Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 387 We are all geniuses, so it's okay

This universe, Mars orbit.

A slender spaceship, with the remaining thrust after deceleration, slowly glided to the docking port on the orbital transfer station. This spaceship is a special express that sails directly from the Earth Xiran Forward Base to this place.

In the spaceship, the short-term hibernation cabin slowly releases the gas in it.

The light-proof curtain on the glass cover shrinks and opens. A middle-aged man with a wide nose, high jaw, and deep eye sockets suddenly opens his eyes, takes a deep breath, and sits up straight with the hibernation hatch opened.

"Huh, to Mars?"

The white man turned his head curiously, and through the porthole, he saw a shocking scene.

In the orbit of a half-green and half-blue planet, there are several fireballs emitting dazzling light, constantly rotating around the orbit.

This is simply a scene that only exists in mythology.

Seeing those artificial suns, he was sure that this was Mars after being transformed by the Eastern power!

The white man's name is Tenore, and he is a serious mathematical genius, at least on Earth!

The situation on Earth is now very clear.

The other countries cannot catch up with the progress of the Eastern Power.

In addition, the Eastern Power has solved the famine in Africa and ended the wars and frictions in various places. In addition, energy is close to wireless. Now the whole world lives in harmony and comfort.

Especially in the East and Africa, which were originally suffering from hunger and war,

It is said that when the Eastern Power comes, there will be a blue sky!

There is no more war and plenty of food. This hotbed of human birth finally feels the feeling of peace and fullness at this moment.

So many countries on Earth are grateful to the Eastern Power.

When Lao Mi was the boss, he not only interfered with you, but also beat you and robbed you.

Now that the Eastern Power has come,

you are full, no more wars, and you are not afraid of power outages. Even a certain fruit gold deep in Africa will stand up for justice when it is bullied!

Although they don’t take you to space, isn’t that enough?

For most people, this is enough.

But for some people, this is not enough!

What humans lack the least is the courage and spirit of exploration.

On such a large earth, under peace and prosperity, a group of "pan-loving parasites" were born, and a group of geniuses were also born.

Geniuses from all walks of life.

They don't care about nationality or disputes, but just put their hearts into science.

Tainore is such a person. On this ship, more than 20 people in the sixth cabin are such people!

Their research on Earth has made no progress, so they applied to the Eastern Power to join the "Human Star Project" on Mars and come to Mars as a trainee!

The Eastern Power is a country of indigenous peoples. Especially after entering the interstellar era, although it has not closed the immigration channels with other countries, the conditions have become much stricter, and it can even be said that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is harsh.

Looking at the beautiful scenery of the ten suns in the sky outside the window,

Tenore murmured in shock:

"It's hard to imagine, this is Mars, is this really something that humans can do?"

"But they did it, didn't they?"

Beside him, a yellow-skinned, black-framed glasses, very thin, somewhat gentle short man, leaned against the porthole and looked at Tenore, nodded and smiled gently, and extended his hand to introduce:

"Sam, also mathematics, but I study computer models."


The two shook hands, because Sam was humorous and their communication was very speculative.

This made Tenore, who came from the German Alliance, feel emotional.

Sam was well-educated, elegant and polite.

He had a completely different temperament from the group of terrified "humans" in the famine-stricken country he had seen in the documentary.

Sure enough, education from childhood has a great influence on the formation of people.

Fortunately, Tenore was not promoted by the mainstream media since childhood, at least he had the same attitude towards everyone.

"Where are you from?"

Tenore can speak fluent Chinese. He was curious about his second-rate standing posture and Sam's upright and polite appearance.

"A tribe in the South Island brought us education and gave us choices. My father was a hunter. He didn't want me to continue his life, so he overcame all difficulties and let me go to school. There were only a dozen people in our school at that time. I didn't expect that I had a unique talent in mathematics."

Sam recalled the past with emotion, his face full of nostalgia and gratitude.

At that time, he was still catching snakes in the forest to supplement his family's food to prevent his family from starving.

Suddenly, a spaceship came.

The wizard of their tribe saw the spaceship and thought it was a "god" coming. He knelt down again and again. As a result, after listening to the guide's introduction, he realized that it was the newly established United Nations World Education Guarantee Alliance, a representative of the Eastern power.

They had seen the appearance of the people coming down from the spaceship. There had been East Asians who had traveled through their area.

Those people gave them a choice and established a joint school not far away to impart all kinds of knowledge. They could decide whether to study or not, to go or not.

And Sam's father, the great father Tucson, made a decision that shocked the tribe that night.

In an ancient, conservative, and traditional tribe, Tucson had to pay a greater price than expected to make this decision.

However, these are not worth mentioning in the eyes of a father who loves his son.

He loves his son Sam, so he doesn't want Sam to die on a hunting trip in the future like his friend Pantuo.

So, Sam became the only person in the tribe to enter that school.

As a result,

after several years of education, Sam's performance in mathematics shocked the teachers who taught remotely.

This is the discovery of a genius!

At that time, Sam, who was only 15 years old, showed his talent in mathematics.

Later, with the intentional training of all parties, it was unstoppable.

Only three years later, at the age of 18, he skipped many grades, obtained a master's degree from a university by correspondence, and followed the footsteps of his mentor to set off to this new place for mankind to sail - Mars!

No wonder he is so thin,

Tainore looked at Sam, whose face was immersed in memories, and nodded in understanding.

What made him even more incredible was that Sam was only 18 years old at this time and had only received less than five years of education?

After taking a deep breath,

Tenore realized,

On this ship, in cabin 6, all the people who could go to Mars were so "evil spirits".

Look at the 18-year-old evil spirit on the left, and look at my 12-year-old child on the right, even more evil spirit!

Then look at myself,


I'm in my thirties!


I'm the best in my field,

so I'm also an evil spirit!

Well, that's okay!

Tenore comforted himself.

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