Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 36 We will go from here to the universe

The moon-carrying spacecraft successfully landed on the moon.

The three astronauts on board the spacecraft are all healthy and have no problems at all.

Next step, after their adjustments are completed, it’s time to exit the position!

This time is two hours.

Although the exit time has been announced, the users in the live broadcast room have the potential to become deadbeats and just refuse to leave.

Two hours, is it really worth waiting?

Why not wait an extra two hours for this memorable day?

Netizens in the live broadcast room decided to live here directly!

At the same time, on the moon, in the South Pole, in the Ural Basin.

The tall moon-carrying spacecraft stands upright on the moon.

The three astronauts were lying on the side window, staring blankly outside.

The moon is full of desolate and dilapidated areas.

This is a satellite of the earth, with no atmosphere, no climate on the entire surface, only eternal loneliness.

But it turns out that loneliness does not exist forever.

Just now, the moon, which has been quiet for sixty years, welcomes human visitation again.

"Brother Zhai, it's so beautiful outside!"

Chen Dong exclaimed and looked at the porthole, so obsessed that he couldn't move his eyes away.

"Yes, people today can't see the moon in ancient times. When did the moon shine on the ancients today? It's really spectacular and beautiful."

Zhai Gang was also stunned.

I just feel that the moon has a special magic power. This kind of silent vastness is shocking from the bottom of my heart.

"Hahaha, Brother Zhai, you're even reading a poem. You deserve to be the first to get off the boat later."

Nie Zheng teased their captain, touched his nose, and said with a smile:

"Ignoring what netizens say, what we are doing now is enough to keep us bragging about for several lifetimes!"

"Hahaha, okay, the close-up moon viewing is over, it's time for us to get to work!"

Zhai Gang also smiled and waved his hand.

Now that the moon viewing is over, it’s time for them to prepare for the outing activities!

This time it’s a moon-grazing spacecraft.

It was launched by a Storm 9 rocket.

The Storm 9 rocket can orbit the moon two hundred miles.

Therefore, the spaceship is exaggeratedly large and carries plenty of things.

There is a lunar rover, a row of solar power panels, and some scientific experiment facilities.

To be honest, in fact, the moon-carrying spacecraft can directly be used as the first cabin of the lunar base.

However, Mr. Zhu still couldn't deal with the old comrades of the space agency.

The old man from the space agency insists that safety redundancy is the absolute red line, and safety issues cannot be touched anywhere!

The lunar spacecraft was designed and manufactured on an emergency basis, and its originally designed service life was only two months.

This kind of spacecraft can never be used as equipment for a lunar base.

The aircraft on the lunar base are designed to have a service life of at least twenty years!

The first thing the three astronauts had to do was to put down the lunar rover, and then controlled the car not far from the hatch.

By the time the lunar rover arrived at the hatch, the three of them had already put on their spacesuits.

The extravehicular space suit is a bit bulky.

In order to allow astronauts to move flexibly on the moon.

This time, the out-of-cabin suit has undergone a major upgrade.

On top of the space suit, a simple exoskeleton is added!

This exoskeleton is very lightweight and can work for two hours, which is the same as the oxygen usage time in the space suit.

At work, it can even help astronauts lift the lunar rover on the moon with both hands!

After the three of them changed into their exit clothes, they arrived at the airlock.

The out-of-vehicle activities are about to begin!

At the same time, on Earth, the space agency's live broadcast room started broadcasting on time.

As soon as the picture appeared, it instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Three astronauts, fully armed, were standing in the airlock, waiting patiently.

What’s even more exciting is that the live broadcast screen can be selected.

From another perspective, the camera is pointed at the moon-carrying spacecraft exiting the hatch from the outside.

"Hey, how did this scene come about? Could it be that the astronauts went out early and it was staged?"

"Maybe it's true, this kind of thing, we need to ensure safety, right?"

"I asked the two of you upstairs to stop making wild guesses. Are you blind? Didn't you see the small print below that says, Lunar Rover Perspective?"

"Then how did the lunar rover get there? It couldn't have been driven there by itself, right?"

"...Brother, you are still arguing with me. Do you only have Internet access in the village or something like that? Can't you use a remote control car? I'm really impressed. What age are you in?"

