Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 292 If logic doesn’t work, then we can only talk about physics (1/2)

On board the Awakening of Obscurity,

Cheng Li stroked the water easily.

This ship is an overseer, responsible for towing an opponent's shield ship during the entire process.

Otherwise, let the Aegis-class ship the Aegis Awakening take full action.

Even if everyone on one side is sent to the other side, this ship won't be enough to kill them.

It's still a bit of a practical exercise.

"Hey, Lao Cheng, do you think the other side will really attack?"

"Why not? They will definitely take action."

Cheng Li waved his hand and said nonchalantly:

"The value of the superconducting ore on Pandora is not simple."

"Hahaha, yes, but the people in the planning team are really thieves."

The intelligence adjutant chuckled:

"If this human being uses human ethics and morals and retreats seriously, we will treat them as human beings; but if the other side wants to use the rules of the universe to deal with us, then we will not be polite."

"But the people in the planning team used an unsolvable conspiracy."

"This is superconducting ore. Even if they take action, the interested parties on the earth can help them cover it up."

As for the rules in the universe - there are no rules!

Friendship, interest, hatred, ethics, and morality do not exist in the vast universe.

Use the rules of the universe to deal with it, that is a real unrestricted fight, the kind that can kill you!

Armed colonial ship, in the wheelhouse.

Snog hesitated, on the one hand moral, on the other hand endless wealth.

If they win, they can resume mining on Pandora and take a fleet of ore back.

That is endless wealth.

As for the target of the frame-up, they have already thought about it.

Aren’t they the guys across from us?

Do you think the colonial armed ships have never had the idea of ​​​​Pandora?

It's just that Snog was really helpless before. There were only a few parties and ships operating around the solar system.

If he had really taken action before, he would have been locked in two seconds as soon as the news came.

Then he was hunted down and died.

But things are different now. There is someone who can take the blame.

Greed came back to him.

After hesitating for a moment, he realized that the strength of the opponent's fleet in the detection direction was almost the same as his own energy level, so he only had the last concern...

"Scout, does the other ship have an energy shield?"

Snog turned his head and his tone was filled with suppressed excitement.

"Under analysis, it was detected that a tiny meteorite flew by and was blocked in front of the opponent's ship No. 1-3, while spacecraft No. 4-16 hit the ship's armor."

"The high-energy observer has given a conclusion that the data is consistent. The opponent only has three shield ships, and the shield method is almost the same as ours."

"The opponent's No. 15 ship made an attack on a large meteorite that flew over. Weapon analysis showed that energy weapons are secondary weapons. The analysis results show that the strength is similar to ours. There is not much difference."

This is the conclusion the scout came to.

There is not much difference in strength between the opponent and the armed fleet...

That being the case!

Okay, done!

"The first ship is ready!"

Snog roared sharply, and the crew members on the flagship Hercules immediately became energetic.

The war has begun!

The war begins.

The first, a cosmic-level war in space.

It started when the Hercules instantly fired particle rays in an attempt to break through the energy shield of the Awakening of Obscurity.

Attacks from both sides were imminent.

"The enemy fleet has dispersed, targeting the Hercules, high-energy particle rays at full power!"

"The power will not decrease at this distance!"

Pang Hai had already expected it and was not surprised at all. The fleet had already spread out in a battle formation.

Sixteen ships are in battle formation, and all weapon systems have been unlocked.


Pang Hai looked at the colonial armed fleet's intensive particle ray attack with some disappointment in his eyes.

I thought there would be some new ideas in actual combat.

Unexpectedly, the difficulty level was not as low as in the virtual exercise!

Space is silent, and now the distance between the two sides is relatively close. The speed of particle laser weapons has played a great role in this range.


At the beginning of the ship design, both parties took this issue into consideration.

The thick armor has become an insurmountable abyss for particle or laser weapons!

The weapons from both sides hit the energy shield and attenuated the energy shield, but the weapons that hit the hull only caused a little skin damage.

"The test is over. The opponent's weapon attack is not strong either?"

Snog frowned.

Then why is the other party so domineering and monopolizing Pandora?

He was puzzled,

But since the conflict has arisen, let’s fight!

Spaceships without energy shields naturally have to find defense points from other aspects. Therefore, their armor can be called a battleship in the space age, and it can withstand basically all naval guns and weapons.

