Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 187: Mars Transformation Plan

Too slow!

This is what Shirelle thought.

Of course, it could also be that the environment is different. After all, the node universe is not dangerous, so it is a little more comfortable.

However, no matter what,

Compared to the Wandering Earth in crisis, the productivity of the node universe is so explosive that it is not urgent to flatter.

It is not even 3% of the Wandering Earth.

You know, as long as the mountain moving plan is passed,

The Wandering Earth will build tens of thousands of planetary engines as big as mountains in more than ten years!

That's tens of thousands, not just one or two!

Although that is the result of the Wandering Earth's efforts,

The node universe cannot raise the global strength, and the domestic productivity does not need to be fully turned,

But it is not as high as 3%!

So the speed can be increased, and it can definitely be increased!

Shirelle thought of a topic, and his eyes lit up.

Planetary environment transformation!

In the alien world, Weiland Company has a product, which is the planetary atmosphere transformation machine.

But that thing is too slow!

It often takes multiple machines, and it takes several years to transform the atmospheric structure of a planet.

Shirelle had a topic before, using biotechnology to transform the planetary atmosphere!

However, how to cultivate fast-growing suitable plants is a huge difficulty.

However, now there is "black water"!

This "artifact" of the engineer family,

With the help of this thing, he is confident that he can create this kind of suitable fast-growing plants.

"But, Dr. Shirelle, what about the environment for plant growth?"

A biologist from the think tank raised his own question.

"If we want to transform the atmospheric structure of a planet to make it suitable for survival, I can only think of Mars in the solar system."

"But the temperature difference on Mars is too large, and there is not enough water to support the operation."

His words made the think tank people fall into discussion.

Some agreed, some questioned, some thought, and some people's eyes lit up.

"No, no, no, sir, you only considered the native environment of Mars."

Hierre waved his hand and explained with a smile:

"If we only use the native environment, it is indeed very difficult to transform Mars, but why only consider the native environment?"

Hierre recognized the knowledge of the biologist in biology.

But this time, he made a low-level mistake.

That is, he only considered the native environment of Mars.

But why only consider the native environment?

"For the heat problem, we can directly use refusion to become a heat source."

"Even bigger, directly in the orbit of Mars, build an artificial sun to provide heat, anyway, refusion, stones are not valuable in the solar system."

Hierre's words are shocking.

He held up a finger, and continued to explain in front of the astonished eyes of the think tank biologists:

"The light and heat problem has been solved."

"As for water, the fleet has discovered a large ice comet in the asteroid belt."

"It is said that this comet is not much smaller than the moon!"

Shirelle suddenly clapped his hands and said excitedly:

"Decompose this comet and throw it directly into Mars."

"In this way, the water problem is also solved!"

Light, heat, and water, the problems are solved, and the rest is left to plants.

As long as fast-growing plants that can transform the atmospheric structure are produced.

Mars may be transformed into a habitable planet!

A man-made miracle!

"In this way, we can even spread the cost of biological armor."

"We only need to keep the biological armor and maintain the function of the pressure in the organism!"

Shirelle's eyes became brighter as he spoke.

Yes, in this way, the cost and production speed of biological armor are not a problem at all.

The last problem of survival on Mars,

atmospheric pressure, has also been solved!

As soon as Xi Ruier finished speaking, the whole place fell silent.

Several physicists in the think tank immediately pulled out a suitcase-sized quantum computer from under the table.

They started calculating with a click.

The mathematician on the side also began to calculate sharply.

"If we only maintain the pressurization function, the biological armor-generating solution will be extremely simple, and the production difficulty will be reduced to the extreme."

"If we open ten production lines at the same time, we can meet the needs of 100,000 people in one day."


This transformation plan is feasible!

For extraterrestrial planets, it is impossible for each to be exactly the same as the earth.

So targeted modifications must be made.

"It can be done this way for the time being. Later, when we master the technology of pressurizing Mars, we don't even need the armor."

After the think tank's calculations,

this plan is really possible!

"Transform Mars?"

Zhu Lao murmured.

This is indeed a good plan.

On Earth, the Eastern Power is somewhat restrained after all.

Moreover, the Eastern Power will sooner or later go through this stage.

Humans who go to space must be different from humans who stay on Earth.

Because all the functions of the human body are evolved for survival in the Earth environment.

To leave the Earth and become an interstellar race,

humans must continue to "evolve", and this evolution

cannot rely on the accumulation of shit codes over a long period of time.

This time, humans will actively seek evolution and use biotechnology to make themselves more adaptable to space and the universe.

This evolution is of historical significance.

Its significance is equal to, and even in a sense, exceeds, the feat of fish choosing to go ashore in ancient times!

Fish that have gone ashore are no longer fish!


humans who leave the earth and go to space will eventually be different from the original humans.

This is also another kind of evolution.

"We will transform a kind of outer armor that can be shed. This outer armor only provides the function of maintaining the internal pressure."

"We will immediately demonstrate the feasibility of Mars orbit and artificial sun."

"We will follow Dr. Shirley to study fast-growing plants that can transform the atmosphere of Mars."

"We will be responsible for contacting the huge ice comet."

The people in the think tank were instantly excited.

Transform Mars!

This may be the largest transformation project ever undertaken by humans!

This is an important node in changing human history!

Everyone is proud to be able to participate in it.

Everyone stared at Mr. Zhu, waiting for him to come up with an idea.

"This plan is very bold and radical."

Old Zhu twisted his fingers, smiled softly, and said to Dr. Shirrel:

"However, for our current productivity, it is actually just like that."


"I agree!"


Now, even Shirrel was excited.

The think tank was even more excited.

"You should quickly form a plan for this plan and hand it over to me."

Old Zhu stood up slowly, a smile on his face.

"We are discussing Blackwater, but we didn't expect that the topic would turn to the transformation of Mars."

"Okay, let's stop here for today's meeting."

"We will continue the meeting tonight about Blackwater."

"You should take this time to discuss the plan!"

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