Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 368 Teleportation

Here, this universe is actively conducting research on Transformers-related technologies.

The harvest is great, very great.

It was so big that it directly led the great elders of the engineers out of the mountain.

And it is of the highest standard, sealing the temple and leaving the mountain!

Even the matter of searching for the ancestor god Deacon for thousands of years and across countless star systems was completely forgotten.

This is,

It completely puts the attention of the engineer family on this universe.

The great engineer elder, Dino, is the Stud!

Stud is a technique,

Last time he tried to restore the ancestral god Deacon, but after thousands of years, the engineers failed to succeed, and instead became more and more in decline; this time, he tried again, and at this time he firmly believed that this time, this stud would definitely succeed!

No matter what the engineers decide internally,

Now that Dino has officially taken action, corresponding supervision must be in place.


Dino officially enjoyed the supervision that Horos had when he first joined.


Even stronger,

Because the research on Fallen King Kong involves the Emperor of the Universe, who can travel across the multiverse, in addition to having a human team join in, every step of the research needs to be reported.

Only in this way can the safety of the entire experiment be determined.

On the other side, Fang Jing, Zhou Yuan, Optimus Prime and the Autobots, escorting the natural enemies with smart shackles on their bodies, arrived...

Avatar World!

Following them was a transport spacecraft.

In the cargo hold of the spacecraft, there are densely packed long conical energy pillars. These energy pillars are rough in shape, with azure light surging in the middle. They are stacked together. When people who don’t know why see them, they will definitely think that they are from someone. A high-tech weapon.

"This is... a parallel universe!"

The natural enemy was restrained in his seat, his head constantly turning, looking at the scene outside the spacecraft through the holographic projection, as well as the Pandora planet, which is as beautiful as the earth!


What shocked him the most was the three bright suns on the holographic projection star map.

Alpha A, Alpha B, and Proxima Centauri!

These three stars were so familiar that the Archbishop felt like he was now back in his homeland, Cybertron.

The planet Cybertron is a planet orbiting Alpha A!

Here is the Alpha Centauri star system,

However, Yu Tian Enemy searched the entire star map and even launched the search himself, but did not find any planet similar to Cybertron in this airspace.

In this way, he was instantly sure,

They have definitely come to a parallel universe, a parallel universe without Cybertron!

"This is... the planet Pandora. There is no Cybertron in Alpha Centauri here, only a planet that breeds carbon-based life and plant life intelligence."

After marveling for a long time, Optimus Prime used his permission to call up the star map of the Avatar world.


Sometimes the comrades who prepare intelligence and logistics are really helpless.


There are as many worlds as there are star maps to prepare. If there were no assistants, they would have gotten confused!

Earth, there is Earth here, there is no Earth here,

Every time you pass through the space gate, you have to change the star map!

"Wait, plant intelligent life form?"

Optimus Prime raised his eyebrows sharply after reading the information he had just received.

Why does this introduction mode feel inexplicably familiar?

I, Optimus Prime, a cybertronian mechanical intelligent life form? ? ?

Good guy, Pandora is a plant intelligent life form?

And they are all in the Alpha Centauri star system,

It is both mechanical life and plant life. Why is this Alpha Centauri star system so colorful?

"Plant intelligent life form?"

Although the natural enemy was restrained, the shock in his eyes was undisguised.

This is indeed a parallel universe, so colorful!

See the shock of Transformers in your eyes,

Fang Jing and others had "I understand" expressions in their eyes.

When everyone learned about Ai Hua's existence, their expressions were not much better. It was a normal reaction. This was just a normal reaction!

When Fang Jing and others came to Pandora, they definitely did not bring Optimus Prime and others on a trip.

They are here on a mission.

That is to control the energy column in the hands of the natural enemy, open the space bridge, and bring back the fleet that is still on the Avatar World Earth or on the way back!

"The control permissions of the space bridge are being uploaded. I have released the certification and uploaded the control program."

After seeing the planet Pandora and the real parallel universe, Yu Tian Enemy no longer had any doubts in his mind, and he was extremely well-behaved when cooperating.

He could no longer find any reason to object.

Because just here, in this universe, in the Alpha Centauri star system, this universe can directly absorb the energy of two stars!

Pandora's orbit is biased towards the Alpha star, and the disappearance of Alpha B and Proxima Centauri will not have the slightest impact on Pandora!

What a huge resource this is,

Just making a little soup is enough to revive Cybertron!

That's enough!

"The control permission of the space bridge has been accepted. The Cybertron text is being translated, transferred to Chinese, and the Chinese control system is re-adapted. The adaptation is completed, and the control permission has been transferred."

The assistant's cold mechanical voice sounded instantly,

Control of hundreds of energy bars received!

"Get ready to launch, target 3 light years away, transport fleet!"

Fang Jing let out a heavy breath.

The signal guard did not do anything wrong, the assistants and the expert team did not report any errors, and the mission continued.

"The command has been issued, the space bridge is being activated, and the central control rod has been lifted into the air."

"Buzz buzz-"

The moment Fang Jing gave the order,

In the transport yard at the rear of the spacecraft, an energy rod lying flat suddenly flew sideways, turned ninety degrees, stood in the window cabin, and floated into the air!

Then, the cabin opened, and the central control rod flew out toward the sky.


At the moment of flying out,

A burst of blue waves spread out rapidly around the central control rod.

In an instant, hundreds of energy rods lying in the cabin began to shake as if struck by lightning, and then floated into the air like the central control rods, and were regularly thrown out by the spacecraft.

at last,

Hundreds of energy rods form a huge circular plane in space.

The moment when the plane combination is successful,

A strange strobe flashed between the energy bars. The amplitudes changed from messy to consistent, and finally became exactly the same!


In the starry sky, in the circle surrounded by energy rods, space suddenly began to collapse, bend, and reorganize.

Then, a fleet suddenly appeared like a mirage in a circle surrounded by energy rods.

The membrane of space seems to have been punctured,

The fleet moved from virtual to real,

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in the originally empty void!

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