In the space age without super-standard weapons,

The war between the two sides actually changed from a traditional naval battle to a three-dimensional naval battle.


When the war started,

The empty space outside Pandora suddenly became dazzling.

The cold laser could not tell where it came from; the giant electromagnetic gun fired at high speed fiercely rushed towards the target, easily breaking through the limit in the planet's atmosphere!

The war of this period, this kind of war of the same level,

The timing of taking action is an extremely important factor in determining the victory of the war.

As for the rest, they can all be handed over to the shipborne intelligent system.

"Ding ding ding, scanning the trajectory of the opponent's electromagnetic main gun, blocking the close defense system!"

Pang Hai's face was grim, and he quietly looked at the locked target on the command system.

"Notify all non-shield ships to hit the port side and attract the opponent's firepower."

"Let the Awakening of the Darkness open the shield at full power and prepare for high-speed insertion!"

In space war, at this combat distance, the rhythm of war is much faster than that within the planet.

Just because of this distance, the laser cannon can hit the enemy in just a few seconds!

This speed is something that cannot happen in naval battles on Earth.

Therefore, their reaction speed must be fast.

"Gathering non-shield ships before the electromagnetic artillery shells arrive, what does the other party want to do?"

Snogge didn't understand the enemy's idea.

Gather together, then why did they pull apart in the first place?

Changing the strategy rashly, isn't this courting death!

"All fleets, aim the main guns at the opponent's non-shield ships. Since they want to die, let them do it!"

Snogge frowned and roared.


The crew responded quickly.

Sixteen scattered ships, with their guns pointed in the same direction, went straight to the assembly point of the opponent's non-shield ships.

The attack was very intensive,

and there were also kinetic bombs hidden in them.

This kinetic bomb can offset the high energy of the energy shield.

Snog was extremely cautious,

because he noticed the sideways movement of the Ignorance Awakening!

That shield ship could become a shield!

In this case, preparations for breaking the shield should be made!

"Now is the opportunity!"

On the other side, Pang Hai took advantage of the command system's reaction speed and his eyes lit up.

Taking advantage of the moment when the opponent launched the attack, relying on the synaesthesia system, he issued several orders in one second!

"Non-shield ships stop, even if they cause damage to the ship."

"Ignorance Awakening, open the energy shield, use the energy shield to defend against the enemy from the side, and use the energy shield to grind away the opponent's kinetic bombs."

"All fleets, focus on the opponent's No. 3 ship!"

At this time, the opponent's No. 3 ship, as a shield ship, was moving forward to defend against the enemy, and the colonial armed ships were arranged in a conventional naval array!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, we are targeting the opponent's reaction!

The electromagnetic cannon was activated silently.

The high-speed shells looked very slow in the void without any reference.

But in this round of dense high-speed electromagnetic cannons, there are countless shield-breaking shells hidden.

The entire battlefield is now very strange.

Laser weapons are firing everywhere in seconds, as if energy is free.

But the kinetic shells that really determine the outcome take nearly ten minutes to dock.

This window period is enough for the ship to accelerate and avoid all attacks.

But neither side made much movement, because at this time, it was another weapon duel between ships that reached the speed of light.

Information war!

After the two sides activated a round of weapons that could destroy each other, they immediately fell into an electronic war.

However, there was no way,

the intelligent system of the colonial armed fleet could not withstand the destruction of the artificial intelligence of the Panghai fleet.

It almost collapsed at the touch of a button, and this thing couldn't be pretended.

"The signal source of the armor-piercing projectile has been hidden..."

The ammunition adjutant had a question mark on his forehead.

The two sides fought so fiercely just now, but they were just testing each other. As a result, when they came to the real means, they saw that the other side was a fool.

The signal of the armor-piercing projectile was directly hidden.

Then the other side still had a fart.

In space war, inequality means bloodbath, and equality means comprehensive strength.

Information warfare is an important part.

However, the other side collapsed at the first touch.

"Continue to attack, pay attention to the opponent's counterattack, and let all parties be prepared!"

Pang Hai breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still a little worried in his heart.

"Damn, what signal did the other side hide, and we can't find it?!"

The Snog fleet knew what signal the other side had hidden, but they couldn't find it at all.

The predicted technological inequality still appeared, and the opponent's information technology was far superior to theirs.

