Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 186 You guys are too slow!

It was pitch black, with only a few stars twinkling in the space.

The dense fleet,

the space around the ships, was rippling like a water curtain.

Even the light of the supernova explosion that had flashed for hundreds of millions of years was distorted.

In the center of the C-type spacecraft,

a black spot suddenly appeared, and this black spot caused the space around the spacecraft to accelerate continuously.

Even without turning on the engine,

relying on the squeezed space, the spacecraft has already started to sail at high speed!

"Target, Heaven Star, right ascension 47.6, ecliptic 39.8, location 87, target confirmed."

"The location has been determined, the course is calibrated, use engineers to mark course 236."

"The course is calibrated. Comparing the star map of the Engineer family and the star map of the Prometheus, there are no super-sized celestial bodies in the course, and the course does not pass through the main sequence stars."

"Course position calibration."

"This voyage will have 6 jumps, and the estimated voyage time is 2 years and 1 month. Everyone, prepare to jump!"

"Received the flagship message, prepare to jump!"

In the communication band of the spacecraft,

all captains are ready!

The course of the spacecraft has been calibrated, the engine has been started, and the jump engine is ready to go!


they have simulated countless operations in the virtual device.

Even, they have taken turns to operate the spacecraft and circled the LV233 star system for countless times.

But this is still their first time to conduct a real interstellar voyage!

Even if they knew the flight logs and operating manuals on the Prometheus and the engineer ship by heart, and could even press buttons blindly.


it was impossible to say that they were not nervous!

On the flagship, Captain Zhang Chu, with sharp eyes, said loudly on the communication channel:

"All ships are ready,"

"Respectfully inform all comrades on the ship who are not in hibernation, you must not be careless in the two years and one month of shifts!"

"The comrades in hibernation on the ship have entrusted their lives to us."

"Now, the time to test us has come!"



On the communication channel, the captains of the remaining 34 ships shouted in unison.

They will shoulder a heavy responsibility.

Not to mention the distant future, the lives of the hibernating comrades on the ship dare not be careless!

"Prepare for the jump countdown!"

While Zhang Chu gave the order loudly, his hand was on a button with a strange pattern.

The countdown begins:

"5, 4..."


With a sudden movement of his hand, Zhang Chu, who was sitting on the jockey platform, pressed the button suddenly.

"Jumping begins!"

In the quiet space,

a fleet of thirty-five spaceships,

the surrounding space, along the spaceships, presents a cone shape.

Then, in a flash,

the huge fleet disappeared!

The fleet has entered the jump mode,

officially marching towards the Heaven Star!

This is the first time that mankind has sailed across light years.

Although the spaceships used were "captured", it still has extraordinary significance for everyone.

On the surface of LV233,

the people who stayed in place looked at the sky quietly,

although they could no longer see the fleet.

But people still raised their heads and did not go down.

This quiet gaze is to offer the most sincere blessings to the warriors of the fleet on the voyage.

Perhaps, this is the charm of the great voyage of the universe?

Let the wind blow, move forward, move forward by any means!


The fleet has set off,

but it does not mean that their communication is cut off.

With Fang Jing in the fleet,

if there is an emergency, Captain Zhang Chu will wake him up immediately.

In this way, he can be directly teleported back to this universe to report the news.

After a long time,

Mr. Zhu retracted his gaze, and thought about the whole plan in his mind. After confirming that all the steps were fine again,

he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go. Next, we should study the problem of "black water" carefully."

Black water is the "biological weapon" on the spacecraft of the Engineers.

According to research, alien snakes are actually alien snakes.

This kind of snake is a creature that has changed from insects after being eroded by black water.

Now, they have "black water" stored on 35 spacecraft.

How to safely use black water for experiments has become a big problem now.

The think tank is meeting to solve this matter.

Mr. Zhu went there to get the final result.

The meeting was held intermittently for three days. Finally, a plan for the safe and reasonable use of "black water" was submitted.

In the end, the location of the experiment was selected in the Kyushu world.

There is a reason for this choice.

Because the think tank decided that

the harm of black water is too great, and biological hazards are hard to prevent.

Therefore, the research on it will use unmanned processes, space locations, and remote operations!

Caution, it highlights caution!

This is also the reason for choosing the Kyushu world.

Because at this time in the Kyushu world, the entire solar system is our own people.

And in this universe, there are still natives on Earth!

Although it is difficult for the natives on Earth to leave the Earth, it is possible that the other party will gather their strength and come with a fierce wave.

Unmanned control laboratories cannot be placed too far away because of communication delays.

In this way, other countries on Earth in this universe

may really be able to reach it!

If they can reach this thing, wouldn’t that be bad? !

At least a few aliens will be created in this universe.

By then, it will really be “brothers giving birth to aliens”.

If it is brought back to Earth,

then this universe will be doomed.

So Zhou Zhezhi decided to put this thing in the Kyushu world.

Directly draw a restricted area in space.

What, what if someone runs into the restricted area for his own death?

Zhou Zhezhi laughed.

Have you heard of a spaceship that stops working once it enters the restricted area?

That’s right, just add it to the background of all spaceships

and immediately shut down the power cabin and energy cabin of the spaceship when entering the restricted area.

In this way, who can still break into the restricted area?

"This 'black water', if used well, can rapidly advance biotechnology; if used poorly, it may lead to genocide."

At the meeting, Xi Ruier made a rare appearance.

It was really this black water that attracted him too much.

With a burning look in his eyes, he said to Zhu Lao, Zhou Zhezhi, and Wang Lao:

"The biotechnology of the Engineers is so interesting!"

"Now, with the help of engineers, I have the confidence to use black water to make some "interesting" things!"

"Interesting things?"

Zhu Lao raised his eyebrows and asked with interest:

"How interesting?"

"Hehe, create a fast-growing plant that can quickly change the atmospheric structure."

Shirelle grinned and whispered:

"I heard that the Node Universe has discovered a huge comet in the asteroid belt?"

"Zhu Lao, do you want to do something big!"

"To be honest, the Node Universe is too slow to enter space."

"It's totally sorry for the current technology. You know, the heavy fusion engine we have mastered can push the planets!"

"Just the technology of our Wandering Earth, if fully developed, can actually make the Node Universe a star system civilization."

"I dare say that this universe has not even developed 10% of our technology."

"Too slow!"

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