Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 210 Cooperative Development

The engineer clan, or the jockey clan.

This is an ancient race that once dominated the alien world.

It is the unquestionable dominant civilization in the galaxy.

However, just like the sun rising in the east and setting in the west, this dominant civilization is now on the verge of extinction.

The genetic sequence of the engineers, or the genetic sequence of the biotechnology they rely on, can no longer reproduce and evolve!

It's like evolution,

Once you change something, you can never change it back!

The genes their civilization relied on, the genes inherited from their ancestor Deacon, were no longer able to reproduce and evolve.

Unable to evolve, but unable to go back, their civilization has fallen into despair amid the predicament.

In order to save themselves, they only chose to create the ancestor "Dickon".

Black water is Deacon's blood.

However, it was clear that their research had come to an end.

With the technology they have at their disposal, they simply cannot accomplish this task.

In their embarrassment, the remaining engineers split into two groups.

The creation faction uses flying saucer-shaped spaceships, and the destruction faction uses C-type spaceships.

Dino is the destroyer, and they are more inclined to reshape Deacon through destruction.

Let the engineer family start to evolve again from the ancestor Dickon and regain its former glory!

However, as of now, it is the moment when I meet Mr. Zhu.

Go to their destructive side, go to their creative side.

Damn it Deacon!

A biological civilization that is not weak in strength!

If we can obtain each other's scientific results, we can expand different biotechnology ideas.

Dino has absolute confidence that engineers can continue to be brilliant!

You don’t have to rely on Deacon to continue their genetic sequence and break through the bottleneck of biotechnology!

Looking at Mr. Zhu, Dino's eyes were fiery.

Not only him, but several junior elders who were struggling frantically to save Dino also stopped. The fire flashing in their eyes could burn people!

"Have you really thought about it?"

Mr. Zhu looked at Dino with calm eyes and made a final affirmative inquiry.

"We have already thought about it. As long as what you say is true, we can cooperate however you want!"

Dino patted his chest and said with uncontrollable excitement:

"I know you can travel to different parallel universes."

"We will do things for you. When you don't need us anymore, just find a universe you don't need and throw us in."

"That's our only request!"

When he said this, Dino crossed his right hand across his chest and bowed slightly to show his submission.

This was his only request.

"I promise you."

Mr. Zhu nodded slightly.

This is an expected request.

It's still a long time, even if there is no suitable universe, isn't there still a wandering earth?

Let’s “eat” these engineers first!

"Then, happy working together."

“Happy to work with!”

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Deacon bowed slightly.

A biological civilization that is completely different from their technological route.

This is a godsend!

The problem of their racial decline has finally come to an end!

Deacon bless you, bah, I don’t rely on Deacon anymore!

After Mr. Zhu and others left, Dino suddenly raised his head, grabbed his body and ordered to the junior elder:

"Let me stop those inferior goods!"

"Wait, wait for our hope!"

This universe, the underground part of Xishan Base.

"So, not only did we win cooperation with the engineers, but we also found out the identity of the core scientists?"

Fang Jing was stunned when he heard this.

This plan is one light and one dark, one yang and one yin.

Damn it, the other party only had the option of accepting it from the beginning.

"Xiao Fang, the think tank has made clear arrangements. In this situation, it is best for Dino to accept it!"

Robot Mr. Zhu let out a familiar laugh and laughed twice.

"So, once it's confirmed that the new world is "Pacific Rim", will the engineers join us?"

Fang Jing raised his eyebrows, this combination is a bit magical!

"Of course, they're going to be crazy about it."

Zhou Zhe was sure.

A biological civilization that has reached its terminal stage suddenly hears about a biological civilization with a different route.

Like a drowning person holding on to a rope.

Zhou Zhezhi was sure that it was because they had also experienced this kind of despair.

The despair of civilization extinction!

It is precisely because of this experience that he understands how precious hope is to the engineers.

"Good guy!"

After receiving an affirmative answer, Fang Jing also smacked his lips.

This is a moment of silence for the aliens in the world of Pacific Rim.

Because they are about to face a joint attack from humans and engineers!

Remember that alien named "Pioneer", right?

A second of silence for the pioneers!


"Then when will we go to the New World?"

Fang Jing was silent for a second and continued to ask.

He saw that the matter on Paradise Star seemed to be coming to an end.

"Come on, we have to train you before we go."

Zhao Guangyao suddenly showed a "core good" smile, walked over and patted Fang Jing on the shoulder.

"Wha, what training?"

Fang Jing sighed inwardly.

I still remember Brother Zhao’s expression last time. He was almost dehydrated while running with Brother Zhou!

It's going to happen!

"Of course it's a special training for the world of Pacific Rim!"

"Come on!"

Zhao Guangyao's tone suddenly changed, with a hint of... gloating.

"Wait, I'm not ready yet!"

"The battlefield won't give you time to prepare, Zhou Yuan, catch him!"

"Hey, Brother Zhou, damn, you're just resisting me???"

So, Fang Jing was carried out of the disinfection room by Zhou Yuan.

Of course, this was just a joke among the three.

In fact, the daily life of the base is almost like this.

It seems that it has become a habit for the three people to pit each other.

Zhu Lao and others looked at the three people who left, shook their heads and chuckled: "It's good to be young. If you don't miss us, you can't even make trouble."

After speaking, Zhu Lao glanced at Wang Lao with a head full of silver hair.

"Hey, don't look at me, you are a robot now, if you mess around, I will die for you to see."

Glancing at Zhu Lao, Wang Lao saw through his thoughts in a second and directly refused.

Damn it, your robot body, make trouble for me, I told you to cry and beg me, do you understand?

Cry and beg me not to die!

"Okay, next we should plan the development of Paradise Star."

Zhou Zhezhi pressed his hand, retracted his gaze, turned his head and continued:

"The matter of the new world has to wait until Xiao Fang completes the training. Next, we should think carefully about how to arrange Paradise Star."

"This planet is incredible!"

"Also, how is the spacecraft going?"

"It's almost done, that thing can't be rushed."

When it comes to business, Zhu Lao's face is serious: "The spacecraft is in the orbit of Mars and it's almost assembled."

"Since it is reassembled after disassembly, we need detailed and careful verification."

"After all, it is a superluminal spacecraft. No one can guarantee whether there will be any problems after disassembly and reassembly!"

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