Only two hundred meters away from the lunar surface.

The main engine of the reverse thrust engine of the Moon Landing Spacecraft is about to start!

When the spacecraft was looking for a suitable landing position, the attitude engine had been turned on.

And now it is time to land.

Whether the main engine can work normally will be the top priority of this mission!

If the engine fails to start, then the mission will be considered a failure.

Because the spacecraft has lost the main engine, it has lost the ability to take off and land on the lunar surface.

This is absolutely not allowed.

At this moment, not only the audience in China, but also the researchers in the command center.

Even abroad.

Many space enthusiasts are holding their breath.

In the command center, all technicians also took a deep breath.

The landing is completely automatic technical control.

Except for the astronauts in the spacecraft, they can't interfere at all.

So at this moment, they are also "examinees" waiting for the results.

"Beep beep--"

At this moment, a prompt sound suddenly sounded in the quiet command hall.

Then, the animation on the big screen also changed.

In the animation, under the Moon Landing Spacecraft, the main engine emitted a blazing tail flame.

At the same time, a string of data was transmitted to the command center.

When the commander saw this data, he immediately announced loudly in a voice that suppressed his excitement and was slightly trembling:

"The main engine of the Moon Landing Spacecraft has been ignited successfully, and the altitude is decreasing."

"One hundred and fifty meters!"

"One hundred meters!"

"Fifty meters!"

"Ten meters!"

On the large screen of the command center, the animated model symbolizing the Moon Landing Spacecraft was already extremely close to the moon.

And, in the small window next to it, the camera placed on the side of the spacecraft engine was also updating the picture in real time.

Everyone could clearly feel that the ground seemed to be rushing towards the picture.

No, it was the camera that was approaching the ground.

Until the last moment, a shadow appeared on the ground, and at the same time, something like wind blew away the mud and sand on the ground.

The whole picture shook slightly, and then it was as stable as a mountain.

The commander had already stood up excitedly at this time, confirmed the data on the command desk, and immediately excitedly shouted:

"The Moon Landing Spacecraft landed successfully!"

"The spacecraft successfully landed on the moon!"

The landing was successful!

The spacecraft successfully landed on the moon!

The entire command hall instantly applauded excitedly.

In the office of Shanghai, Zhou Zhiyun was so excited when he heard the two words of success.

We succeeded.

China's spacecraft successfully landed on the moon.

The spacecraft landed successfully!


Zhou Zhiyun was so excited that he was about to stand up and celebrate desperately.

Suddenly, an excited roar came from the manager's office.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh——"

"Success, hahaha, success!!!"

In Zhou Zhiyun's astonished eyes, the door of the office was kicked open from the inside.

The manager, who was usually very kind, had a ruddy face and an excited expression. He ran out happily with a box of beer.

While running, their manager shouted loudly:

"China successfully landed on the moon!"


Seeing this, Zhou Zhiyun finally reacted.

Good guy, it turns out that his manager is also secretly watching the live broadcast! ! !

"Hahaha, Zhou Zhiyun, come on, come on, have a drink, I know you must be watching the live broadcast secretly."

The manager doesn't know the temperament of his employees?

He stepped on an empty chair with one foot and said loudly: "I know everyone is watching secretly. This morning's work ends here. Let's have fun!!!"

"Manager, I didn't see it, hahaha."

Zhou Zhiyun didn't care, rushed out and yelled excitedly a few times, ran to the manager, hugged him directly, and waved excitedly together.

"Come on, Xiao Zhang, take out the company's big projector, and broadcast the manned moon landing live for me today."

"Let's care about national affairs today!"

"Haha, in the future, when I talk business with foreigners, I can raise my head and look at them with my nose!"

This is just a portrayal of thousands of excited people.

Today is destined to be a day of excitement for the whole country.

At this time, the moon landing live broadcast room has exploded.

The barrage almost filled the entire screen, so dense that even the live broadcast picture can't be seen clearly.

"Haha, the landing was successful, Moon, your grandpa is here!"

"Let me see, Moon, don't run, let me see!"

"Go fold the US flag and run over the footprints left by the US!"

"Haha, you are addicted to cutting solar wings upstairs, right?"

"Awesome, I can only describe it as awesome!"

"Fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!"


In the South China Sea, in the desert outside the launch pad.

More than 5,000 people stranded here are also in a carnival.

On the entire beach, the dense crowds of people jumped excitedly.

In China, some schools even suspended the self-study class before lunch and played live broadcasts directly to the children.

The moon landing was successful.

What a good teaching material for patriotism!


At the same time, in the White House in the United States.

Fred looked at the live broadcast on the TV in front of him expressionlessly.

On the beach, in the control room, the streets and alleys of China.

Everyone came out, hugged each other excitedly and cheered excitedly with people they knew or didn't know.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly and pressed the remote control in his hand.

But what made Fred angry was that even the remote control seemed to despise him.

He pressed it three times in a row, but the damn TV still couldn't be turned off.


"Even you, the damned one, are against me!"

He cursed angrily, turned the remote control over, and looked closely.

He stared at the big "MADE IN CHINA" on the back with wide eyes.

Fred was so angry that he trembled all over, screamed and cursed wildly, and shook his head at the same time.


He stood up frantically, walked to the TV, and raised it high with both hands.


The TV was thrown to the ground fiercely, shattered into pieces, and the glass was broken all over the floor.

After wreaking havoc in the office, Fred panted heavily, his eyes were as fierce as a wolf, and he stared at a panda doll he had placed on his desk.

"You forced me to do this!"

"I will never, ever allow you to surpass us!"

"At any cost!"

After Fred roared, he quickly walked to his desk and pressed the transparent button on it.

CIA Director Clyde walked slowly into the office.

He glanced at the debris scattered all over the ground without any surprise.

Without paying any attention to the debris under his feet, Clyde walked up to Fred and asked:

"Sir, what's the matter?"

"Contact the Ministry of Defense and ask them to send someone here immediately!"

"We have to make a choice!"

"We can't let them go on like this!"

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