fast speed.

Driving out of the buffer plate and onto the land, the heavyweight main battle tanks directly raised a cloud of dust.

This is not a matter of one or two!

These are at least twenty large tanks, as well as infantry fighting vehicles of the same level or above, self-propelled "artillery", vertical take-off and landing army aircraft, and countless other vehicles.

This is a synthetic battalion!

The diffuse smoke and dust covered the glass of Dr. Xiao's armored vehicle.

In the car, everyone was stunned and recalled the scene in front of them just now.

The captain asked Vickers with a confused face:

"Do we have these equipment on our ship?"

"I don't know?"

Vickers was also confused.

Their small research ship can hold these equipment?

She was directly confused. Where did these equipment come from? !

"The Prometheus can't hold so much equipment."


Outside the Prometheus.

A heavy-duty combined battalion is building a defensive position.

"Quick, quick, build a long-range artillery position, let the tank troops advance, and the armored vehicles follow up, follow up!"

"Radar car, scan, scan!"

"Fire satellites, fire satellites!"

Armored combined battalion, 28 electromagnetic main battle tanks, 35 infantry fighting vehicles, more than 80 armored vehicles of various types, 26 vertical take-off and landing heavy-duty aircraft.

In addition, there are six heavy cavalry and 40 elite infantry soldiers wearing heavy exoskeletons.

A small steel torrent.

No, a small stream of steel, sweeping out directly!

The mechanical sound of tank tracks and the whistling of heavy-duty aircraft of the army rang in my ears one after another.

In the distance, a launch vehicle carrying an emergency satellite took off directly from the ground with a stock rocket.

The lv233 map is being lit up step by step because of the existence of satellites!

Fang Jing and others who followed the radar car looked at the team rolling up smoke and dust, and they suddenly felt proud.

All-round, three-dimensional joint landing operations!

"Okay, we have taken this area, and we are starting to build a supply station."

The smart screen in Zhou Yuan's hand showed that the tanks had advanced at least ten kilometers at a time, and the Army Aviation heavy-duty aircraft were patrolling in all directions.

The area has been taken, and the next step is to build a supply station.

Trucks came down from the deck of the Prometheus.

The fully automatic photosynthesis factory, oxygen collector, and filter were all lifted out.

Finally, the engineers entered the scene.

They want to build a comprehensive base in the control area in the shortest possible time!

"Food replenishment must be carried out in the comprehensive base after comprehensive disinfection."

Next to Zhou Yuan, the commander of the combined battalion, Cheng Yuan, seriously informed all commanders and squad leaders.

"According to the current information, there is a fleet of engineers on the planet LV233, as well as a large number of biological weapons."

"Attention, this is a biological weapon targeting humans. No one is allowed to contact it privately without permission."

"You have no exploration mission, just stick to your posts. If you find something unusual, don't hesitate—"

"Call the Army Air Force plane and blast it!"

Army aviation aircraft carry high-temperature plasma jets, with a jet distance of several kilometers and a temperature reaching millions of degrees.

At this high temperature, even if silicon-based life comes, it will melt into a lump for me!

"Yes, battalion commander, we will report it immediately!"

The monitors of each class responded immediately on the communication channel.

"Inform all ministries that the epidemic prevention requirements are the highest. Each person will be tested once a day, and the data will be imported into the database."

Cheng Yuan gave a serious order.

Assault on another world, another planet.

Be careful with everything.

Logistics, supplies, epidemic prevention, air defense, positions, soil detection, long-range fire, air power, space surveillance!

Don’t be careless in any aspect!

Even after taking control of this area, the Air Force aircraft began to use high-temperature plasma jets frantically to clean the ground!

With millions of temperatures, the soil was directly scorched and turned into molten rock!

This is just the beginning.

In the future, the entire controlled area and all the land will be burned and melted by this high temperature.

On this basis, a foundation is laid, thick metal plates are laid, and dense and full-coverage life detectors are installed.

In this way, it meets the one percent security requirement of the 237 Project security experts.

That’s right, one percent!

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