Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 400 Cutting meat with a blunt knife

This universe has concluded a treaty of friendship with humans in the alien world.


For this universe, this friendship treaty should be bracketed, and it would be better to add the word temporary.

Let’s not talk about these for now.

Just talking about the human interior in the alien world,

If a friendship treaty with alien civilization is successfully concluded, will the world be at peace?


The successful conclusion of the treaty only means that there are no external worries for the time being.

There are no worries externally, but the conflicts and frictions that have been suspended internally will continue again.

This is human nature,

It's just fighting for resources, it's just a matter of basics.

After a few days of silence, the great Eastern powers took the initiative to intensify their efforts to seize the Earth's orbit and Mars' orbit.

This time,

What makes the fleets of various countries want to curse is that,

Their actions became more aggressive, and they were all stunned for a while?


The great Eastern country was on stimulants, why did it suddenly seem like it was going crazy?

"This is the flagship Xuanyuan. The new super quantum computer set has been tested and the model program has been loaded. The fleet is moving out of Jupiter's orbit. The wave frequency of our spacecraft has been obscured by artificial intelligence."

In the dark space,

A fleet quietly set off from the orbit of Mars and headed towards Jupiter at high speed.

This "quietness" is actually for the enemy. For the fleet, they just have to start the jump directly and tell the world that they have taken action.

But even if the movement was so loud, the enemy didn't notice it at all!

The reason is,

I don’t know where I got the “super quantum computer set” and “advanced artificial intelligence model” from.

With these two things,

All shipboard systems in the entire solar system are believed to be extremely safe by humans, so the security systems are all like sieves and can be easily hacked and modified by them.

Although this fleet flies very violently now,

But in various local search radar and early warning means, they "do not exist".

Just like when he deceived the Kuvert,

Artificial intelligence with crushing advantages will tell you,

Your ship is no longer yours!

At least in the human intelligent system, this fleet has...become a ghost.

"We still have six flight hours to reach the Jupiter orbit base. Our goal is to capture three bases and make this our central area for entering and exiting the solar system, allowing us to attack freely."

"The target has been locked, and the Sixth Fleet is orbiting."

Beyond the orbit of Jupiter,

On several satellites, humans have established colonial cities on them,

The patrolling Sixth Fleet swam in orbit, alert to possible dangers.

"Cheer up, the Eastern powers have been very active in the orbit of Mars recently, and the command does not rule out the possibility that the other side may blitz the orbit of Jupiter!"

The commander of the Sixth Fleet announced to the entire fleet with a serious face.

However, his words were not taken seriously by the crew.

Because in the usual impression, isn’t the big Eastern country a “backward country” that can only move in the earth-lunar orbit?

Even if the opponent's technology catches up, what will happen?

"From Mars to Jupiter, how is it possible for the other party to blitz? Unless we are all blind, otherwise we will be ready by the time they fly over!"

"Haha, that's right, the captain is too cautious!"

"Even if the big eastern countries have the same technology as us, it's impossible not to be discovered by us in advance. We have a complex early warning system between Mars and Jupiter!"


At least, in these speculations, the observers of the Sixth Fleet were not wrong.


They never expected that the great eastern country would activate the sacred power of bondage.

I... am no longer that me!

"Didi, didi, the enemy is locked, attack, attack!"

Several observers who were chatting suddenly widened their eyes when they heard the "hospice" emitted by the detector.

"Attack, distance, quick, report distance!"

The observers turned on their rangefinders in panic.

"The impact time is 5 minutes, and the defense system will fail. Pay attention to the defense system failure, evade, evade!"

"Damn it!"

The observer who had been joking just now pressed the alarm with dizzy eyes, cursed angrily, and hurriedly ran towards the escape cabin.

There are still five minutes left and you still don’t run away even after the alarm is issued.

Waiting to die? !


The piercing siren instantly woke up the people in the Jupiter orbital base and fleet who were immersed in the false scene of peace.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

In the fleet, someone opened the energy shield in panic, hoping to withstand the impact.

But it's too late,

When the alarm was issued, the attack had already been triggered, and all systems of their ship had been hacked.

These people were horrified to discover that

The switches for the energy shield and weapon system cannot be turned on at all!

It turned out that under the comprehensive suppression of artificial intelligence, the opponent had no chance of detecting the attack. However, in order to prevent accidental damage, the people on the flagship decided to give the opponent a hint before the attack.


The alarm that sounded just now was just the last glimmer of goodwill from the fleet of the great eastern power.

And goodwill does not mean that they will give each other the opportunity to open the energy shield!

The attack uses guided missiles,

This ancient weapon has not been eliminated in the interstellar era.

Compared with the high-energy energy of energy weapons that can easily soar in value, it is more concealed, especially after electromagnetic launch. The gliding attack without any tail flames or other signs can give the enemy more unexpected "surprises"!

However, this surprise is only "surprise" enough when the opponent does not activate the energy shield!

"The fleet is finished!"

The commander, who was about to press the button to open the energy shield, turned pale.

"The enemy is approaching, the enemy is approaching, hit, hit!"

The last notification from the ship's early warning system sounded.

This sound was followed by several dull roars and... the ship shook violently.

"We have been hit, the ship's control system has been controlled, this is a sneak attack, sneak attack, everyone go to the escape cabin and abandon the ship!"

until hit,

None of them discovered where the enemy was,

What's even more fucked up is that they lost control of the ship!

I can't even control the battleship, so why not hit me with my head?

"This is the flagship Xuanyuan, reporting on the battle situation."

"Twelve spacecraft of Youyi's Sixth Fleet were hit in the core cabin, and all of them lost their combat capabilities."

"The Europa 2 base was captured by robot troops."

"The Jupiter Orbital Transfer Station has been captured and the supplies sent to the Kuiper Belt have been successfully intercepted."

"The drifting fleet has been captured, and we captured the opponent's commander!"

"Jupiter has been taken!"

What is crushing?

Although he directly overturned the opponent's shop without any fanfare, he quietly took over the captain of the Jupiter orbit and flagship Xuanyuan that the opponent had operated for decades.

I can already imagine,

How angry will the other party be!

Take Jupiter,

On the other side's earth - wood, fire and earth - the Kuiper Belt, the nails of the Eastern Powers were hammered into one road!

Cut the flesh with a dull knife, let’s begin!

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