Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 304: Innate Self-Destructing Holy Body?

This universe, Mars node island, underground laboratory.

Engineer Sivis was invited to the underground transfer station, which is the computer server center of the artificial intelligence "assistant".

Now in the world of Avatar,

The planet Pandora has been captured, and the expedition fleet has also rushed to the solar system, so there is basically no problem.


The people of Project 237 began to think about how to open a new world.

Several experts related to design and computer technology gathered together.

What’s interesting is that Ma Zhao, the original character from The Wandering Earth, is also among the crowd.

He was originally the director of the Digital Life Research Institute. Later, after the Wandering Earth Academy moved to the world of Kyushu, the research institute became part of the Computer Institute.

Later, because of the technology related to quantum computers, he was transferred to the Kyushu Department of the 237 Project Institute as a quantum computer expert.

Ma Zhao stretched out his right index finger, adjusted his black-rimmed glasses, waved his hand, pointed at the large computer group outside the glass window of the conference room, and said in a serious voice:

"We need to increase the unit computing power of quantum computer groups."

"This is the only order from above!"

After speaking, he looked at the tall but bald "Sivis".

"The only route I know about quantum computers is the biological computer route that we engineers take."

Sivis frowned.

A common advantage of quantum computers and biological computers is the ability to perform parallel calculations.

The performance of the biological computers currently used by engineers is not worse than that of quantum computers. On the contrary, it is better in certain aspects.

"It's okay, Mr. Sivers, your suggestions are still of great reference value."

Ma Zhao did not underestimate Sivis' ability.

When he was talking, his black-rimmed glasses slipped down, and he didn't help them, but just stared at Sivis like this.

“How much do we want to increase unit computing power?”

Sivis nodded and asked one last question before suggesting.

"Outside, it's so big, but it's become so small!"

Ma Zhao suddenly lifted a suitcase from under the conference table with one hand, bang! placed on the table.


Sivis's pupils shrank,

He looked sideways at the computing center server group outside the conference room where the spacecraft could be parked, and then turned to look at the box in Ma Zhao's hand.

He reached out and rubbed his eyes in disbelief,

I looked back and forth again,

Look again.

"Stab it!"

In an instant, Sivis's face turned green, he immediately stood up from the sliding chair, turned around and walked out of the office, while not forgetting to mutter:

"Where's Horos? I heard that he encountered plant life forms?"

"I have also made great achievements in biotechnology. With my help, he will definitely get results soon!"

"Everyone, farewell, we are destined to meet again!"

As he spoke, he cursed in his mind.

What the hell?

Don’t you humans have any idea how big the quantum computer server is outside? !

It can fit several spaceships in!

With such a large volume, it is not possible to increase the unit computing power in this way, right?

Reaching the sky in one step, right? ! !


Seeing Sivis preparing to escape, the computer scholar from this universe next to him swooped down and stood in front of him.

"Director Ma is exaggerating, exaggerating!"

"It's not about getting there in one step, just take your time, as long as you can improve, we can't live without you!"


Sivis glared at the human who was rolling around in front of him, and after hearing his words, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Sitting back in his seat, Sivis sighed:

"Is there a time limit?"

"It is best within these four years. We have to complete it during the time when the expedition fleet returns so that we can achieve cooperation."

Ma Zhao raised his eyes and spoke in a positive voice.

"Four years..."

Sivis nodded slowly:

"I can try to lead a team, but what about teaching?"

"You can take the time to teach online, and we will set up a dedicated line for Kyushu United University. Don't worry about that."

Ma Zhao waved his hand slowly, indicating that there was no need to worry about these issues.

"In that case, let's get started!"

Sivis shook his head as he thought of Horos, who had been very active recently.

We can’t let this guy focus on his beauty!

Okay, okay, rolled up!

While the computer institute is exerting force.

In this universe, in the orbit of Jupiter, the Space Force fleet is also exerting force.

The modified Jupiter Gravity rover is now in orbit around Europa.

The Jupiter Gravity, still a spacecraft, is now tasked with an important mission.

"It is slowly descending and is about to approach the surface of Europa, ready to be launched!"

Wu Tong looked at the distance and felt very calm.

It's just a planet landing. During this period of time, the Jupiter Gravity has made countless trips to Europa, Europa, and Europa.

It was decided from above to build bases and defensive positions on Jupiter.

This is the core area of ​​Europa.

It happens that there are primitive forms of life under the ocean of Europa, and the Academy of Sciences also selected this place, so the main position of the Jupiter defense position is set here.

Even an activity center for thousands of people will be built in the near future.

"Not just Jupiter, but also the orbits of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, are all building bases and positions."

The intelligence adjutant of the Jupiter Gravity frowned and said with some confusion:

"Have the higher-ups been too anxious recently? Why did they suddenly spread the plan to the entire solar system?"

“Even the Kuiper Belt has a base?”

Previous advances in space have been very conservative.

Just built various defensive positions around the safe Mars base.

How come this suddenly expanded from the earth's fire to the solar system!

Wu Tong listened to the adjutant's doubts, waved his hand and said:

"Actually, all this is foreshadowed."

"Now our ships are traveling faster and faster, and there are even light-speed spacecraft being tested. The safety of space survival has also been verified."

"We are more secure in space."

"These are the reasons for the great development now!"

Wu Tong smiled.

In the past, that was the speed limit of the spacecraft. It would take months and months to travel to and from the entire solar system. Even if it were expanded to the edge of the solar system, it would be useless at the moment.

It's just some scientific research spacecraft that will keep flying.

Now, as the speed of the spacecraft increases,

They have been able to easily touch the entire solar system.

"Actually, it's mainly safer. Over the past few years, we have been flying in space for a long time, and we have to conduct genetic testing from time to time. The safety of humans relying on biological armor for pressurization in space has been greatly verified."

This is the most important reason in Wu Tong's opinion.

It’s also very clear above,

Entering the universe, if something happens to this basic equipment, it would be a huge event!

Especially biological armor, if it has a contaminating effect on the human gene pool, it will be a big trouble.

So in addition to the theoretical safety in the laboratory, the five-phase clinical trial, and the previous small-scale tests.

In recent years, what has been done is batch large-scale testing.

Now, the data is out, and there is no problem of biological armor contaminating the human gene pool!

Coupled with the great progress in outer space survival technology, the reliability of equipment has been greatly enhanced.

Let’s take the oxygen concentrator as an example.

Now, as long as the damage rate does not exceed 80%, it can continue to operate!

Three and a half of the four filter elements were broken, but it still ran!

This is also for the safety of their people,

Especially since those who subsequently enter space are only ordinary people with basic training.

Safety equipment is not safe enough,

Coupled with unskilled operators, wouldn't that become the biggest safety hazard?

Innate self-destruction of the holy body?

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