avatar world,

On the way between the solar system and the Alpha Centauri star system, the human transport fleet that had just left the Oort Cloud experienced a wonderful thing.

This fleet,

With nearly a hundred light-speed spaceships and nearly a million people in total, the leader of the spacecraft, the Yuodramon, is a frigate of the Earth Expedition Fleet and is currently acting as a guard for the immigrant ships.

throughout the fleet,

Except for the immigrants and a small number of crew members on each ship who fell asleep, the rest of the crew were working vigilantly.

Their task is very heavy,

The millions of people in the first batch of immigrants have become "residents" of this universe from the moment they stepped out of the world of Avatar, and they have become the objects they must protect!

The entire journey of the immigrant fleet must be trouble-free.

In the command room of the Yuwangdramon spacecraft, the captain He Zhengze, the three-man command post intelligence adjutant Wang Mingxue, and the arms adjutant Tong Dianyuan are lying in the cabin, connected with synaesthesia equipment, and carefully observing in virtual reality Star maps and shipping lanes.

"The intelligent system has been recalibrated and the time has been updated. We will be able to reach the target in two years and three months."

There was a hint of relief in the intelligence adjutant's tone.

They were almost a third of the way through the voyage.

"Stay vigilant and beware of the remaining 'human' fleets in the nearby star field."

He Zhengze's expression was still serious,

His worries were not unreasonable. Although the Omi fleet in the solar system was defeated, there might still be scientific research ships outside the solar system, as well as warships protecting the scientific research ships.

Some of these battleships may escape after learning that Earth has been defeated, but there may be some full-blooded people inside who will drive over directly in battleships.

For a spaceship like the Aegis-class battleship, the Yuodramon spacecraft, the attack from the opponent's light-speed spacecraft is not worth mentioning.

But in this fleet,

Mainly they are the light speed spaceships snatched from the world of Avatar!

Moreover, the sleeping cabin inside was filled to the brim.

If you are hit,

It will cause a lot of damage in an instant!

Therefore, He Zhengze, who was conscientious and conscientious, stared like bells with his eyes, daring not to let go of any movement from the various detectors in front of him.

"Didi didi——"


Captain He, who was so vigilant, discovered the alarm signal sent by the space curvature detector almost instantly.

"Report, the curvature of the space ahead has undergone... drastic changes!"

The intelligence adjutant also hurriedly turned his head to look. At this sight, his eyes almost popped out of his head in virtual reality.

The space curvature detector sets standards based on the current curvature of space in this universe.

From level 1 to level 7, level 5 can wrap objects with curvature, and level 7 can complete curvature flight. Level 7 is the highest, but there are still design redundancies above.

And now,

The space curvature detector alarmed.

The red curve instantly reached the highest level, even higher than the highest level!

Level 7 is far beyond level 7!

"What is this, right in front of us!"

He Zhengze, with only horror in his eyes, quickly asked the intelligence adjutant, pointing to the capped space curvature detector.

"I don't know, we are getting closer!"

The intelligence adjutant's real body began to break out in cold sweat on his forehead. This was because he was overly frightened.

"Quick, notify the fleet, slow down and turn, slow down and turn, no matter what it is, it must not hit it. The assistant predicts the impact distance. What is our chance of successfully avoiding it?"

Captain He also had eyes that were about to burst.

Why did something go wrong with him?

This fleet has millions of residents!

"Unfortunately, Captain He, according to detection, the curvature of space is heading towards us at the speed of light. It is expected to make contact in 3 minutes and 50 seconds. At the flight speed of our fleet, forced turning will cause the hull to disintegrate, and contact is no longer possible. avoid."

The shipboard artificial intelligence instantly gave He Zhengze an answer that made him a little decadent.

All these coping processes may seem to have taken a long time, but they actually took 0.01 seconds in synaesthesia.

Almost instantly,

The ship came to the conclusion,

They can't hide at all!

In the sky, directly in front of the fleet, a circular distorted space plane was flying unstoppably.


He passed through the fleet's lead ship, the Yuodramon!

After passing through, it passed through hundreds of light-speed spaceships at an unstoppable speed!

He Zhengze was about to close his eyes.

They've collided with this damn thing, what's going to happen?

"Hey, we are wrapped in a space bubble?"

The intelligence adjutant looked at the space curvature detector, his eyes widened, he looked at the data around him and let out an exclamation.

"Space bubble?"

He Zhengze's frown suddenly raised.

At this time, the entire immigrant fleet has been wrapped in a layer of dark blue space bubbles. No matter how fast it is accelerated, it cannot escape this strange structure.

This space bubble is like a holographic projection. It looks full of illusion and makes people feel unreal, as if they are dreaming.

However, being in it, He Zhengze clearly discovered that this illusion was slowly disappearing and slowly solidifying!

This kind of gaze made the eyes of those who were awake in the cab widen.

The situation in front of them completely exceeded their understanding.

The illusion around me is fading away,

What happened?


For some reason, an inexplicable buzzing sound suddenly sounded in the vacuum universe, and the sound was like something was vibrating.


It was the space, the ship, and everything in sight was vibrating!

"What happened?"

"What's going on? It feels like the whole space is vibrating!"

"Monitor alarm, the spacecraft has experienced an unknown vibration, no, position, our position is changing?"

"Is the position change big?"

"Very big, the star map and the calibrator have lost their function, we can no longer locate, we can no longer locate!"

On the entire Yuwanglong Beast,

the crew members were shocked to find that all the positioning methods on the spacecraft had problems!

Moreover, the crew members could only watch helplessly and could not solve it at all!

Until a few minutes later, it all ended by itself,

the space bubble that enveloped the fleet disappeared, the crazy gasping spacecraft suddenly stopped vibrating, and the positioning method was restored,

"The vibration stopped, the positioning was restored, and the detection was in progress..."

"Fortunately, no spacecraft in the entire fleet was damaged."

After re-testing, the crew members on the ship breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there were no accidents.

Then, the test results came out:

They found another situation that they couldn't understand.

That is...

"What, this is Alpha Centauri, next to Pandora, we... are back?!"

What's going on? ? ?

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