Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 367: Leaving the Mountain

Horos' idea of ​​cracking the data brain barrier of the Fallen King Kong and its remaining 25% data is correct.


This guy is driving too hard on this road.

Originally, the assistant artificial intelligence would definitely be able to discover this problem.

It's just unfortunate that,

The assistant was counterattacked by the data brain balance, and was really too busy to take care of himself. He mainly went to protect the security of the base's inner three-layer network, and the computing power was not focused on this point at all.

In short,

In this way, Horos made the problem more complicated.

"Great Elder, can you solve this problem?"

Horos didn't believe it.

I, an engineer who has experienced so many worlds with this universe and has greatly improved my knowledge and ability, cannot solve this problem. How can the Great Elder, who only masters the old knowledge passed down by engineers, solve it?

Thinking about it, Horos showed a trace of doubt and dissatisfaction on his face.


Then he was educated by Dino.

Sometimes, if you can learn more and more specialized knowledge than knowledge, that is an advantage.


Just when Horos was suspicious, Dino was done.

One by one, he found the runes from the computer's self-destruction data, and then slowly restored them.

Soon, a strange model appeared in the computer.

"Simulating scan, starting..."

"Assistant correction, it is determined to be similar to the counterattack mode of Fallen King Kong, and the remaining 75% is being embedded...the match is complete."

Complete match? ! !

What did Horus Engineers see?

What the hell?

It has only been a few minutes and you have completed the cracking.

So what am I doing these days, eating and drinking?

Horos was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped. He immediately rushed to the computer and compared it three times.

As recorded by the assistant, the fluctuations when being counterattacked were exactly the same.

The remaining 25% of the undeciphered content in the mind of the Fallen King Kong was easily decrypted under the instigation of the Great Elder Dino!

Dino told Holos the truth,

Ginger is still spicy!

"Great Elder, how did you do it?!"

Horos opened his mouth and looked at the Great Elder as if he were looking at a god.

This is awesome!

"Haha, it's very simple. Little Horos, you still need to learn more. You can't be inflated just because of this little knowledge."

Dino didn't answer him directly, but calmly shook his head, turned his head behind his back, and pretended to be an expert without speaking.


Just when he turned around, Dino's face was no longer calm, and he let out a heavy breath.

What a risk,

This time the leak was successfully detected.

Horus, this idiot,

Before the computer team in this universe self-destructs, it will take away a piece of the attacker's program and save it on the inside of the destroyed disk, which can be reproduced through multiple exposures.

This guy is like a stubborn bull, focused on forcibly breaking through the opponent's defense.

Wei Dino did the opposite, using nearly a thousand fragments of the attacker's program to reversely deduce the original counterattack program.

This time, he made a big mistake.

He took the opportunity to convince Horos.


He really can't compare to Horos now!

Horos has experienced the worlds of Pacific Rim, Avatar, and Transformers. These technologies are not open to Dino, so in terms of biotechnology and knowledge, he will definitely be out of reach and be beaten by the opponent!

It's a pity,

It is true that Horos has a lot of knowledge, but he is a bit stupid.

It's so easy to fool.

Dino has been fooling him until now, and he feels a little bit unbearable.


Behind him, Horos sneezed heavily as he looked at the great elder who was carrying his back and was silent.

He looked around warily,

Who, who is talking bad about me!

Horos frowned, squinted his eyes, looked around, stopped at the great elder, picked his head, and felt something:

"Why do you have an ominous premonition?"

The data brain barrier model in the brain of the fallen King Kong was completely constructed.

Passed to the computer laboratory,

All the researchers were amazed by this complex, skyscraper-like structure.

"Such an exquisite model, just by looking at it, I have a deeper understanding of the form of life. I can even use this model to start constructing a brand new life!"

data brain model,

More than just an information defense model,

This last 25% of data contains a wealth of information.

Including the understanding and structure of life existence, form, and even how to create!

"Is this all you can see?"

Dino glanced at Horos, a little annoyed.

"Use your little brain and think about it. Are some of the data in this model familiar?"

"Somewhat familiar?"

Horos frowned.


The great elders said they were familiar with it, so it must have appeared somewhere.


Looking at the data in the model, Horos, who was thinking, suddenly opened his eyes, and suddenly remembered the earth core exploration he had just entered the Transformers world.

"The data of this model is very similar to...Unicron in the earth's crust!"

Horos was shocked!

"That's right, you finally realized that they are similar in nature, that is, the results are the same, but the operation process is different."

Dino lowered his head to Mr. Zhu who walked in at this time, and then added to Horos:

"Perhaps, this 25% of the mysterious code was created by the ancestor of Transformers, Yuanshi Tianzun, who combined part of the body of the Unicron."


Horos was shocked by the idea of ​​the Great Elder.

If this is the case,

They've now cracked 25% of the models,

Thinking about it, Horos looked at the direction of Space Gate No. 6 with fiery eyes.

If this is really the case,

Then they can even reversely deduce the control method of Unicron's body in the core of the earth, and obtain those technologies on him.


What would happen if Unicron's ability to travel across the multiverse was combined into the machine in Fang Jing's consciousness?


Even if it doesn't work,

What will happen if we just master a few multiverses near Transformers?

Take control of Unicron!

Once this idea appeared in Horos's mind, it would never go away.


Mr. Zhu, who came after hearing the news, also had these words in his head.

Immediately, he took a deep breath.

Playing so big?

Although there is only a part of the Emperor of the Universe in the core of the earth, if it is really controlled, what kind of benefits will it bring, Mr. Zhu really can't even think about it!

The key is,

What Dino speculated is not unreasonable!

Of course Dino knew that his speculation was reasonable.

Because it was with such an opportunity that he decisively closed the Deacon Ancestral Temple and went out to personally help Horos and mankind.

In the past, humans were able to travel through parallel universes. Dino thought that all he had to do was send a backbone of engineers like Horos to make friends; but this time, facing the remains of Unicron, which touched the highest power of the universe, could Dino endure it?

Come out of the mountain,

He came out decisively, he wanted to study this! ! !

Mr. Zhu glanced at Dino and saw that his eyes were fiery and slightly crazy, as good as Horos, so he secretly shrugged his shoulders.

Good guy,

Gain an enhanced version of "Horos".

The inside of the engineer is also rolled up!

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