Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 364: Your own Transformers

The transformation of the Spark Source was successful!

This news naturally attracted Zhu Lao and others.

Fortunately, this laboratory is not far from the Computer Research Institute, and this group of people came over immediately as if they were sightseeing.

This excitement is something that we have to join in.

Only Horus looked at the Fallen King Kong pitifully, and then looked up at the news in the smart bracelet.

What a dilemma!

In the end,

poor Horus still chose to continue to fight wits and courage with the defense barrier in the Fallen King Kong.

"The Spark Source has been successfully transformed, and there will be three modes for the transformed Transformers in the future."

Tianhuo proudly raised the Spark Source block and laughed:

"The first mode is to transform into an unconscious robot body, which is controlled or implanted with consciousness by this universe, and is a mass-produced warrior; the second mode is to transform into a neutral Transformer, which can exert influence; the third mode is to transform into a young Autobot, and after education, it can become a member of the Autobot side."

Three modes,

Tianhuo's design is very pleasing.

In fact, the first mode is designed for this universe.

It is just transformed into an unconscious robot body, and then implanted with consciousness by this universe.

Isn't this a disguised Transformer Warrior belonging to this universe?

In other words,

As long as this universe writes a core code and simulates the construction of the data brain barrier, it can transform its own Transformer Warrior in the future!


the unmanned warship that covers the sky and the sun begins to transform in the air and eventually becomes the assault warrior rushing to the front.

That scene,

so cool!

"This is the transformation mode. The Spark Source has the most important function, which is to replenish and activate the core of the Transformer."

Tianhuo looked at the silver cube in his hand and turned to look at Optimus Prime again, his eyes full of emotion, and added:

"It's just that this seems to be repeated with the leadership module."

"It's not repeated. The repair ability of the leadership module is not as good as the Spark Source."

Optimus Prime responded to Tianhuo calmly.

At the same time, he didn't care about the Spark Source transforming unconscious Transformers.

The reason why Autobots are Autobots is that they have their own independent consciousness, their own independent personalities, and have received education and inheritance since their birth.

Those unconscious Transformers cannot be considered Transformers, but only war machines.

War machines,

it's not like the Decepticons haven't done it before,

the Autobots have rich experience with them, so Optimus Prime doesn't care much.

Moreover, if he wants to expand the number of Autobots, Optimus Prime doesn't even bother to use the Allspark!

He only needs energy, and then cultivates young Autobots, educates them, and allows them to grow in all directions.

Autobots don't need the chaotic and violent members spawned by the Allspark.

He, Optimus Prime, wants to rebuild the glory of Cybertron civilization. What he needs are more like-minded, educated, and independently thinking Autobots, not giant babies or war weapons spawned by the Allspark!

“Absorbing the energy of the fire source, absorbing”


In the laboratory, the fire source is absorbing the radiation energy on it, and the blue arc on it is constantly flashing. It is collected by the collector and sent to a closed transparent room through a pipeline.

In the center of the room, under the huge clamp-shaped nozzle, there is a small smart device.

This is what the soldiers escorted in earlier.

Although it is just a smart device, if it receives the energy of the fire during transportation, it may become a killing machine at any time!


The clamp-shaped nozzle is constantly moving down until it moves to the top of the smart device.

“Charging is complete, it is ready, and it has been adjusted to mode one.”

In the observation room, the researcher waved his hand quickly and mobilized the Chinese code on the holographic projection.

“The temporary simulated intelligence has been built, and the smart device has been connected.”

In a separate room,

the smart device is connected to the assistant’s network with a super fiber.

"Ready, launch!"

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Signal confirmed, launch!"

After the researcher pressed the launch button, the clamp-shaped launcher immediately emitted a faint blue light and hit the lying smart device.


The smart device was hit, and the faint blue light instantly surrounded it,

and the entire device began to tremble continuously.

After the trembling, the metal frame on the surface of the palm-sized smart device instantly became densely packed with metal-like scales under the slow motion. The gaps between these scales were very small, probably at the nanometer level, and then the scales began to reorganize.

The original square smart device, the entire structure was reconstructed,

The supporting metal frame turned into two delicate mechanical legs, the lens separated and turned into eyes shining with faint blue light, the battery compressed into the core of the chest, and the structure of unknown place transformed into hands and chest,

In a flash,

A super small Transformer appeared in the room.

However, the only regret is that the eyes of this Transformer, which was born with the Allspark, are shining like normal Autobots, but unfortunately it is just light, and there is no soul in it.

"Start injecting temporary intelligence program..."

"Loading successful."

The assistant's mechanical voice sounded in the observation room,

Then, in the room, the transformed Transformer's eyes suddenly lit up, and it did a backflip and began to dent its shape.

It’s just that no matter how flexible and active you are,

Fang Jing could still clearly feel the strong smell of an assistant on it.

That taste of emotionless, absolutely rational artificial intelligence.


In the words of Optimus Prime:

"This is just a robot equipped with artificial intelligence and a shell of Cybertronian life, but it is by no means a true Cybertronian intelligent mechanical life form!"

Intelligent life, intelligent life,

Mechanical is the next best thing.

However, this is already very satisfying for Mr. Zhu.

Achieving this step means that they can mass-produce robot warriors!


It was originally a car factory, and with the technological upgrades in this universe, it can produce dozens of cars every second.


At the end of the production line, add the energy transmitter of the fire source.

This automobile factory instantly turned into a factory for mass-producing mechanical warriors!

Such a scene,

This is simply wholesale!

"Coupled with the assistant's firewall technology, these Transformers warriors are far more powerful than ordinary Decepticons."

Mr. Zhu raised his eyebrows.

As for the military, due to the lack of manpower,

You should get relief soon.

Thinking of this, he couldn't stop laughing.

This harvest was so much that he was a bit dazzled!

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