Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 293 Knowledge and courage are generally inversely proportional

Beyond the planet Pandora,

The side of the Hercules was penetrated, and the strong pressure difference caused everything in the penetrated cabin to be pulled out of space.

Crew, like putting a piece of clothing in a washing machine,

It spun, twisted, and was thrown into space, turning into a pile of frost.

Some unlucky ones subconsciously hold their breath,

The lungs are directly like balloons,

"Bang!" exploded, and the cold corpse floated quietly with broken bloody ice particles.

There are three such scenes in the entire space.

The three shield ships of the colonial armed ship were all destroyed on the spot. A total of 4,326 crew members on the ship were all killed, and no one survived!

space battlefield,

The spaceship is the last shield of mankind. If the spacecraft is broken, people will die.

It's that simple.

As for the other 13 non-shield ships, 9 surrendered, and 4 ships that resisted have been penetrated from top to bottom.

Pang Hai has ordered the landing and surrender of ships.

After the order was completed, he looked in the direction of the Haiyan, which still had not responded.

Although the battle was victorious, he couldn't be happy when facing the direction of the Haiyan.

Because he knew very well what it meant when the side was breached.

Perhaps his comrades,

Just like the enemy Hercules, no one on the ship survived.

"Quickly, let the nearest spaceship go check the situation and collect their... bodies."

Pang Hai sighed sadly.

"Perhaps this is the cruelty of space war."

"No, space war is indeed cruel, but this is the director's evil intention."

Suddenly, Cheng Li's somewhat mean voice sounded from the flagship's cab.


Pang Hai looked at his former soldiers, frowned, and said doubtfully:

"What director's department."

"Hey, my old squad leader, haven't you noticed anything unusual yet?"

Cheng Li's image appeared in front of Pang Hai through holographic projection.

There was a smile on his face, looking at Pang Hai's expression of neediness.


Pang Hai frowned, and suddenly his eyes lit up:

"The strength of our fleet is too limited. We don't even have a single space concussion bomb!"

"This is really a drill. So what happened to the Haiyan just now? You bastard, don't tell me that actual combat drills allow casualties!"

It is understandable that casualties are allowed in actual combat exercises. After all, there are accidents.

But for such an excruciating exercise, he was about to hit it with a big fist!

"Monitor, guess what!"

"I guess your grandma has legs!"

"what is going on!"

Pang Hai was so real to Cheng Li. If it were a real person in front of him, he would have fisted him.

“There’s really no sense of boundaries.”

Cheng Li stopped smiling.

That is to say, when talking to his squad leader, he will make jokes, but he cannot do this when reporting normally.

"The Haiyan ship is fine. The images and signals you received are all simulated."

With that said, the Haiyan's signal reconnected to the fleet system.

At the same time, Pang Hai also noticed that the intelligent system gave prompts.

"The entire fleet, tear shields, energy shields, and neutron beam weapons have been released from hidden permissions..."

Seeing this scene, Pang Haicai cursed in his heart.

The director's department is really unbecoming of a man!

You were separated from the complete lock zone before!

The Awakening of Obscurity, in the panoramic observation cabin.

The Na'vi and Jack Sally didn't know that this was just a disguised military training in this universe and the Kyushu world.

They saw the battlefield data floating around them,

Seeing the battlefield that ended in just two hours, everyone fell into shock and silence.

Jack Sally was shocked that the human fleet was defeated so easily!

Now, Pandora has really changed hands.

The two Na'vi people were almost dumbfounded at this time.

after all,

The most people from these primitive tribes can do is play against the company's mercenaries.

This kind of fight between gods in space,

It was beyond their comprehension.

Su Tai, who once threatened to protect the tribe by himself, swallowed hard. He tilted his head, looked at Jack Sally blankly and asked:

"Is the defeated party just now one of yours?"

"It's the colonial armed fleet wandering nearby, and it's our people."

Taking a deep breath, Jack Sally smiled bitterly.


The Na'vi Sutai, the next tribal leader, looked at the holographic projection around him, with inexplicable fear in his eyes.

This is the first time that his fearless character shows his cowardly side.

Because, in front of them, there was a picture of the damaged colonial armed fleet that was magnified to the extreme.

In the screen,

There are dozens of corpses floating around the spacecraft.

Some of them were frozen into ice slag; some were unlucky and their lungs exploded, leaving them bloody and bloody; some were shattered into pieces by the impact of the explosion.

Flesh and blood mixed together, quiet and strange in the dark universe.

It just so happened that the spaceship cleaning the battlefield was also captured in the picture at this time.

With the cutting of the inner cabin,

More bodies were revealed.

The spaceship that was originally a crystallization of technology has now become a terrifying cemetery.

Then, cleaning the spacecraft was like picking up garbage, collecting the corpses and debris into the cabin.

The whole process was silent,

Sutai lost count of how many corpses he saw.

His tone was trembling and he asked in a daze: "How many humans have died?"

"Six ships, almost seven thousand, less than ten thousand."

Although Jack Sally felt sad in his heart, he was a former Marine. Even if he had not committed a tragedy on Camel, he had at least seen it.

So he said it very calmly.

"Less than ten thousand, it's nothing."

But Sutai, including Neytiri, looked at him as if they were looking at a devil.

Less than ten thousand? !

"What doesn't it count?!"

Su Tai exclaimed, his fragile and young mind was strongly shocked by human data science.

He now firmly holds the bow and arrow in his hand,

I just feel that I trusted bows and arrows the most before, but now I can’t give him a sense of security!

Neytiri's blue face actually looked a little pale.


Jack Sally knew it when he looked at the frightened expressions of the two Na'vi people.

The company seems to have only told the Na'vi people about the glorious side of mankind through education.

This is also a hidden danger.

You see, after seeing the dark side of human beings, these people are as scared as children. Doesn't this establish their prestige?

"Yes, Mr. Jack Sally is right. Humanity's definition of modern war is more than 5,000-10,000 casualties. The conflict just now was just a small battle for us."

At this time, artificial intelligence came out to popularize science among the Na'vi people.

"In the largest scale World War II in human history, the direct death toll was about 60 million, and 130 million people were injured. The pile of corpses could pile up the entire area of ​​ancient trees and spiritual trees for at least 100 meters."

Not just talking, artificial intelligence simulates images.

On the holographic projection, the entire area of ​​ancient human trees and spiritual trees was flooded with human corpses.

Su Tai fell into deep fear.

He suddenly felt that if he only pursued physical strength, he would also be spiritually strong.

He can't protect the tribe at all,

It will only become an insignificant alien corpse among these massive corpses...

Until this moment, Sutai and Neytiri seemed to understand,

The more knowledge you have, the more courage you have.

The two are actually inversely proportional to each other!

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