Alien world, LV233 planet, in the valley.

It took some time, and the land within ten kilometers near the Prometheus was all disinfected by "ultra-high temperature".

The originally brown land is now all charred and crystallized!

After doing this, the battalion commander let the engineers come up and start the work.

"We have launched a surveying satellite, and now the topographic map of the entire LV233 planet has been almost drawn."

"We have marked the places with problems and the places that may be the remains of the spacecraft."

Cheng Yuan shared the data with Fang Jing and the others.

The two opened the map and took a look, and immediately took a breath... the oxygen in their helmets.

I saw that at least ten points were marked in the densely packed contour map of the planet.

Not only ten, the number is still increasing, now there are eleven!

"Are these eleven suspected engineers' spacecraft?"

Fang Jing blinked.

There may be eleven!

This was far beyond his expectations.

Originally, he thought that the "fleet" of the engineers was only two spacecraft.

Because in the original book, at the end, David said that there were many more spaceships.

David used many ships, Fang Jing thought that seven or eight ships were the limit.

Unexpectedly, this number exceeded ten!

"More than that, this is just the ones marked now. The storm of LV233 planet is too big, and many places are blocked. We don't have time to use synthetic aperture radar."

This is the helpless situation now.

High-resolution synthetic aperture radar satellites are being transported here.

When it arrives, which can see through the clouds, these spaceship hiding places will naturally be exposed.

"Conservatively estimated, at least twenty or more, or even more."

Cheng Yuan's face was both happy and worried.


Fang Jing was surprised, and he said excitedly:

"At least twenty or more, if there are no problems with the spaceships, we can directly form a fleet!"

More than twenty spaceships of the Engineer Clan.

He landed and picked up a fleet directly!

Moreover, these are all superluminal spaceships, a true interstellar fleet!

"It's not that simple. Most of these spaceships are abandoned like here. There may be biological weapons leaking. We must be cautious when we explore."

This is what Cheng Yuan is worried about.

There are at least more than 20 spaceships.

They are in different situations. If we want to explore next, we have to make a more detailed plan.

"That's right. This matter can't be rushed. Safety must be guaranteed."

Fang Jing thought of the things on the Prometheus airlock.

The biological weapons of the Engineers brought back by David and the heads of the engineers brought back by Dr. Xiao.

They have all been placed in the airlock.

More than ten layers of airlocks!

In addition, the entire airlock has been sterilized at high temperature more than once.

When dealing with the alien world and the Engineers, we must follow the entire standard!

Any reckless behavior will lead to uncontrollable tragedies!

"Captain, the temporary detention center has been built!"

At this moment, the engineer sent a message.

The temporary detention center for the Prometheus crew has been built!

"Okay, take them in. By the way, the biochemical David, escorted at the highest alert, solitary confinement."

Even though there was a plan, Cheng Yuan still reminded him again.


The soldier in charge of escorting responded, and then joked:

"Brother Engineer, but we have made a 'safe'-like confinement place for this David that is made of all metal and has no gaps and can only be opened from the outside."

"Unless this David can defy fate, don't even think about getting out!"

"Got it, work hard, and be alert!"

The communication ended.

Fang Jing became interested after hearing the conversation between the two. He asked curiously:

"A 'safe'-like confinement place that is made of all metal and has no gaps and can only be opened from the outside?"

"What does this thing look like?"

Cheng Yuan shook the smart terminal in his hand and sent a picture to Fang Jing. He explained:

"This is the confinement place proposed by the expert group to deal with possible 'monsters'."

"Take a look."

Fang Jing received the picture, clicked it, and raised his eyebrows.

Good guy!

The pictures shown in the demonstration were taken inside.

The whole room is made of metal on all four sides. Of course, there are still gaps.

However, according to the schematic diagram, outside the gap, there is a layer of airtight box.

David was locked in. Really, Fang Jing couldn't think of how he could escape, except against the will of heaven.

"We will treat these 'guests' well, including those who are still in hibernation on the Prometheus spacecraft."

Cheng Yuan murmured.

It has been discussed above that all the crew members of the Prometheus who are in hibernation will be transferred down to continue hibernation; those who are awake will continue to hibernate after the resettlement site is built.

Only David.

He still has a great and unique use!

That is, he can drive the spacecraft of the Engineer Clan, and he knows the language of the Engineer Clan!

These are all needed for Plan 237!

So David must be kept well.


In the monitoring room of this universe.

This place gathers the top applied physicists in this universe and the Kyushu world.

At this time, they are concentrating on watching the video sent back from the front.

This video was specially filmed by soldiers on the energy cabin of the Prometheus.

The entire energy cabin was recorded.

In the video, there is a huge unknown cavity in the center of the energy cabin.

"Old Xing, do you know what this thing is?"

An old man with silver hair was confused.

Old Xing was originally one of the chief designers of the heavy fusion engine of The Wandering Earth.

Hearing that he was going to speak, everyone present stopped discussing and wanted to see what this master thought.


Old Xing's eyes, as deep as a lake, repeatedly looked at the cavity in the video, frowning for a long time, then slowly shook his head and sighed:

"I can't see anything in the video."

"Superluminal speed is beyond the scope of our industrial capabilities. If we want to reverse it, even if we put it in front of us, it is impossible for the time being."

"If we want to make progress..."

Old Xing's brows relaxed and continued:

"The most urgent task now is to disassemble the spacecraft reasonably and then transport it here, so that we can figure out its principles and then try to imitate the reverse."

Directly reverse the superluminal spacecraft.

Even if Old Xing had three courage, he couldn't say this.

The most urgent task is to first understand the principles of the superluminal spacecraft, and then simulate what it will look like based on the disassembled spacecraft structure.

The silver-haired old man sighed and said helplessly:

"Now, this is the only way."

"But fortunately, it is said that there are many spaceships."

"Demolishing a few of them will not cause any impact!"

To crack the superluminal spaceship, or even reverse it.

It's a long way to go!

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