Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 386 It’s incredible, it’s incredible

In the interview room,

Zhao Laifu held the 60th document, looked at the middle-aged man in front of him who was smiling awkwardly, and said speechlessly:

"Your ancestral home is Wuan City?"

"Why, Wu An City has built a human crash factory? Your ancestral home is from Wu An City!"

Look at each other with his crewmates,

Zhao Laifu was a little confused.

What are the officials doing? This group of people are all from the Dark City.

Even if you have to make up a message, please make it up in a decent way!


Isn't this just treating someone as a fool?

Who believes it!

"Well, my ancestral home is from the Dark City, so what are your advantages?"

The vice-captain rolled his eyes and suddenly realized something. He sat upright and asked the 60th interviewer Liu Dali seriously.

"Oh, I have received advanced virtual equipment training. Not only do I have a mine breaker certificate, but I also have a prospector's auxiliary certificate. I have one more certificate than them!"

Liu Dali used a serious Western dialect and introduced his advantages despite his identity as an ancestral home in Wu An City.

The accent of this Wudancheng is so complicated!

Zhao Laifu complained in his heart, including those from the southwest, the northeast, the Central Plains, and the South China Sea.

There are stamp collectors everywhere!


What did the vice-captain say just now? Do you really believe that his ancestral home is Wudancheng?

If you believe him, you might as well believe that I am Qin Shihuang!

"Hey, Lao Zhang, what's going on with you? Do you really believe it?"

Zhao Laifu pulled the deputy captain Zhang Xuhe, lowered his head and asked:

"Their identities have been revealed to the world, and you believe it, right? You're not so stupid usually!"


As a result, Zhang Xuhe stared at Zhao Laifu with surprised eyes, looked at him like a monster, and explained:

"You are the eldest brother, right? You can't even understand this scene. I interviewed 60 people, all of whom are from Wudancheng, and all have official endorsements. If that's the case, then just assume that their ancestral home is Wudancheng."

You're the fucking captain,

I can't even understand this form.

Don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked, just assume that they are from Wudancheng!

Do you have to break the casserole and ask the truth?

No eyesight!

"That's right. As long as the certificate is authentic and the person's origins are officially endorsed, it will be fine."

Zhao Laifu was also blinded. He laughed angrily at the unbearable scene just now, so he didn't react.

What is their purpose.


They have a legitimate identity, and the official website has confirmed it. If that’s the case, then use it!

While there are not many ore ships in Mars orbit right now,

Don't you want to load up on the miners and make a fortune? !

Zhao Laifu figured it out.

I immediately changed my mindset.

No matter how outrageous the origins of these people are, as long as they comply with the regulations issued by the government, that's fine.

After all, these people are approved by the government, right?

Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask,

Just work together and you'll be done.

This universe, Mars, online forum.


Many strange applicants appeared in various cities,

It's not that they look strange or behave strangely, but their information is very strange.

"My god's ancestral home is Wu Dark City on Mars. Wu Dark City was established less than two years ago. Are these people drilled out of the soil of Mars?"

The netizen who posted the post continued to complain and posted a resume with key information such as photo, name and ID number blurred out.

It is worth noting that the column of place of birth is marked with a red box.

"I'm shocked. Zhen Sha's ancestral home is Wudancheng. Brother, is your company recruiting child labor?"

"This isn't child labor anymore, it's a baby."

"The guy upstairs didn't look carefully. The age column says 32 years old. Isn't this a fucking 384-month-old baby?"

"It's so outrageous, how could it be so outrageous!"

"It's okay to lie at first glance, but you have to make up a decent reason to lie to others!"

"There are even more outrageous ones upstairs. Go ahead and search. There are really a large number of people whose ancestry is determined to be Mars on the government website. There are about... one million people. What the heck!"

"One million, does this thing grow from the ground?"


Just this afternoon,

Everyone on Mars was confused.

What's going on? You said that there were suddenly one million more people, and they were still able to accept it. They should have been transported from the earth.

But you said these million people are the natives of Mars,

Then I have something to say.

Where did the natives of Mars come from?

Returning to my ancestral home, fifteen years ago, this place was still deserted!

But soon,

Soon a netizen reacted. He quietly asked:

"Hey, everyone is asking, is there a possibility, I mean is there a possibility, that these people are not originally from the Earth or Mars. Their ancestral home is Mars just to facilitate the arrangement of jobs for them."

"Where can we be if we're not people on Earth? Multidimensional universes, parallel worlds, don't pretend to be clever and clever, they're just being silly!"

"Eh, eh, it's really possible! Don't forget, it's weird how fast our technology advances."

"Of course you remember, it takes three years for Mars and five years for the solar system. You can't steal other people's technology that quickly."


"Wait, I really want to understand what you are going to say."

"Damn, really, if someone like this comes to our company, I have to get some information quickly!"

"Brother, I'll wait for you to come back!"


This universe's 237 plan didn't intend to hide this matter.

With more and more people entering Mars, this matter can't be concealed, so it's just semi-public.

Not to disclose the specific situation, just to let everyone know that these people's origins are not simple.

That's enough!


Just this is enough to make the Internet discussion in this universe explode directly.

Parallel universe people, humans from another world?

All kinds of labels make them very curious.

However, even if the discussion is very intense, no one comes out to explain or prohibit it. The official just issued a notice prohibiting disturbing the lives of "immigrants".

But after this notice came out,

everyone was even more excited!

"Immigrants", native to Mars,

Doesn't this explain something?

The official almost said it directly!

"Now, I know where these technologies come from. Damn, no wonder they have been working directly in the Kuiper Belt in recent years. I heard that there are research ships on the way to Centaurus."

"Damn, damn, what is going on!"

They know the general situation,

but don't know the specific truth. Now the people on Mars are scratching their heads anxiously.

What is going on? ! !

In the orbit of Mars,

on the Diamond, which set off again, the captain Zhao Laifu of the spacecraft saw the employees relax, his eyes rolled, and he asked again without giving up:

"Where are you from?"

"Transfer from the Polyphemus B4 satellite...?!"

The Gaoshan hand who is familiar with the crushing machinery paused and said this casually.

The planet Pandora is in the Eastern country of the Avatar universe. Its legal name is Polyphemus B-4, and its common name is Pandora. As a formally trained space miner, Gaoshan is naturally more familiar with the legal name.

But no matter what he said,

it made the sudden attack captain Zhao Laifu stay where he was.

Polu, the name sounds like a planet,

B4, is this the astronomical number of the satellite?

Just like the moon, it is coded as Earth A1 in the star map.

So, Gao Shan and these people, at least, came to Mars via a planet they had never heard of?


Zhao Laifu widened his eyes, he seemed to have discovered something incredible!

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