"It's a hammer, the lunar rover is a large remote-controlled vehicle called 'Funny Face'."

"Hahaha, the person who asked the question was a little stupid. Wait, what if he is really a primary school student?"

"No matter what, treat them as enemies and bury them!"

"Hahaha, this is a great perspective. The space agency is so knowledgeable. It's right at the door of the cabin!"


It can only be said that the space agency is well versed in publicity.

This extra scene was added on purpose.

This is simply a lunar rover that has gone out of its way, and it was temporarily requisitioned and turned into a live broadcast vehicle.

The picture also happened to be facing the exit hatch of the moon-carrying spacecraft.

In the live broadcast room, netizens shouted that the space agency's photography layout had found a treasure.

"It's time to leave the cabin!"

The barrage disappeared instantly.

Space Command Center.

The commander spoke: "Dong 1, 2, 3, the airlock has been exhausted and allowed to exit. Everything is going according to plan!"

"Zizzi——, Dongyao received it, opening the hatch!"

After receiving the order, the commanding officer in the airlock cabin immediately took a rotating lever fixed to the side and buckled him into the hatch.

The arm exerts force and rotates a few times, and the safety lock of the hatch is opened.

Place the swivel lever in place.

Zhai Gang put his hand on the cabin door lock.

Take a deep breath, press down hard, and then push slowly.

The hatch is opened!

Slowly taking out his right foot, Zhai Gang walked out of the hatch and came to the landing platform.

Two sets of devices are designed for the exit hatch of the moon cabin.

One is a lift and the other is a staircase as a safety backup.

I usually use the elevator.

Standing on the elevator, Chen Dong and Nie Zheng quickly followed behind.

Zhai Gang stood on a platform three meters above the ground, looked around and sighed in his heart.

The endless vast land is silent, and in the dark sky, the blue earth is visible to the naked eye.

Standing on the moon.

I really look down at the bright moon and look up to miss my hometown!

After sighing, he smiled slightly and immediately reported: "Shuguang, Shuguang, this is Dongyao, this is Dongyao."

After speaking, he waved towards the lunar rover in the distance, and then said loudly:

"I'm out of the cabin and feeling good!"

Chen Dong and Nie Zheng behind them also smiled slightly, waved and reported:

"This is Dongliang, I'm also out of the cabin, I feel good!"

"This is Dong San. I'm following you out of the cabin. It feels very good!"

The three people sounded excited and their voices were high.

After hearing what the three people reported, the commander and the technical staff in the command hall all smiled knowingly.

Especially the commander, who immediately approached the microphone and responded: "Shuguang understands!"

At this moment, the entire live broadcast room also chuckled.

It seems that everyone understands this meme that I’m out of the cabin and I feel good!

"It's coming out, it's coming out, and the three of them came out together!"

"The elevator is starting to descend. Logically speaking, the first step on the moon should be something you say, right?"

"By the way, what are we going to say?"

"I don't know, just watch, hahaha, pay attention to the extravehicular suit, it actually has an exoskeleton on it, awesome!"

"Holy shit, what the hell, this is a new space suit?!"


Except for a slight smile at that sentence, almost everyone was staring at the screen.

They were looking forward to what the Chinese astronauts would say when they set foot on the moon for the first time.

Subconsciously, everyone hopes to suppress the words of the United States.


The sound of the elevator hitting the bottom reached Zhai Gang's ears through the space suit.

Perhaps it was because sound was transmitted through solid objects and the human body, but the collision sound was very dull.

"We're here!"

Taking a long breath in his heart, Zhai Gang took his steps firmly.

One foot stepped on the soil of the moon.

A clearly visible shoe print appeared on the moon.

While firmly stepping on the lunar surface, Zhai Gang maintained this action and solemnly spoke to the lunar rover in the distance:

"I convey the wishes of all Chinese aviation staff to everyone on the earth:"

"Comrades, we will go from here to the universe!"

After finishing speaking, Zhai Gang took another step.

He successfully stepped on the moon.

From today on, China will be the second country in the world to land on the moon!

We will go to the universe from here!

Go and conquer the vast sea of ​​stars!

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