Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 405 Still using the old-fashioned planetary engine?

Proxima Centauri b is being developed,

When the construction team handed over the specific transformation plan and the mission statement for the urgent need of 8,000 planetary engines to the design institute after the on-site inspection, the dean of the design institute looked at the confident man in front of him with his chest raised and his head raised in surprise. Several scholars from the Planetary Transformation Institute,

"So, you still have a big material gap here?"

The dean of the Design Institute put down the assignment letter and handed it to the leading scholar.

"For this gap, we need to mobilize a large amount of mineral resources. Can your plan be completed in a short time?"


The scholar frowned,

They only consider feasibility and general design ideas, and the detailed execution and on-the-spot tasks are always executed by the construction institute.

That is to say, he assigned the mission to move Proxima b, and the Construction Institute made a detailed plan on how to move it after inspecting it.

What he has in hand now is this detailed plan.

Reaching out to read the detailed plan for the field trip, the scholar's mouth twitched, he covered his eyes speechlessly, and asked:

"Tell me, where did these people from the Construction Institute come back from after completing the project?"

"Hey, how do you know? These people have been building an advance base in the Kuiper Belt for a year. They just finished their annual vacation and were mobilized to go to Centauri."

The dean of the Design Institute was surprised.

No, even though the construction of the forward base is semi-public, you, who often stay in the laboratory, still have time to pay attention to it? !

"No wonder, I was given a group of people who use old equipment and use the same ideas from a year ago to build!"

The scholar immediately rolled his eyes.

In fact, I don’t blame the people who built the hospital.

If the plan mentioned moving planets, the first thing he would have thought of a year ago would have been a planetary engine.


It's one year later!

In this universe, technology is changing with each passing day, and there may be a big explosion at any moment. This is not false!

A year ago and a year later, these are already two technological worlds!

"How to say?"

The dean of the design institute majors in ecological environment construction and engineering, and is not very familiar with this kind of project involving moving planets.

Of course, if you don’t understand, how can you become the dean?

This is not simple. In this position, as long as you have professional experience and can understand text and data, you can do it well.

The design document as a whole will be reviewed by each project department and design bureau. When it is in his hands, a more professional team will write down the feasibility parameters at the back of each step and each small part. Long, you just need to understand the data and check the authenticity in the system.

Wasn't this, there was something wrong with the construction part of Group 6, and he saw it right away?

"This is not a year ago. If it were a year ago, it would indeed be a good choice for them to use a planetary engine!"

The scholar rolled his eyes and said helplessly:

"But this is a year from now, who's still using planetary engines?"

No, man,

Do you really think that within a year, the technology of this universe has not improved at all?

"Transfer a few people from one group to me, and they will solve this problem for us!"

Considering that these people who built the institute have just completed the construction,

The scholar was not angry either;

I just asked the dean to quickly redeploy some people to provide guidance.

Let these people understand,

A year has passed and it’s time for them to go to school and get retrained!

Building the courtyard,

When a group of people heard the news, they rushed over to kill him.

"Brothers of Group 6, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Mars is being developed, Jupiter is being developed, the Kuiper Belt is being developed, and Centaur is being developed up there. We really don't have enough manpower. 90% of them have been intelligent robots. It's still not enough. , I have no choice but to let you who are on vacation come out.”

The representative of one group first apologized to the leader of the six groups.


This is a mistake,

Fortunately, the design institute has an error correction mechanism. The construction documents and returned applications of the six groups were intercepted by the intelligent system and the dean who discovered problems respectively.

"Old Zhang, what's wrong? Why did you get here? Is there something wrong with the plan we submitted?"

The six group leaders looked at the group leader who apologized when they met in confusion.

"Ahem, no problem. Following your idea, Proxima b can also be moved, but the resource loss will be too great."

Build 12,000 planetary engines,

Just to move a planet, the loss of resources is too great.

"How else can I move?"

The leader of the sixth group did not follow the train of thought and looked at one group of Lao Zhang curiously.

"Destroyer ship!"

A group of Lao Zhang mysteriously said a name in front of his friends.

"Destroyer? This thing sounds similar to a Star Destroyer. Could it really be for construction?"

The leader of the sixth group glanced at him.

Why do you feel like you are framing me?

"Hey, I don't understand here. This mission is completed. You six groups should go back and participate in group training!"

Thinking about myself, who is almost forty, and still being dragged to re-experience school life for three months,

A group of old Zhang grinned.

When he looked at the six groups of old friends, his eyes were full of schadenfreude.

That training is not a university where you will have endless aftertaste.

That's an enhanced version of Super High School!

Team Leader Six: Suddenly I have a bad feeling!

With a group of Lao Zhang joining,

The plan for moving Proxima b was changed... by a few words.

Other things remain the same, except that the planetary engine is changed to a destroyer.

After the modification, the work is finished, submitted for review, and passed in seconds!

Start to execute!

Near Proxima Centauri in this universe, the familiar destroyer with a length of kilometers slowly solidified from a piece of illusion.

When it completely appeared in this star field,

the various development platforms that were towing the giant ice meteorite immediately received a notification to start the principle.

The leader of Group 6 was on the development platform, looking at the holographic projection with curiosity, muttering in his heart,

How can this thing move the planet?

Looking at the cold and fierce appearance of the spacecraft, are you sure it is not here to blow up Proxima b?

"The destroyer is in action, please move away immediately!"

After clearing the airspace,

the destroyer did not open the extremely hideous and terrifying giant cannon in the cone, but launched itself, gradually approaching Proxima b, and came to a position completely opposite to Proxima.

How does a spacecraft move a planet?

How does a star keep the planet revolving around it?

The answer is here!

The leader of Group 6 looked at the monitor and saw a huge space compression not far from Proxima b. His eyes widened.

That position,

is the destroyer!

He understood the way of moving that Lao Zhang said.

This is so simple and crude!

Directly use the destroyer to create a gravitational field around Proxima b that is larger than the star Proxima.

The high-quality and high-energy spacecraft will make Proxima b move along the space curvature and this stress field, and approach the destroyer autonomously.

In this way,

it is equivalent to the destroyer dragging the entire planet to move!

A "star" with a gravitational force greater than Proxima is snatching Proxima b!

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