Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 200: Go, go, go straight to Heaven Star!

Beyond the stars of heaven,

Thirty-five spaceships stood in the void, organized into a fleet.

The huge fleet is quietly suspended outside the planet.

If this happened on Earth, the humans on the planet would only feel fear and despair!

In the bridge, on the jockey platform, Zhang Chu stood up.

After two months of duty, he felt sore all over when he stood up.

"Every ship, we have arrived at the expected position. Now, wake up the crew immediately!"

"Quick, quick, take action!"

Time is running out,

According to Horos, the spacecraft cannot escape the mothership's perception.

Therefore, now on Paradise Planet, the engineers must have known the fact that the expedition fleet has returned!

They must act quickly before the other party notices anything unusual.


Zhang Chu ordered the entire fleet and quickly ran to the sleeping cabin.

Rows of dormant cabins erected like silkworm cocoons were all awakened by him.

And his ultimate goal is the most tightly protected inner dormant cabin.

Press and hold the button, the sleep chamber slowly deflates, and the protective shell opens.

Fang Jing woke up in a daze.

"Colonel Fang Jing, we have arrived. Please follow the mission requirements and teleport back to the node universe immediately. Time is running out!"

Zhang Chu pulled the awakened Zhou Yuan over and then quickly returned.

In the distance, sober soldiers have begun to line up!

"A group of twelve people are in place to immediately inspect the weapons systems."

"The second group is in place, hurry up, fill up the weapons and prepare for release."

"Three teams are in place and are conducting mobile physical examinations on all crew members."

The entire cabin was now in a hurry.

The pre-rehearsed operations have been engraved in the muscles of these soldiers.

As soon as he woke up, according to the pre-drill, the huge fleet war machine immediately began to operate non-stop!

The effect of the medicine in Fang Jing's body gradually faded, and he woke up at this moment.

"We're here!"

With excitement in his heart, he immediately turned to Zhou Yuan and said:

"I will return to the Node Universe immediately!"

Time was running out, Zhou Yuan also woke up and immediately pulled up Fang Jing's seat belt.

Then, with a swish sound, Fang Jing disappeared from the spot.

This universe, the underground part of Xishan Base.

The evacuation of Alien World LV233 has been completed.

All spaceships and ruins have been moved to Kyushu United University.

Now, the entire Project 237 system is waiting anxiously.

Waiting for Fang Jing’s message!

In the monitoring room, Zhao Guangyao has been guarding here for several months.

The No. 4 backup disinfection room was the agreed location where Fang Jing showed up.

"According to the speed of the Engineer family's spacecraft, it should have reached the vicinity of Paradise Star by now."

Zhou Zhe moved the holographic projection in front of him, opened his hands, and magnified it to the extreme.

This is a copy of the star map of the Engineers. At this time, the Heaven Star is in the center.

"That's right, it's probably the past few days."

Zhao Guangyao has great confidence in Zhang Chu and Fang Jing.

In the alien world, they will definitely be able to complete their mission safely!


Mr. Wang nodded affirmatively.

He also believed that Fang Jing and the others had saved their world.

They have created enough miracles, and there is no problem in having one more!

"Didi didi——"

Right now, right now.

There was a harsh buzz from the surveillance camera in the No. 4 disinfection room.

"This is……"

Mr. Wang’s eyes were excited.

"Fang Jing is back!"

Zhao Guangyao stood up excitedly and immediately cut out the screen.

In the disinfection room No. 4, a familiar figure suddenly appeared.

"Mr. Zhu, Brother Zhao, has the evacuation of LV233 been completed?"

Fang Jing went straight to the point without any hesitation.

"Already cleaned up!"

Zhao Guangyao took a deep breath and immediately continued:

"You can take back the space door directly."

"Well, I will take back the space door immediately and wait for the good news from our side!"

Fang Jing quickly left the disinfection room and headed towards the No. 3 disinfection room where the alien world space door was placed.

After retracting the space door, without any hesitation, Fang Jing disappeared again and returned to the fleet.

As soon as he appeared, Zhou Yuan was beside him, pulling him towards the equipment room.

"We immediately put on the heavy cavalry armor and will try to enter the orbit of the Paradise Star!"

For safety reasons, the two put on heavy cavalry.

At this moment, in the cockpit of the flagship, Zhang Chu took a deep breath and issued the order with difficulty.

"Assault ship, get ready!"

Heaven Star has no defensive power?

Horos said so, and so did the other engineers.

But when they say this, people in the think tank don’t believe it easily.

There must be some temptation!

So, there is this scene.

Let a C-type spacecraft act as a forward and try to make contact.

"The raiding ship is ready, Zhang Chu, why do you sound like a mother-in-law?"

The raid captain, Chen Mian, grinned with a somewhat disdainful tone.

"You guys... pay attention to safety and get ready."

On the other side of the call, Zhang Chu's voice was a little dull.

As raiding ships, they will be the first to test!

Although in the original work, David piloted the spaceship and entered Paradise Star casually.

But who can be sure that it will be the same as the original?

So, the assault ship has great risks.

Chen Mian disdains this danger.

When he was a paratrooper, he was stabbed in the ribs by a branch during a landing.

What danger has he not seen?

Just death!

To die for the country is the highest honor for him!

Since joining the Xishan Base and the 237 Project, they have been ready at any time.

Looking at the magnificent heavenly star that is carved out of the same mold as the earth, Chen Mian grinned and turned his head to look at the intelligence adjutant and the munitions adjutant who were assisting in the distance, as well as the many soldiers who were fixing themselves in the passage.

They had firm faces and firm eyes.

At this time, Chen Mian remembered a song and the lyrics.

"I don't need you to know me, I don't want you to know me, I will blend my youth into you, into you..."

The melodious melody sounded in his mind, Chen Mian laughed loudly, looking at the crew on the ship:

"Comrades, are you afraid?!"

"Captain, give the order, if you are afraid, we will follow you to the raider?"

"That's right, if you are afraid, I applied to be transferred from logistics?"

"No fear, give the order!"

Looking at the fearless crew, Chen Mian grinned.

"You are worthy of being my soldiers!"

After saying this, he looked serious and put his hand on the knob on the jockey platform:

"That's good, now I give the order: Comrades, follow me! Let's see what this Paradise Star is like!"

In the fleet, the outermost ship, the raider, suddenly accelerated and gradually left the team.

They will be the vanguard and go straight to Paradise Star.

No matter what danger, no matter what predicament,

They will take the risk for the fleet!

Go, go, go!

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