Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 199 Welcome back, warriors from the expedition!

The scientists of the Kuvit defected!

Swick was helpless.

The scientists, led by Tang Weier, decided to join this group of "kidnappers".

The reason was simple,

because Weiland also agreed to cooperate with them!

Although it was also forced, there must be two.

In addition, there are also humans on this side of the universe, so Tang Weier and others have no psychological pressure to defect.

Explore more magnificent and magical world technology, human identity.

This is an invincible combination!

In the monitoring room, looking at the defection agreement signed by Tang Weier and others, Zhu Lao smiled more kindly.

He clasped his hands together, and his eyes, which were somewhat cloudy due to his old age, suddenly brightened up. His voice was hoarse but high-pitched:


"The Kuvit spacecraft has been fully taken over by us."

"Take this group of scientists, especially Tang Weier and Qiao Sen, and quickly dismantle Kuvit and Prometheus!"

"Quickly interrupt all explorations on LV233, take the samples, and immediately return to the node universe!"

The fishing operation has been completed, and the next step is to capture Paradise Star.

They have to complete all the withdrawal operations within more than half a year.

So that the space gate can be vacated!


Zhao Guangyao was ordered to quickly organize the operation with his adjutant.

This mission is very urgent.

It must be foolproof!

On the LV233 planet,

Except for the satellites in orbit, everything else must be evacuated.

Even the sampan of the tungsten cabin of the engineer spacecraft for takeoff must be split!

"Hurry up, including soil, rocks, scrape away everything that can be scraped away!"

Large-scale assembly engineering equipment is working non-stop.

The entire valley where the Prometheus is parked,

dense black spots, like marching ants,

They gather together, locusts pass through, dig whatever they can, and never show mercy!

These soldiers have already dug three feet into the ground!

If it weren't for the node universe not being able to let go, LV233 would have to peel off a layer of skin for you!

At the same time, the design drawings of the Prometheus and the Kuvit were finally made.

And, the two designers, Tang Weier and Qiao Sen, will personally guide them to disassemble!

The superluminal spacecraft belonging to mankind is officially disassembled!

After disassembling these two spacecrafts,

the node universe has mastered at least two superluminal engines.

And, the scientists who match the two engines will soon be in hand.

Mr. Zhu believes that

the superluminal engine is waving at them!

The node universe and Jiuzhou will enter the era of superluminal navigation.

In other words,

From the civilization of the star system to the civilization of the galaxy.

They only need a few years!

At this speed, any alien civilization that comes here will say "Fuck!"

This human civilization, fuck!

"Old Zhu, there is still more than half a year, you should go and have a rest first."

In the node universe, the disinfection room, Zhou Zhe sighed.

Old Zhu is too old after all. Now that more than two years have passed, he is old enough to need a wheelchair.

"It doesn't matter, I want to wait for Fang Jing to come back in person."

But Old Zhu waved his hand and chuckled:

"I must not be left out in the matter of seizing Paradise Star."

"And don't worry about me."

At the end, a trace of gloom flashed in Old Zhu's eyes.

"Some little guys should be beaten, hehe."


Paradise Star,

This is an extremely suitable planet,

There are water and oceans on the entire planet, as well as lush plants.

Small rivers converge into rivers, the mountains are green, and there are some local creatures that are active.

The planet has a thick atmosphere, and the content in the atmosphere is extremely suitable for human survival.

The key is that in a huge valley on this planet,

there are clusters of buildings standing up, and there are dense, huge humanoid creatures working and communicating.

And, in the huge square in the center of the settlement,

there is a hook-shaped spaceship standing up, rotating around the central axis!

This is the settlement of the engineers of Paradise Star!

"Buzz buzz buzz--"

Suddenly, the hook-shaped spaceship in the center made a mysterious low sound.

This sound, like the whisper of an ancient god, makes people inexplicably awed.

"Are our warriors back?"

"The fleet that once went out is finally back now!"

"The mothership has responded, and the fleet has at least entered the star system!"

"Dickon, we can finally leave this damn place!"

The engineer left on Paradise was puzzled when he heard the low sound,

but the old man who understood the meaning was ecstatic!

In 2000, the fleet went out, and 2000 Earth years have passed.

At this time, on Paradise, except for some dormant engineers, the others are "inferior products\

,"the dormant engineers who have been revived one after another and created "offspring".

They don't know about the fleet, and they are full of expectations when they listen to the explanations of some "elders" who have ended their dormancy.

The fleet is back,

they don't have to be trapped on this damn planet, they can follow the fleet to the vaster starry sky!

"The mothership is ringing, let's go to worship!"

The engineer clan is a declining population.

Dicken is the purpose of their tireless efforts to create black water and conduct biological research.

This is their ancestor and their God!

And this fleet is going to exterminate a group of failed experiments to create "Dicken".

Densely packed engineers walked out of the gathering place.

Following the low roar of the mothership, they began to gather in the central square.

Everyone gathered in this wide square!

It was a dark mass, magnificent.

They held their heads high, wearing linen robes, with hope in their eyes.

The fleet is back, and the heroes of their expedition are back.

Even though 2,000 Earth years have passed, they have changed several generations.

However, the "elders" have not forgotten, they still remember it clearly!

When the fleet returns, it will be the day when their new experiment begins.

As long as Deakin can be created,

the engineer clan will continue, and their clan will bloom again in this vast universe!

Create Deakin!

Strong faith made all the engineers in the gathering place of Heaven Star come out.

Even the most stubborn engineers were like this!

They came to the central square,

raised their heads together, and looked at the mothership hanging in the sky with sacred eyes.


The mothership responded, and the low hum made the engineers' eyes become fanatical.

The oldest "elders" gathered and staggered to the "altar" of the mothership.

They picked up the scepter, raised their hands high, their eyes were excited, and their movements were crazy.

After a long wait, hope finally came!

Welcome back, my dear fleet!


Let's start our next expedition!

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