Avatar world, solar system.

Another calm day.

The Third Fleet of the Solar System Space Force completed today's mission and docked at the Jupiter orbit base.

Everyone on the ship, except for the crew members on duty, took advantage of the rare opportunity to dock at a large port and disembarked to rest.

The Jupiter orbital base is one of the few docking bases that can provide artificial gravity.

Here, these crew members who are accustomed to drifting in space must undergo adaptive training.

"Hoo ho ho!"

Maier was sweating on the treadmill with a heart rate monitor on his back.

As if he remembered something, while he was moving, he turned his head and looked at the adjutant beside him:

"How long until the Snogue fleet comes back?"

"Captain, there are still about two and a half years left."

The adjutant took a sip of water, tightened the cap, loosened his hand, and watched the water bottle hit the ground due to gravity, concentrating on it.

Staying in the sky for a long time made him particularly fond of this familiar gravity.

"Two and a half years ago, they went on a detection mission six light-years away, right?"

Maier pressed the pause button, wiped his sweat, and said casually:

"I don't know if I've found anything yet."

"The latest intelligence received shows that nothing has been discovered."

The adjutant shrugged.

"Where's the direction to Pandora?"

"It's calm, there are only the indigenous Na'vi people on Pandora, there is no threat."

"That's good."

As the commander of the defense forces in outer space and the Kuiper Belt, Maier

Interest in the outer solar system never wanes.

Especially since he learned that there were intelligent life forms like the Na'vi in ​​Pandora 4.3 light-years away, he did not dare to relax for a moment, for fear that a group of advanced alien civilizations would emerge at some point.

Don't say anything is impossible!

If there are no Na'vi people, then it is certainly possible, but it is not taken seriously.

But with the Na'vi, one can have two,

Whenever he thinks about this, Maier has a strong sense of urgency.

So, after drinking the water, he immediately told his adjutant:

"Let the people from the Alien Security Department of the Air Traffic Control Center keep an eye on me carefully. I don't want to be beaten to the door of my house by others, so I know it in a daze!"

"Understood, Captain!"

The adjutant nodded, stood up immediately, and went out to alert the people from the Alien Security Department of the Air Traffic Control Center.

But what about this time?

In the Alien Security Department,

The inspector calmly stirred his coffee, looked at the automatic scanning program in front of the screen, curled his lips, placed his smart device on the display table, and started watching the show.

In his position, the display stand just protruded, blocking the monitor.


Suddenly, the communicator beeped.

The inspector looked up and calmly turned on the communicator. Sure enough, it was Commander Maier's message.

Without even bothering to look, he actually dragged the text message into the trash can.

I don’t know how many times Commander Maier has sent this kind of information.

The inspector has long been annoyed.

After seeing it, open it, take a look, and then delete it decisively.

What's there to see?

There must be something like asking him to pay attention to his surroundings and be careful.


The machine can't even scan it, so I'm afraid it's useless!

ignore! Don't listen!

Why bother?

Are there really aliens who can attack us?

Save it, the only alien intelligent life discovered by humans closest to here is the Na'vi people, blue-skinned monkeys!

The group of primitive people who have not yet left the forest.

There is nothing to worry about.

The Space Force didn't pay much attention to the possible invasion of aliens. He was just a kid, so why bother with his work? He was really conscientious and cautious at all times.

If the top brass of the Space Force were really serious about it, he would definitely not be the only one on duty.

In his heart, he mocked Maier for being too nosy.

The inspector calmly took a sip of coffee, leaned back comfortably on his chair, and stared at the... personal smart terminal in front of the display table with a serious expression.

Touch the fish leisurely and leisurely.

As for the display platform, it monitors the entire area.

He just glanced at it occasionally.

What's there to see?

What you can see here can also be seen at the Space Force’s air defense base.

The soldiers there are more professional than me, they will definitely take a serious look!

With them in charge, why bother?

If it's so messed up, actually... there's no problem.

Because the expedition fleet of this universe that is on the way to attack is flying in a jump.

The space on both sides is not only twisted and squeezed, but also specially smoothed at the rear wing.

This resulted in the fleet not only making a jump, but also leaving only a small trace after the jump.

These traces, if the human beings in the solar system were an advanced civilization, it would be possible to see them from such a close distance.

But for humans in the Avatar world,

Looking at the expedition fleet, it’s completely blind!

Unless the other party is really out of their mind and just happens to have deployed wave observation instruments on the expedition fleet's route.

However, the expedition fleet deliberately diverted its course,

The Kuiper Belt is as big as the Kuiper Belt, and the solar system is a very large area. How could it be possible that the probe could just be aligned with the channel?

Even if it is really aligned.

Please, the fleet is also capturing information about the solar system, and the waterway is also changing!

Pang Hai’s fleet is not stupid.

How could it really hit someone else’s detector?

Therefore, the humans in the Avatar world were unknowingly approached by the expedition fleet!

Now, the distance has been stretched to a very dangerous level.

One light year, half a year!

And the humans in the Avatar world haven't noticed yet!

"No response?"

On the flagship, Pang Hai thought that we were only one light-year away.

In any case, humans in the Avatar world should be aware of this position.

As a result, unexpectedly, the other party didn't respond yet!

"The jump track will cause space fluctuations, and the fluctuations will burst out at the speed of light, and our spacecraft is moving at twice the speed of light. Therefore, if they do not have regional space detection, our track will be captured by the opponent in a year. "

The intelligence adjutant was very calm.

Super light speed and super light speed play.

You won't receive the news until half a year after we all arrive.

By then, the battle will be over!

After half a year, the search and looting was completed. They were probably gathering the fleet and returning with a large number of people.

"It's really, completely different from previous forms of war."

Pang Hai also sighed in his heart.

Ships can travel faster than light, which is subversive to traditional warfare.

This means that the other party doesn't even have time to react.

Because the detection information cannot fly as fast as the fleet!

By the time the other party's detection wave discovered the expedition fleet and sent back the message, the expedition fleet had already left the returned message far behind.


It will even be faster than the message returned by the other party's detector!

Twice as fast!

This double the speed is Tianyuan.

It’s enough to make the other party despair!

In this quiet deep space, time seems to have no meaning.

The spacecraft maintained its peak speed and continued flying for half a year.

the edge of the solar system,

It has entered the expedition fleet's detector range.

They, the expedition fleet, have arrived!

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