Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 209: Sliding on his knees

He Guang was really confused.

What's going on? !

I was just calculating!

What happened!

The guard in black metal armor rushed over and held He Guang's arm without saying anything.

The two guards worked together to handcuff him.

"Wait, what happened? You can't do this!"

He Guang realized that something was wrong and tried to struggle desperately.

It might be a problem with the installation of the colonization suit, and he was very strong.

The two guards almost couldn't hold him down!

"Explain it when we get there!"

Looking at the resisting He Guang, one of the guards stared.

Hey, I have a bad temper.

Originally, the engineer secretly communicated under his nose, which made him a little embarrassed.

Now the two of them can't suppress a mere alien! ! !

"Get out of the way!"

His fist was hard!

The guard's fist was really hard!

He shouted, his hand tightened, and a mechanical sound came out of the heavy exoskeleton.

"Energy output 25% release"

The exoskeleton mechanical arm exerted force, and He Guang, who was struggling with all his strength, was pressed to the ground and could not move!


The electronic shackles were put on.

The current on the feet made He Guang only spend... well, twitching for three seconds, and then decisively admitted his defeat and stopped struggling.

When he was dragged out of the detention room with his head drooping, He Guang glanced sideways...

Sure enough, Nodas was also dragged out.

The two looked at each other, with only despair on their faces.

Now, don't think about escaping!

All the suspected engineers were arrested!

Here, the spaceship landed and the hatch opened.

Under the protection of the guards, Zhou Zhezhi, Wang Lao and Zhu Lao robots took Fang Jing and others off the spaceship.

The highest elder of the engineers saw that several people had extraordinary identities.

He pushed the secondary elder beside him away, took a step forward, stared at the Zhu old robot, and asked calmly:

"Why did you come here?"

"Haha, let's not talk about it for now."

The Zhu old robot glanced at it, looked at the few people who tightened their earphones and looked weird, and then chuckled and said:

"Let's talk about the problems of He Guang and Nodas first."


When the secondary elder heard these two names, his pupils shrank.

"What's wrong with them!"

"How do you know about them!"

"Shut up!"

The highest elder shouted angrily and covered his forehead. He understood instantly.

The previous secondary elder repeatedly assured that there was no wiretapping and monitoring in the prison, which was all bullshit!

Now it's good, the underwear has been seen through!

At this point, it's better to get straight to the point!

The Supreme Elder sighed, raised his head and looked at Zhu Lao and asked:

"We are no longer in the original universe. What is the purpose of arresting us?"

"You are very smart. This is indeed another universe."

"As for the purpose of arresting you, it is for technology."

Zhu Lao also spoke frankly.

He already had the trump card in his hand, so he was naturally fearless.

"For technology?!"

This plain answer made the Supreme Elder raise his eyebrows.

He glanced at the ferry.

The technology of this spaceship was so poor that it was unsightly.

The Supreme Elder suddenly understood something.

This is an extremely lucky civilization. It was lucky enough to get the machine that the super civilization used to travel through parallel universes, and now it is trying to plunder the technology of various parallel universes!


"Why should I cooperate with you?"

The Supreme Elder looked down on Zhu Lao.

It is wishful thinking for a weak civilization to want their scientific and technological achievements!

Even if they are caught, what's the problem?

The engineer civilization is destined to decline!

For a race destined to decline, does it matter who disappears in the hands of?

For the Supreme Elder, he doesn't care about anything else except saving the engineer civilization!

Even if it costs him to kill all the engineers here, he doesn't care!

If Deacon can't be created, these people will eventually die!

No matter who takes action, it's the same!

"I know what you need."

Zhu Lao had already known the character of this "Supreme Elder" in advance.

So he was not surprised by his words.

"You know?"

Mentioning this, the Supreme Elder got angry, and he was about to rush over to question Zhu Lao fearlessly:

"Who, who betrayed us!"

"I will feed him black water myself and offer him to Deacon!"

"Back off!"

Seeing that the Supreme Elder was not honest, the guard held the electric fork and blocked him.

"Ah, who is it, who dares to betray us!"

As a result, unexpectedly,

even though he was electrocuted and twitched all over, the Supreme Elder still dug his hands on the ground, struggling to crawl over and question Zhu Lao.

Questioning the betrayer of their race,

who is it! ! !

Electric sparks flashed on his body. The old supreme elder had a ferocious look on his face, and his fingers left dark scratches on the ground.

He twitched and struggled to climb forward.

He was determined to tear those who betrayed the tribe into pieces!


In the distance, Zhu Lao, Zhou Zhezhi, Wang Lao and Fang Jing were silent when they saw this scene.

Sure enough, it was just as Horos said.

The fanatical elders of their tribe only cared about the continuation of their species.

They only cared about the glory of their tribe!

Even if he is electrocuted now, he will still use his broken body to express his anger against the traitor!

Horos was right.

This is also the reason why he refused to come.

Their elder is a tough guy, a smelly, old guy!

If he comes, the elders will kill him even if they risk their lives!

"Okay, Elder Dino, let's talk about the terms."

Mr. Zhu deeply felt the spirit of Elder Dino who was willing to sacrifice everything for the ethnic group, so he wanted to seek a future for his ethnic group.

"I have learned the conditions that can impress you and make you willing to help us."

"What did the traitor say!"

The Supreme Elder Dino, thinking about it with his toes, knew that this must be the opinion given by the traitor.

Damn you bastard with your elbows turned out!

"You also know that we have the ability to travel to parallel universes."

Mr. Zhu looked at Dino and smiled softly.


Dino saw the smile in Mr. Zhu's eyes and realized something.

He didn't know why, but he was inexplicably looking forward to it.

He didn't know what he was expecting, but he was expecting it anyway.

Just as he was thinking, the next words of the human in front of him made his breath almost freeze.

"We are about to be transported to a new parallel universe, and there may be an extremely developed biological civilization in that universe."

Mr. Zhu shook the robot's hand and said with a chuckle:

"That biological civilization has even mastered the technology to open wormholes."

"It is a completely different biological civilization from yours."

The ace was thrown out!

After the words fell, Dino's eyes widened.

What did he hear? !

A biological civilization different from engineers, the kind in a parallel universe that can open wormholes!

Almost instantly, it only took a ten thousandth of a second for Dino to subconsciously make an almost instinctive decision at the fastest speed in his life.

He quickly slid to his knees and fell to his knees!

He looked at Mr. Zhu with such sincere eyes that tears filled his eyes:

"Whatever technology you want, how you want to cooperate, I agree!"

"As long as we are exposed to the scientific and technological achievements of that biological civilization!"

He, the supreme elder of the Engineer Destruction Faction, fell to his knees!

Really, really delicious!

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