Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 379 Population plus plus plus

He Zhengze was confused.

What was going on? How did their fleet suddenly reach their destination?

And they were directly next to the planet Pandora in the Alpha Centauri star system!

Without any signs,

they just hit a strange space bubble, and then,

then they reached their destination.

In front of them, there was no longer an endless black void, no longer a boring and long road, but two huge planets, one of which was azure blue, dotted with emerald green and snow-white stripes.

The star map confirmed that this was Pandora, the planet where the space gate was located!

They arrived at their destination in a flash,

this is too magical!

He Zhengze rubbed his eyes heavily, and he suspected that he was dreaming.

How else could they suddenly arrive?

It was less than ten minutes,

Is it possible? Is it reasonable? Is this scientific? ! !

To the bystanders, this matter was really amazing,

but as the person involved, He Zhengze, the whole process was simply terrifying.

Especially when the fleet couldn't escape the space bubble, he had prepared for the worst. In the end, how could he not understand when he saw Pandora?

This must be that Plan 237 entered a new parallel universe and obtained some amazing technology, so they thought they were too slow and directly opened a portal to send them here.

Taking a deep breath,

He Zhengze suppressed the excitement in his heart.

It's good to be able to travel two years and three months faster.

There's just one bad thing,

Why didn't you inform them in advance about this? !

He almost scared this loyal old comrade!


Real-time communicators are rare. It takes a year to talk to them on the flagship.

That's fine.

It saves two years of flight time. It's okay to scare us.

All this was indeed done by this universe.

These energy pillars of the Yutiandi can even transmit the planet Cybertron. It's just a fleet. Isn't it easy to transmit?

This is also the reason why Mr. Zhu was very happy after the Yutiandi surrendered.

With the space bridge,

what can be realized at the fastest speed is that

the problem of lack of population in this universe and Jiuzhou world can be alleviated instantly!

That's right,

the first use that Zhu Lao thought of for the space bridge was to directly bring back the fleet and population of the Avatar world!

So Fang Jing came, Yu Tiandi came, and the energy bar came.

So... He Zhengze was sent back in a daze.

"It's too late to congratulate Captain He on his return home. Captain He, please land immediately, wake up the passengers and send them back to Jiuzhou world. We will continue to transmit!"


After informing Captain He,

the energy bar quickly moved its position and was controlled to fly to Pandora.

On Pandora, Goddess Aihua had cooperated to clear out a huge basin. The energy column flew into the basin and hovered less than one meter above the ground of the basin.

Flashing again, the energy column suddenly emitted a stronger light!

This time, they will transmit things from more distant places!


a large number of people!

On the planet Pandora, near the space gate on the ground,

Zhu Lao and Zhou Zhezhi walked out together, looking down at the basin under their feet, they smiled at each other, their eyes full of expectation.

On the earth of the Avatar world,

Pang Hai sat in front of the ship's real-time communicator, his eyes widened, listening to the intelligence adjutant's words in surprise.

"You mean, where did the headquarters find the space bridge? As long as we report the coordinates, we can be directly teleported to the vicinity of Pandora?"

"Yes, this must be a new technology!"

The intelligence adjutant's eyes lit up,

In this way, they can complete this task as quickly as possible, and then see more and more colorful worlds!

To be honest,

For their fleet, bullying the kids here is fun, but it's too boring.

It's better to go to more colorful worlds,

to see the colorful world!

"Mr. Chen, how are you guys preparing?"

Pang Hai suppressed his excitement, turned around and looked at Chen Tunmin who was sitting next to him, and asked softly.

"We are all ready here. The first batch of 30 million people chose a city inland. The notification has been completed and the equipment has been distributed."

"Have the coordinates been sent?"

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, the coordinates have been sent. Let's bring up the picture!"

Pang Hai smiled slightly and waved to bring up the image of the city where 30 million people gathered.

That's right,

This time the space bridge directly transported the entire city!

It's very troublesome to gather 30 million people together for transportation, and we have to worry about various problems.

But what about directly transporting the entire city?

Just notify everyone in advance, return to their residences, and distribute oxygen supply equipment in advance, that's enough!

The gravity of Pandora is no different from that of the earth!

The space bridge will directly move the entire city and transfer all the equipment and population in it!

In this way,

even the temporary resettlement problem is solved!

Captain Pang Hai pulled up the satellite image.

In the inland of the great Eastern country, a city surrounded by a red circle stood out.

There was not even a ghost on the streets of the city at this time.

Everyone obeyed the instructions, wore oxygen equipment, and stayed quietly in their rooms waiting for the "transmission" as the official said.

Zhang Xuexu lives in a rental house on the outskirts of this city, with dense woods outside the window. It can be said that his place is the real edge of the city.

Not only that, his room is not only the edge of the city, but also the edge of this teleportation.

It is precisely because of this that he wore oxygen equipment, stared at the forest outside the window, and kept thinking in his head.

Officially speaking,

What on earth is going on?

"Hey, why do you feel like it's getting blurry outside?"

Zhang Xuexu suddenly rubbed his eyes, sighed with his hands, and wiped the glass in front of him.

As a result, the glass was cleaned and my eyes were fine, but the forest in front of me became increasingly unreal.

Not only that, but in the end, his hand actually became illusory, like a mosaic-quality TV set, blurry.

This startled him.

Until his hands began to solidify again,

Realizing something, he raised his head sharply,

The familiar broad-leaved trees outside the window disappeared and were replaced by a gorgeous plant with frighteningly large leaves.

One leaf of this plant is as big as a car, and it emits sparkling light, which is exceptionally gorgeous.

Seeing this scene,

Zhang Xuexu suddenly understood.


Before they knew it, they had already completed the teleportation!

The Autobot's space bridge, fully functional, actually didn't jitter at all this time. A super city of 30 million was just moved directly to the planet Pandora!

The population of this universe is +30 million!

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