Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 305: You need a driver's license in space!

On the Mars orbital base,

A new batch of mining ship commanders are in place.

After three months of training, they can finally try to fly the spacecraft alone.

However, when these people walked confidently to the venue for the spaceship "driving test", they were confused.

"What, damage control emergency repair has been added. We are pilots, not navy crew members!"

Gu Rui received the exam number and turned pale when he saw the exam subjects appearing in the waiting room.

The space mining ship driving test is a very difficult test.

No, rather, as long as the aircraft is driven away from the planet, the driving requirements are very outrageous.

The first is to know the safe operating regulations by heart, and the second is to really know how to use the safe operating regulations.

Theory and practice, all-round inspection, the exam can even last for 2 days!

"Brother, damage control repair is at least an obvious subject. Please read the last sentence."

Next to Gu Rui, a young man about the same age as him patted his shoulder familiarly and pointed to the end of the large projection screen.

"Is there anyone more cunning?"

Gu Rui's eyes widened and he immediately looked down, and really saw a row of words at the end.

When he saw this, he was immediately shocked, and his face turned even paler with fear.

The last line clearly read: "There are 9 other emergency situations during the exam, drawn from real cases that are currently happening in space."

Gu Rui looked at this line of writing. It simply said,

If it doesn’t work, don’t take the exam!

"What other emergencies are there?"

After reading it, Gu Rui asked the young people around him anxiously.

"Who knows, these are not included in the conventional crisis management regulations. They are all real accidents that have occurred in the past two years. They test emergency response capabilities."

The young man shrugged and said amusedly:

"It's like in the first half of the year, I encountered a fucking question."

"While I was flying, a high-speed meteorite rushed over and penetrated my outer cabin!"

"The key is that it not only penetrated my outer cabin, but also just broke the oxygen circulation system of the first and second officers on my ship!"

Having said this, the young man covered his head, stretched out two fingers and gritted his teeth in an exaggerated manner, and laughed at himself:

"Both oxygen circulation systems have been shattered. What a coincidence. What a coincidence!"

"Hey, I was dissatisfied at the time. The two systems are so far away and both are in the inner cabin. How could a meteorite as big as a thumb just hit each other at once?"

"Then what?"

Gu Rui was thinking about what to do if he encountered this problem before he answered.

After hearing these three words, the young man immediately complained:

"Then I hung up, and when I went back to check, I found out that such an outrageous thing was actually true."

"The big brother saved the day and returned to the base successfully."

The young man shook his head and almost vomited blood.

What's outrageous is that I encountered this outrageous question. What's even more outrageous is that the situation mentioned in this question actually happened in reality!

This fully explains,

The story needs to be logical, but reality is so incompetent!

The reality is that you can come wherever you want. If you are unlucky, the toilet on the spaceship may explode for you!

After this conversation, the two of them did not continue talking, but quietly prepared for the exam.

After a while, Gu Rui was called.

The driving tests were all for spaceships of the same standard, and the previous subjects were all about driving and safety rules, which Gu Rui was familiar with.

Driving Category: Encountering Meteorites;

"Emergency braking is in progress, and the meteorite on the side has been avoided. The distance is 12, safe."

Safety category: The ship catches fire and overheats, and the cooling system will fail;

"According to safety regulations, release 60% of the oxygen immediately before starting the emergency fire-extinguishing equipment. When the emergency fire-extinguishing equipment cannot operate, use manual operation."

During the emergency: the side outer compartment of the spacecraft shattered for unknown reasons;

"Reduce the air pressure inside the ship, stay away from the area, and immediately close the outer compartment partition wall to protect the inner wall."

Planetary defense: Searching for ores outside the Kuiper Belt and receiving strange signals;

"According to safety regulations, for signals from unfamiliar spacecraft that do not send signal identification codes, operation one: keep the communication silent and do not reply, then activate emergency optical communications and report to the nearest space force base or ship. You are not allowed to conceal the report and respond privately."

Planetary defense: The biological detector responded, but it showed that it was not a living thing on earth;

"According to safety regulations, you are not allowed to disembark without permission. Operation 2: Report to the nearest space force base or ship immediately."


These are all practical exercises,

Regarding these contents, Gu Rui not only has a solid theory, but also does not panic at all in operation.

128 security incidents were all handled very properly.

From the moment the exam started, the moment his butt touched the driver's seat, he calmed down.

By now, his self-confidence has been tested.

Isn't it just a spaceship driving test?

That's it, that's it? !

Emergency treatment: damaged pipe repair;

"Haha, park the spacecraft in a safe area of ​​​​the area, check the equipment to see what damage control is damaged, and then..."

Gu Rui parked the spaceship and rushed out in a flash.

Taking the plug that came with the ship, he pressed it towards the damaged area of ​​the damage pipe.

After a long time, the plug worked and the damaged pipe was temporarily repaired.

Just when Gu Rui thought it was finally over, the examiner's electronic mechanical sound rang out, instantly making him feel cold on his back.

"What, the toilet exploded?"

Gu Rui's face turned pale, what the hell exploded!!!

Fuck, the toilet, exploded!

The last other emergency project category, it turned out that the toilet exploded? !

The key is,

What made Gu Rui feel fucked up was that,

This is a spacecraft driving test. If any of these projects are wrong, it means failure!

In space, it is so strict!

Because these safety test items, in the real environment, if one is wrong, it means the death of one's life!

"No one told me, what should I do if the toilet explodes in space?!"

Gu Rui, who had just blocked the damage control, looked back at the toilet door in the distance.

The key is that closing the toilet door is useless!

Because the prompt said that the toilet exploded for unknown reasons, causing the toilet door to be blown up.

At this point, Gu Rui really couldn't hold it anymore.

These examiners are not human beings!

"Forget it, let's just throw it away!"

Gu Rui didn't think of any solution, his face turned grim, and he waved his hand.

He took out food and water, several plastic bags, and an emergency oxygen generator,

then he pressed his hand and directly closed the isolation door between the toilet and the cockpit.

He tried his best,

while the rice field floated over,

I directly isolated it!

Then he drove the spacecraft without looking back, flew at full speed towards the spaceport, and sounded a distress signal!

The exam was over,

Gu Rui got off the ship and stood in the exam hall, his eyes were dull.

What the hell is going on? !

It is said that other emergency handling questions are all cases that have happened in reality.

Which great god really encountered the toilet explosion?

Gu Rui just wants to ask, is he okay!

Will there be any shadows when going to the toilet? !

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