With the current technology of this universe,

There are many ways to move Proxima b,

Planetary engines, space bridges, gravitational fields, and so on.

Among them, the space bridge is undoubtedly the fastest.

But the accuracy is much worse.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, one group chose this method that is both fast and accurate.

How fast can it be?

The orbital period of Proxima Centauri b is 11.2 days, and its motion speed relative to the earth is about 5 kilometers per hour.

Destroyers tow it,

The speed is faster than this, and it is estimated to only take 10 days to reach the location!

In space, a bright silver light is not as dazzling as Proxima Centauri, but the space surrounding this silver light collapses. Because the distance is closer, it attracts Proxima Centauri b, but it is far more attractive than Proxima Centauri.

Relying on gravity and space curvature,

Proxima Centauri b is like a top on the edge of a gyroscope disk, constantly approaching the center.

And the closer you get,

It's also faster.

"The destroyer is already in place and is being towed. The remaining development platforms are operating according to the scheduled plan."

The leader of one group saw this scene on the holographic projection and grinned.

That's it!


The leader of the sixth group twitched his mouth.

Okay, okay, it’s really time to go back and train properly. They have been working in other places for a year.

The results came back, this technology is all available.

This change is too big!

The task of moving the planet was accomplished easily,

Ten kilometers long and surrounded by a huge circular development platform with a radius of 1.5 kilometers, a large number of ice meteorites are being towed.

These ice meteorites,

It will become the ocean of Proxima b in the future!

at the same time,

The three scheduled super artificial suns have also been delivered via the space bridge.

The ships that spread quick food have also arrived.

Until all these things are gathered,

The leader of the sixth group suddenly discovered an astonishing fact.

As long as the planet is the right size,

What the hell, they are now able to completely transform a planet within a month!

A planet suitable for human habitation!

Ten days later,

Proxima Centauri b is already in the right position,

Not far from the star Proxima Centauri, an eternally burning sun emits blazing light!

The additional light from this artificial sun will make the surface of Proxima Centauri, far away from the star, have a temperature that is almost the same as that of the Earth.

But before Proxima Centauri b has the same temperature as the Earth,

The people in the construction team need to cook this planet first.

The ice meteorite, which was as big as the moon, was chopped into pieces and thrown directly into the interior of Proxima Centauri b.

Artificial high temperatures cause these ices to melt quickly,

The originally dry, desolate, and dead planet was gradually dyed blue as the ice meteorites melted.

This precious water

Being carefully maintained in a liquid state,

Until the delivered ice meteorite completely melted, an endless ocean was born on the desolate land of Proxima Centauri b.

With the appearance of water,

The spaceship loaded with various fast-growing plants also started to move,

Countless, densely packed seeds were delivered to the interior of the planet.

The seeds fall into the wilderness, valleys, deserts, water, and sea, and immediately fall into a deep sleep.

They are like soldiers heading off to war, ready to go, waiting for an order they have been waiting for!


Proxima Centauri b

fast growing plants,

In the hands of this universe, great changes have taken place through the research of pioneer biotechnology and Pandora's strange plant technology.

They will no longer grow blindly,

It’s about transforming the environment with planning and coordination!

Above the high school, the giant superfiber computer is the mastermind that controls them.

The opportunity for them to grow is a man-made rain that covers the entire planet!

On this day,

The ocean begins to steam,

A large amount of water vapor rises. In the thin atmosphere of Proxima Centauri b, the water vapor cannot be maintained and almost escapes.

However, at the moment when the water vapor is about to escape from outer space,

In the sky, a pale light suddenly fell,

A certain balance is broken,

The escaping water vapor condensed directly into clouds in the air, and this rain that changed the entire planet was born!

"Rustling, rustling..."

On the earth, in the oceans, on all the surfaces of this planet,

After receiving the instruction from the master brain to grow,

The tender green seedlings burst out from the seeds crazily, relying on the energy carried by the seeds to grow desperately and crazily!

Their roots are rapidly drilling underground,

The soil, which was originally desert gravel, was wrapped in roots and locked with water.

The soil changes as plants grow and die,

Various bacterial colonies that decompose decaying matter are expanding their territories on the planet.

The ocean suddenly turned emerald green within a few days,

Algae has directly taken over the ocean!

The earth also changed color, from the original earthy brown to a pleasant green.

this planet,

At this moment, the brilliance of life suddenly bloomed!

Due to the crazy oxygen-generating activities of plants,

The atmosphere of Proxima Centauri b is also being transformed.

A thicker, more Earth-like atmosphere is forming.

One month later,

"With our current technology, the transformation of Proxima b went smoothly, with almost no difficulties."

In the office, a scholar from the Planetary Transformation Institute handed the data of Proxima b to Mr. Zhu with both hands.

Mr. Zhu took the document and read it carefully.

After a long time, he nodded gently.

"Very good, very good. In one month, the environment there is almost the same as that on Earth."

Relying on gravitational interference and gravity interference,

the recovery and repair that originally took one to two years was shortened to a few days!

"A systematic inspection has been carried out, and all plants are connected to the main brain. The environment of Proxima b is safe and stable, and the core and plate activities have been controlled."

"The development platform has been stationed, and they will build a city that can accommodate a million people in a few days."

The scholar nodded and chuckled.

Nearly ten development platforms, tens of millions of devices, countless robots,

terrifying productivity, a city rising from the ground,

for them,

a few days are enough!

Changing the world, cities rising from the ground, moving mountains and seas, burning the sky and the sea of ​​pearls, and the whole planet blooming in an instant,

Such ability,

Just like a god!

After the scholar left,

Old Zhu switched to Xiweier's laboratory, looking at the pale body in the frozen hibernation chamber, which had become extremely young, his eyes were full of emotion:

"Plus reversing life and death, extending life span,"

"We... have really walked towards the boundless starry sky!"

This is a very wonderful mentality,

The earth and the solar system are the cradles of mankind,

Humans cannot stay in the cradle forever, but the moment they really leave the cradle,

The faint sorrow of the wanderer leaving his hometown lingers again.

"We were born on the earth, but we belong to the starry sky. The future is in the vast sea of ​​stars and countless parallel universes."

Old Zhu sighed,

The red seal in his hand was heavily printed on an immigration plan.

Immigration begins!

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