Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 365 Going mining again?

This universe, Mars, the underground part of Node Island.

The Decepticons, who felt they had been defeated inexplicably, were as if they were drunk and had their films broken, and they had no memory of how they were defeated.

That's Megatron,

I vaguely remember that for some reason, all the Decepticons around me started to fall to the ground.

That scene,

It left a deep impression on him.

It has become a shadow in my heart.

The Decepticons around him fell one by one for unknown reasons, from far to near, unable to stop them. At that time, Megatron only felt inexplicable fear in his heart.

By the way,

He still remembers,

That spaceship stuck above the human artillery position!

And the ridiculously big naval gun on that spaceship, the one that could fit him in!

It was that naval gun that made him want to escape.

Because if you really get hit by one,

Megatron felt that he must die!

And he doesn't want to die yet.


In the darkness, with a clicking sound, an unusually dazzling light shone on Megatron's face.

The dazzling light made Megatron subconsciously want to reach out to block it, but he found that they could not. He was completely restrained and sat in place, unable to move.

In front of him, three humans were sitting facing him with serious expressions.

Behind the three people, there was a line of unfamiliar text.

It seems like something...

"Confess..., resist..."

"Megatron, right?"

Among the three, the human in a green military uniform stood up slowly, stared at Megatron with indifferent eyes, and said sternly:

"You have been arrested by us for crimes against humanity. You have the right to remain silent, but everything you say next will be notarized in court!"

"Now, report your situation!"


Megatron blinked,

He was stunned for a while,

Then he became visibly angry. These weak bugs actually dared to interrogate him!

"Bang, bang, bang, you are looking for death!"

Anger arose from the bottom of his heart and exploded instantly. Megatron let out a roar,

Just relying on you, you can't even think of restraining me!

When I get out of trouble, I will crush you humans!


The arm, the mechanical hydraulic device began to exert force, and the rotating shaft continued to rotate. Megatron concentrated all his strength on the arm, and pulled hard on the things that restrained him.

Open it for me! ! !

Seeing Megatron's anger bursting out, the three interrogators raised their eyebrows. Was he trying to break free? !

Immediately, two people became alert and looked a little nervous. Could it be that Megatron really broke free?

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Megatron was still roaring and his arms were still exerting force.

It's just the restraints holding him, not moving at all!

"Give up struggling. This is the cable used to anchor the space battleship. Just rely on your strength to break it for the rest of your life."

The interrogator in military uniform looked at Megatron, who was still gritting his teeth and exerting force, and rolled his eyes.

The other two interrogators also twitched their mouths.

I thought you were so awesome, but this is what happened?

"I want you to die!!!"

Megatron roared angrily,


In an instant, there was a violent sound of gears turning, and Megatron used all his strength!

In the end, the restraint belt was still no big deal...

Unable to break free, Megatron suddenly felt a little embarrassed and his temper became even more violent. He glared angrily and looked at the human in front of him hatefully.

To humiliate him like this,

If one day he can get out of trouble, he must gather the Cybertronian army to regain his position!

But the interrogator could no longer continue the interrogation.

The interrogator in military uniform looked even more worried.

Not giving face, right? !

Megatron still looked fierce,

How dare these weak humans interrogate themselves?

He, the leader of the Decepticons, will never surrender...submit!


With a crisp sound,

In the room, at some point, a giant 1000mm energy cannon stretched out, its muzzle pointed directly at Megatron's head.


Swallowed a mouthful of lubricant,

Megatron's eyes widened instantly.


The interrogator in military uniform put down his hand on the red button, crossed his arms across his chest, looked at Megatron with disdain, and asked in a cold voice.

If you don’t listen to logic, you have to listen to the physics of this 1000mm cannon, right? !


A few drops of lubricant came out of Megatron's forehead, and he suddenly became extremely well-behaved.


"Gender? It's a male robot, right?"


The recorder paused and looked up at Megatron in surprise.

What does it mean to be a male robot?

"Although cybertronian mechanical intelligent life is divided into genders, we use asexual reproduction and the larvae are cultivated, so we generally don't have a gender."

Seeing the displeasure on the recorder's face, Megatron quickly explained.

"I see, that faction?"

"Decepticons, Decepticons."


During the subsequent interrogation, Megatron was very well-behaved, and the interrogators were also very satisfied.


This success was all due to the superb interrogation skills of the three interrogators, and it was definitely not because of the 1000mm cannon on Megatron's head!

"Excuse me...how will we be arranged next?"

Seeing that these three... amiable humans had finished interrogating, Megatron imitated Starscream's demeanor and licked his face to ask.

"Oh, you committed a crime against humanity, and you should be sentenced to a labor camp next."

The interrogators in military uniforms sorted out the documents and were ready to leave.

However, seeing that Megatron was at least more cooperative than the other Decepticons, he said a few more words.

"Reeducation through labor, how long was the sentence?"

Megatron's hand shook slightly,


Why is this term so familiar to him?

"Your Cybertronian mechanical intelligence has a long lifespan. It should be sentenced to at least a few hundred years. The details will depend on the final review."

The military-uniformed interrogator smiled faintly:

"It happens that the tourist planet needs a large number of miners, and you will most likely be sent there to do labor camps."


This familiar term made Megatron's face instantly froze.

Long-lasting memories surfaced from the bottom of my heart.

He, Megatron, was once the miner leader of Cybertron,

I never expected that,

Finally, he went back to his job.

What the hell,

Going to mine again? ? ?

And it will take hundreds of years to dig!

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