Gu Rui never expected that,

He actually passed his driving test!

The examiner's evaluation of him, especially his handling of the toilet explosion incident at the end, was excellent!

In the face of air pollution, vacuum equipment must be placed out of reach.

Rather than risk inhaling an unsafe gas mixture, Gu Rui directly took food, water and a portable circulating oxygen concentrator, pulled up the isolation door, and rushed to the port area.

This treatment is relatively conservative.

But for the sake of safety, it is better to be conservative!

Now, after getting his driver's license, Gu Rui will finally be able to work in a mining company after a period of training and be assigned a small mining ship!

This is also the reason why many young people choose to be mining ship drivers.

The fastest opportunity for young people to fly a spaceship alone!

On this condition,

Young people can choose!

I can't drive a warship, but I can't drive a mining ship? !

Take the test, give it to me!

For this reason, one of the hottest spots on Mars right now is the mining ship flight test center in Yongri City.

Although it was not crowded,

However, according to the reservation information on the website, the deadline is scary.

We have entered the space age,

Aren't spaceships the same as cars from the Earth era?

You need to take the flying car driver’s license test, and you also need to take the spaceship driver’s license test!

No, if you go to the Earth Nostalgic Server in the future, you will still need to take the driver's license test for four wheels on Earth.


Rolled up!

On the Mars side of this universe, there is a new hot spot every once in a while.

After all, it is a new place, how can it be possible without some new things to do?

Beyond Mars,

The orbital bases of the major planets and the mining transit centers of the Kuiper Belt are also proceeding in an orderly manner.

In short, the power of this universe is rapidly spreading with Mars as its stronghold.

The earth-fire orbit can no longer meet the needs of the great eastern countries.

Farther and wider in the solar system,

Even Centaur, 4.3 light-years away, is the real target!

However, the expansion of territory immediately highlighted a serious problem, even more serious than Kyushu.


It’s still the population!

"When the population of Avatar World arrives, I will definitely cut off half of them."

Mr. Zhu was sitting in the conference room, wielding a golden sword, and subconsciously rubbed his mechanical face.

There is a shortage of people everywhere,

The transit base in the Kuiper Belt was built with a capacity of 1,000 people, but in the end, it could only be divided into 100 people!

Training takes time and there are not enough people.

This is the trouble of happiness,

The rush is too fast, and the quality and quantity of the population cannot keep up with the pace!

Even for training, because safety issues must be strictly controlled, the available population increases very slowly.

"Yes, high intelligence can indeed sustain it, but some positions must be checked by someone."

Zhou Zhezhi was also a little anxious.

Just waiting for the population of the Avatar world to meet their urgent needs!

"There's no rush, it's quick, it's quick, this problem can't be solved in a year or two."

population issues,

It is very complex, and the years required for growth cannot be solved in five or six years.

At the same time, this issue also takes into account ethical issues.

Even today's science can make a baby grow to adulthood quickly and give him the consciousness of an adult.

However, neither Mr. Zhu nor Mr. Zhou mentioned this matter.

No matter how urgent it is, these things cannot be touched for the time being.

It can be done in the laboratory as a research and extension of technology, but it cannot be used casually in reality.

"By the way, where is the expedition fleet?"

Mr. Zhu asked Zhou Zhezhi.

"It has been flying for three light years, following the other party's path through interstellar dust. It's almost over."

"That's good, soon!"


"Captain, we have successfully passed through another area of ​​interstellar dust. For the sake of convenience, these humans actually directly crossed the interstellar dust and left so many channels."

The intelligence adjutant looked at the position of the spacecraft, and a smile appeared on his simulated synaesthesia face.


Pang Hai nodded calmly.

I just feel that what the intelligence adjutant said is a bit strange.

Tell me,

What are these humans called?

This sounds like they are "those" humans.

At this time, the intelligence adjutant also realized that what he just said was a bit strange, and he coughed:

"We still have half a year before we reach the solar system. All systems will be checked again. There will be no problems!"

"Just you, don't say much this time, just fly to the top of Asia!"

Pang Hai thought of the self-binding exercise outside Pandora.

actual combat exercises,

Although the current ships are completely different from those before,

But this exercise still gave Pang Hai an unusual experience.

The enemy is weak, so a desperate attack is troublesome.

Therefore, you need to strike quickly, accurately and ruthlessly, so that the opponent has no possibility of a fatal blow.

"We are now approaching the solar system. Has the signal from the solar system overflow been captured?"

Pang Hai thought of something and immediately turned his head to ask.

"It has been captured. We have re-verified the solar system's defense position and weapons status, and they are correct with the intelligence."

The intelligence adjutant verified it again and again. Now he was very relaxed and said with a chuckle:

"This mission is very easy. The opponent's most powerful high-energy weapon is not at the same level as ours and cannot break our tear shield."

Can't break the tear shield?

Then their fleet can pass the level without any damage!

"Based on the current intelligence, this is the case, but be careful about everything."

Pang Hai nodded and affirmed the words of the intelligence adjutant.

But at the same time, he still kept alert in his heart.

"We will go straight to the earth, 16 ships, and we can rush in from these directions."

The intelligence adjutant saw that Pang Hai was still a little worried, and immediately called up the holographic projection and added.

"What are the details of these directions?"

After Pang Hai saw the intelligence adjutant say this, he was no longer nervous and was very curious.

"There is a headquarters of the Solar System Space Force on the route!"

The intelligence adjutant smiled lightly.

Now in the navigation stage, they did not have deep synaesthesia, and the entire fleet seemed to have entered a virtual reality game.

And the object of simulation is the spacecraft they are driving themselves.

So he can make movements and expressions that are no different from the outside world.


Pang Hai's eyes lit up after hearing this.

The enemy's headquarters is on the route?

That's really hot!

If they really collide with the warship, even water droplets can be smashed into two pieces and thrown out from the stern by the space distortion.

Not to mention the space army base of the human beings in the Avatar world?

If they turn around, the command system in space will probably be paralyzed for the most part!

By the time the other party reacts.

They will probably have taken over the earth!

"Very good, follow this route and make sure to paralyze the other party's command system."

Pang Hai is not a person who talks about "morality".

The way of war is to be treacherous!

Since they have already hit you, of course you can use whatever means are best.

To his colleagues in the space army headquarters of the Avatar world,

Pang Hai can only say,

I'm sorry!

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