Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 401 How can I be assured?

In the alien world, the dispute in the solar system has begun.


This is something internal to "humanity\

,"Even if their brains are about to explode,

Representatives of the space forces of various countries still gathered together in great harmony and communicated in detail with the people of this universe.

This harmonious scene,

Optimus Prime and Horos looked at it in amazement.

Is this human!

The solar system is in such a fight and noisy, but in front of them it is as if nothing happened, sitting together in such a pretentious manner.

A born actor!

The disputes in this world’s solar system,

In fact, it has just begun.

However, in order to share the pressure with the big eastern countries,

Several hundred light years away from the Mega star system, on a territory that belongs to the territory of this universe,

In a star system similar to the solar system, but with thirty planets,

A warship about 500 meters in length suddenly jumped into the nearby space.

"Recording the jump data, sure enough, the smaller the spacecraft, the farther the space bridge can jump, and correspondingly, the less energy it needs to consume."

The scientists accompanying the ship immediately analyzed the data of this continuous jump and came up with the approximate range:

"If the size of our battleship is extended to the kilometer level, at the same distance, an ordinary battleship core furnace can only withstand fifteen jumps, and the distance is within a hundred light years; if the size of the spacecraft is controlled to half a kilometer, Around 20 times, the number of jumps can be increased to twenty times, and the total jump distance has more than doubled, reaching two hundred light years, or even two hundred and fifty light years."

"The distance of a single jump has also been extended on average, from 6.6 light-years to about 12 light-years."

"Due to core energy issues, the losses of stellar-class battleships can be ignored for the time being, but the huge increase in benefits from a single jump must be taken into account."

The use of space bridges in this universe is still in the exploratory stage.

Therefore, the data of each jump will be recorded in detail.

After roughly testing these operations,

Scientists of this universe have delineated a rough range.

That is the rapid response ship, that is, the military's raid fleet. In order to achieve the strongest and higher raid speed and efficiency, the construction size should not exceed half a kilometer. And the special purpose planetary landing ship, destroyer ship, because it does not require rapid response, The size of the construction can exceed the kilometer level.

"The data recording is completed, waiting for the destroyer to be in position to verify the data..."

When conducting experiments, of course there must be controlled trials.

What came outside this star system was not only the five-hundred-meter-long ship, but also...

In the dark space, a huge space bubble appeared concavely, and an illusory film like a dream slowly enveloped the entire area. From the naked eye, the space in the covered area was constantly distorting.


A huge, cone-shaped spaceship with sharp edges began to become solid from an illusion, and finally stood impressively in this space.

This is a destroyer ship,

The length alone is a special spacecraft that reaches three kilometers.

It's super long, without any corners. It's so straight that it makes people feel comfortable, and it's so cold that it makes people's hearts tremble.

This is a battleship built for annihilation!

Completely black in paint, the coating reflects a faint metallic light. Looking directly at it, under the influence of light, it seems to have spread its wings of light, dazzling and proud.

The spacecraft is equipped with a super main gun,

The cone-shaped bow unfolds, and inside is a huge cannon that can fit into the spacecraft next to it. This is a high-energy neutron beam cannon!

The energy gathered at the muzzle bursts out, which will definitely destroy the world!

"The destroyer is already in position, and the jump speed of the space bridge has been transmitted to the escort ship. Each jump of the destroyer is expected to take more than ten seconds."

"The recording has been completed, the task will be carried out immediately."


After completing the incidental data collection mission, the destroyer adjusted its bow direction and aimed the giant cannon at the core of the star system beside it - the sun-like star!

The cone-shaped baffle on the destroyer's bow that blocked the muzzle slowly opened.

The huge ferocious muzzle was silently aimed at the star.

"The destroyer is in place, energy output: full power, calibrated, ready to fire!"



Even in the vacuum of the universe, people still heard a dull loud noise on the warship not far away.

It’s not that this neutron beam is so powerful that it directly breaks the rules of physics.

But it was so powerful that the concussive waves directly shook the hull of the warship!

A beam of white light condensed to the extreme,

Like a beacon, pointing straight to the star.

People observing from a distance can't clearly see the speed of its flight. Is it the speed of light?

But after it is excited, the space around the white light is distorting, collapsing, and collapsing.


It has broken a certain limit. With its high energy, the surrounding space has spontaneously curled up, causing some subtle changes in the distance between it and its destination.


This blow directly and continuously cuts the distance between it and the target star!

"Buzz buzz-"

in silence,

A ray of light, like the opening of heaven and earth, radiated crazily around the core of the explosion.

At this moment,

It's dawn,

The people on the battleship could only see a terrifying ball of light.

When the ball of light dispersed,

the huge star system that originally had a star and more than 30 planets,

disappeared on the spot.

"Ding ding ding——"

In the Mega star system,

the human observers from the alien world who were resting swallowed hard when they saw the space wave wrinkle detector discover a cosmic event that occurred a hundred light years away.

"Report, report, a hundred light years away, the β5 star system that was determined to be the "node" territory was determined. The entire star system suffered a high-energy energy shock and has now been wiped out from the universe and completely disappeared!"

When saying this,

the observer was very frightened, because the observer showed that

before the explosion, an undisguised gravitational narrow tube communication channel was detected, and the communication terminal location inferred by the computer was exactly the core planet of the "node" civilization, Heaven Star!

"What happened? Did the star explode?"

The military director in the flagship asked: "Report the inference immediately."

"Report to the director, the computer inference is that the 'node' civilization attacked the β5 star system!"


Sitting in his seat, looking at the representatives who were communicating with the "node" civilization, the smiling Horos, the director suddenly shook his body violently,


directly annihilated a star system.

This is fucking,

"Quick, all the fleets of various countries must be transferred out as soon as possible, otherwise if there is a real conflict, they will be wiped out in one pot!"

The director wiped his cold sweat,

feeling unexplained fear in his heart.

Fortunately, these space forces didn't do anything weird!

"Also, ask the 'node' civilization what happened just now?"

The director always felt that this method was somewhat familiar, but under the fear, it just felt familiar.

"The inquiry message has been sent, and the other party has answered!"

"What did they say?"

The director looked nervous and clenched his fists.

"The other party replied: The explosion just now was some kind of mining activity, please don't take it to heart."


The director's heart jumped to his throat, and he kicked his legs hard.

It was just mining, and it only blew up the star system?

You are so scary,

how can we not "take it to heart"!!!

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