Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 366 Can you do it?

Transformers world,

Most of the main force of the Decepticons have been captured, leaving only the stragglers who continue to hide on the earth and pose no threat.


Everyone in Project 237 has focused on the mechanical life of Cybertron.

This strange life form opened the eyes of the biologists in the entire project and was extremely amazing.

Especially engineers!

Kyushu World,

In the prison where the engineers are imprisoned,

At this time, due to the cooperation of the engineers, except that the alert level remained unchanged and the engineers were still unable to leave at will, the place no longer looked like a prison.

I would like to ask, which prison has an ancestor temple that can satisfy engineers?

Which prison allows engineers to roam around freely and eat whatever they want?

Which prison?

Will the prisoners be allowed to hook up with the guards, or even invite the prisoners to give lectures at the nearby University of Science and Technology?

In addition to necessary caution,

Because of the performance of Horos and others, the treatment of "prisoners" here under Project 237 is getting better and better.

In the dark room, on the dark wall is a statue full of weirdness. The statue has a head like a drop of water, with perfect streamlines. The whole body is emitting metallic reflections. It has a ferocious mouth and a tail like a barb. .

This statue looks weird and fierce. It is "Dickon", the ancestor of engineers, and the prototype of the alien!

And this room with the Dickon statue is the Ancestral Temple that takes care of the engineer's faith.

In the temple, the great elder Dino sat quietly under the statue, holding a crutch tightly with both hands, his eyes closed tightly, and his fair skin strangely showed a faint fiery red under the light of the light. .

He was praying, or rather listening, for answers to genetic calculations.

"With mechanical intelligent life, Horos's choice is correct."

Slowly opened his eyes,

Dino stood up with his hands on his hands, looked at the ferocious and wild statue above his head with complex eyes, and murmured:

"There have been so many life forms that we have never encountered before,"

"This time of mechanical intelligence civilization, the data brain barrier on the fallen King Kong even surpasses the life structure technology of the engineer at his most glorious moment. That thing... is connected to the remnant body under the earth..."

Dino took a deep breath,

Thinking of the engineer in this prison, of the young man running around the universe in pursuit of transformation, and of Horos's face that needed a beating, he took a deep breath and smiled slightly:

"This guy Horos is not very good at studying. The ready-made data is here, and he didn't see such an obvious connection. He still wants to take over my position?"

Dino laughed,

This young man, Horos, was a little jumpy during the Blackwater experiment.

As the great elder of the Engineer clan, he knows almost every core member’s character and situation.

This guy still wants to replace it?

Your teachers were all taught by me, are you the only one?

Let me see what you gain from traveling to several universes during this time!


First of all, let’s give you a failing grade for data integration and analysis ability!

I thought so funny in my heart,

Then Dino stood up completely. He used his crutches, turned his back to Dickon's statue without hesitation, and walked out of the Master Temple.

As he walked out of the temple, he waved his hand and called the engineer who was guarding the door of the temple.

"Great Elder, what are your orders?"

"Seal the Master's Temple and inform everyone that they will no longer come to worship. The Master's Temple and Deacon will become a piece of history."

Dino didn't look back;

There wasn't even nostalgia on his face. Following in the footsteps of his master could no longer revive the engineer.

But now, they engineers seem to have found a new path.

computer lab,

Horos Mi Mi drank two bottles of tonic.

Staying up late for a long time made his anti-fatigue genes somewhat weak, so he could only rely on the supplements from this universe to continue.

Looking at the red patch in front of me,

The thousands of computers that Mr. Zhu approved for him have all self-destructed in the battle with the Fallen King Kong's data brain barrier!

A thousand units!

His grandma's,

After so many explosions, the opponent's data brain barrier is still strong and does not look weak at all.

This was completely beyond Horos' expectations.

He thought that even if the opponent's quality was very strong, it would definitely not be able to be consumed in a war of attrition.

However, I never expected that when a thousand computers were smashed into it, there wouldn't be any splash.

"This is unscientific. What is the opponent's data brain barrier made of? It can actually super-multi-thread homomorphic defense. It is simply unbelievable!"

Horos sat dejectedly on the chair, covering his head with a deeply shocked expression on his face.

Originally full of confidence,

Now it has been completely broken by the wall of sighs in the head of the fallen King Kong!

Horos was now in deep confusion;

This doesn't work. Is it really possible to use tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of computers to wipe out the opponent through data wave tactics?

It's just that,

The 25% of advanced technologies within the barrier may not be guaranteed!

Horos is in trouble,

What he saw before him was more difficult than he initially expected.


Suddenly, there was a sound of the airlock door opening behind him.

Horos thought it was Elder Zhu who came to check the progress, and a few drops of cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He was about to explain the current situation, but when he turned his head, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his face was full of disbelief.

"Great... Great Elder?"

"Why are you here?!"

That's right,

The airlock hatch opened, and the person who walked in was the engineer elder Dino, who changed into a biological armor, shaved his facial beard, had deep eyes and steady steps!

He walked slowly to the side of the astonished Horos, glanced at the data on the holographic panel in front of him, sneered, and gently tapped Horos's head with his cane:

"You were distracted during the computer hacking and attack and defense class, you and Sivis were both, with you guys like this, how dare I hand over the tribe to you?"

Showing an expression of disappointment,

Dino pushed Horos away, sat in his seat, and began to move his hands quickly.

The child is incorrigible.

The data will be synchronized to the prison for them to check.

He only took a glance and found that Horus's solution was correct.

But he didn't expect Horus to be so stubborn. His method was correct. He drove in the right direction and passed the finish line.

He was anxious when he saw this in prison.

Horus, can you believe it?

As a result, after watching for a long time, this unlucky child still couldn't find the problem. Dino couldn't help it!

Really, after all this time, the coach has to come out in person!

Head coach, the head coach has finished warming up and started to enter the field!

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