"It must be a means to break the shield. We are finished!"

"Shut up!"

Hearing the adjutant's discouraging words, Snog cursed angrily, paused for a second, and the next moment, he roared with a fierce look:

"Use superconducting overclocking, use super-power lasers, attack the opponent's non-shield ships, and bite off the opponent's flesh even if you die!"

Never expected that the opponent's information technology would actually pull them so far.

Snog knew.

Space war, almost, is to die here.

What's more, the opponent can hide the signal source of their weapons?

In this case, death is doomed,

Then he will not let the enemy have it too easy!

Die, and bite off the opponent's flesh! ! !


The adjutant also gave the order with a sad face.

Let the largest laser main gun on the ship go into superconducting overclocking mode.

A beam of hot blue rays shot out from the muzzle of Hercules.

At the moment of shooting out, the entire spacecraft suddenly trembled, and the long trailing blue light behind it went out instantly.

This shot actually shut down the Hercules, exhausting all its energy.

There was no earth-shattering movement, but a beam of blue light moved at the speed of light.

In just ten seconds, it arrived in front of the non-shield ship.

The next moment,

In the vacuum, there was no sound, the sides of the Haiyan were shattered, and communications were interrupted!

The atmosphere in space seemed to have become dull.

"How long until the attack arrives!"

Pang Hai was shaken for a while, and his tone was full of anger, but he quickly calmed down.

The war was tense and there was no room for distraction.

"We have arrived at the opponent's ship No. 3. Report to the captain that the opponent's flagship Hercules has anchored!"

"Give him a base amount of ammunition!"


There was anger in the response.

The situation on the Haiyan was unknown, but the opponent actually launched a deadly blow!

Damn it!

A shield-piercing bullet flying rapidly in space, a big pendulum, headed straight for the Hercules.

Ship No. 3 seems to have not figured out what is going on.

The shield-piercing bullet had already hit the ship's energy shield, and in an instant, a hole was torn open in the shield.

The electromagnetic cannon shell that followed behind him passed directly through.

The sparks generated by the explosion bloom mercilessly in space!

Colonial armed ship No. 3 was instantly penetrated through the hull and lost its combat capability.

the scale of war,

Because of the gap in smart technology, there was an instant tilt.

This war seems to be telling people,

In wars in the space age, a small technological generation difference can already determine everything.

Why do you say a small generation difference?

Because the intelligent system used by Panghai Fleet is a beggar among beggars.

However, the people in the Beggar’s Intelligent System never expected that humans in the Avatar world would be so weak in the research of intelligent systems!

It's the feeling that I've underestimated you as much as possible, but you're weaker than I thought.

This made Cheng Li, who was secretly supervising the battle, instantly cover his head.

What, after so long of conducting real combat exercises, this is the result? That's it?

I took off my pants and this is what happened?

"Oh, there is no way, the enemy's strength is really only suitable for training..."

Cheng Li shook his head lightly and said with a smile:

"It's overestimated, but this time the squad leader was in a terrible situation. He was actually 'damaged'."

"However, the top priority is to attack the earth!"

But it’s not a big problem and the “damage” is acceptable.

After all, this is a desperate blow to the opponent, and it is estimated that no one else can do anything about it.

After all, Snog is also cruel.

Knowing that he would not survive, he decisively ordered someone to help him.

Now that the battle has begun, the training has been tempered, and the drills have been practiced, it is time to use full control and rush towards the earth!

This action,

Fishing is done, choosing the other party is also done,

After the operation is over, it's time for the fleet to rush to the earth, to "the fish's nest, the lake"!

And on the Petrel, which is far away from the edge of the fleet,

The attack just now hit the ship, causing the captain's head to buzz and he closed his eyes in despair.

As a result, the surroundings were indeed quiet, and no explosions were heard for a long time.

The captain opened his eyes in confusion, and his eyes widened instantly as his senses scanned the ship's hull data.

It turned out that there was nothing wrong with the Petrel. The Hercules made a desperate attack and was blocked by the tearing shield that suddenly rose up on the spacecraft!

Watching the intelligent system take over the ship and causing "battle damage" to the Haiyan, the captain still doesn't understand? !

This is a fucking exercise, and all the spaceships have been preparing to tear apart their shields!

Depend on!

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