Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 198 What is this, what is this!

Kyushu, underground part of Kyushu United University.

Tang Weier is one of them.

He is an expert in spaceship design, but he did not have a family in the alien world of Earth, and because of his usually withdrawn personality, he did not even have much social interaction.

He saw the spectacular planetary engine.

Although this thing uses fusion, it has a huge size and a huge power that can push the earth.

There is no doubt that the materials technology of this thing has reached a ridiculous level!

And the world that can turn humans into "zombie" is also so magnificent and magical.

This is only two centuries,

And Tang Weier realized, aren't they the third world?

So, if you want to see different technologies in different worlds——

There was a strong voice in Tang Weier's heart:

Follow these guys and join them!

Join this thrilling adventure across the universe!

In the alien world of Earth, because of the entire galaxy and thousands of light-years, humans have not found even a single hair of an alien intelligent creature.

Therefore, the development of science and technology has entered a thinking bottleneck period.

Without passion, there is no theoretical breakthrough.

Tang Weier, who had witnessed the turbulent period of scientific explosion, felt very regretful.

He misses the years in 2030 recorded in the textbook all the time.

Across the world, science is making waves.

In the entire maintenance room, I saw the holographic image,

Several scientists were lost in thought, with emotions in their eyes.

And at this moment, Swick also sent the best assist!

"Are you humans from a parallel universe?!"

Regarding Swick's question, Mr. Zhu smiled lightly and affirmed:

"Naturally, we are humans from a parallel universe."


Hear an affirmative answer.

Tang Weier's eyes, which had been closed tightly because of thinking, opened instantly.


"Also, I have a book and a movie here that you can take a good look at."

Mr. Zhu knew very well that recruiting people into the group should not be done too hastily.

Only by visiting the thatched cottage three times can you win people's hearts.

First, take down the opponent with the power of thunder, and then attract the opponent with the parallel world and colorful technology.

Add sweet dates to the big stick, the degree must be controlled well.

And the book he put down and the movie he left behind are killer!

Because the name of the book is "Alien Collection Concept" and the name of the movie is "Alien: Prometheus".

After putting down the book and leaving the movie behind, Mr. Zhu waved his hand and then led the others away.

The preparation room was left alone in silence.

"Let's think about how to escape!"

Vickers, who hated being escorted away alone, turned back and said something to the crowd.

However, it was unexpected and embarrassing.

In the field, no one paid any attention to him.

Yes, who cares about him!

The silent scientists murmured in their hearts.

We've all gone through the damn space door, where can you escape to?

Since there is no escape, and there are such attractive technologies and experiences here, why not...

Seeing that no one answered him, Swick was suddenly shocked.

He came back to his senses,

The old man just came to introduce me inexplicably, and then left inexplicably.

It turned out that they were here to poach people!

Damn it, these scientists I brought here are really interested! ! !

Thinking about it this way,

Tang Weier had already taken a step forward and picked up the book left by Mr. Zhu.

At the same time, the movie left in the holographic projection was opened.

No matter what, we still have to see what this thing is!

Two hours passed,

The entire dressing room was silent.

Here, Tangwell and all scientists were directly silenced by this book and movie.

For two hours, they went through a complex psychological process.

From shock to indifference.

"Hey, hey, hey, they just gave me a book and showed a movie. You won't really believe it, right?"

Swick felt that he could still save a little more.

He wants to escape, not to be a prisoner!

But now, the entire crew of the Kuvit spacecraft,

Except for drivers, maintenance personnel and some scientists, most people were not only not afraid, but also very excited!

They also came back to their senses,

These "human beings" from parallel universes are trying to recruit them!

Recruit them, join them!

Swick's words of encouraging everyone to escape fell, and as a result, the scene was immediately awkward.

A flock of crows flew by...

No one responded to him!

"You are really crazy, they say they are human, that's it?!"

Swick gritted his teeth and said angrily:

"Maybe they're just aliens in human skin!"

"We have to escape, return to Earth, and let the military come over and kill these thugs!"

Waving his hands angrily, Swick just wants to get out of here quickly!


Facing his hysterical roar, the people around him still had a wait-and-see attitude.

At this moment,

The "reckless" attribute of people in the alien world is reflected.

Recklessness is not only reflected in the lack of a sense of crisis, but also in the lack of a sense of preparedness.

Now, in the entire maintenance room, Swick is the only one who can be considered a normal person.

Scientists like Tang Weier,

I have already made my choice in my heart!

The sight gradually moved away, and the surveillance camera in the corner of the preparation room rotated slightly.

"How is it?"

Looking at the reaction of the group of people in the surveillance, Wang Lao looked back at Zhu Lao and Zhou Zhezhi.

"The group psychological analysis done by psychologists is indeed correct."

Zhu Lao laughed:

"Given the situation of humans in the alien world, we just need to acknowledge the identity of humans and then directly state the situation."

"It is difficult for these pioneering scientists not to be tempted."

People are looking for "recognition".

Just now, if Horos replaced Zhu Lao, I am afraid that this effect would never be achieved.

"Now, there are differences among them."

Zhou Zhezhi pointed at Swick and shook his head:

"Some agree, some oppose, and some waver."

"Just wait for us to come with a heavy bomb, and we can make a final decision!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Zhezhi curled his lips:

"And we happen to have such a heavy bomb."

"Yes, after accepting this group of scientists, our progress can also be accelerated."

Zhu Lao nodded slowly.

The final blow was from Weiland.

The news that Weiland was cooperating with them was the ultimate move to break their psychological defenses.

It was not Weiland's status, but Weiland's decision.

Many times, with a "leader", people follow without psychological pressure.

"He's like this, so I'm fine."

This kind of fluke mentality, even if it's not so obvious, will appear in their psychology very obscurely.

"This group of people is already in the bag." Zhu Lao murmured softly, not paying special attention to this matter, and turned to worry:

"I don't know where Fang Jing's fleet is."

According to the plan, Fang Jing's fleet will arrive at Heaven Star in more than half a year.

That place is the top priority now!

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