Edge of Tomorrow,

In the warehouse and airport of the war armor production base of the great eastern country, another scene occurred that subverted everyone's ability to understand.

A grenade,

Everything visible, including the ground, was metalized.

Then, an inexplicable ferocious cylindrical device,

The faint blue light in it keeps flashing,

With this strobe, the entire warehouse and airport, with tens of thousands of aircraft, began to shake, and from time to time there was a "sizzling" sound of electricity!

What’s even more bizarre is that,

As the light of the device in Fang Jing's hand disappeared,


The densely packed fighter planes parked in the warehouse seemed to have received orders.

They all made a harsh mechanical sound,

Then, in the shocked eyes of Mr. Duan and others,

The whole body of these aircraft continuously overlaps and deforms, flips and expands. Finally, the aircraft that was originally lying on its back suddenly stood up and turned into a robot!

This is not an isolated case,

It’s all visible to the eye!

At this moment,

Duan Lao and Tu Ming understood that the other party had transformed these fighters.

But how is this done!


The pen of the accompanying scientist slipped from his hand again, and others were stunned.


Fang Jing clapped his hands and stuffed the fire source energy storage device back into the air-locked box.

Then he stood up, looked at the densely packed Transformers, all looking at him, and grinned.

What does it mean to efficiently transform combat effectiveness!

This is it!

It's high-speed, efficient, and has relatively high combat effectiveness, perfect!

Ten thousand Transformers, after being transformed, stood quietly with solemn faces and silence.

These Transformers are actually combat robots. The core inside is the military robot combat core written by an assistant, so...

They are not good at words,

They are a group of natural warriors who are not afraid of death and are born for fighting!

"Mr. Duan, next, our army will have a good chat with Omega!"

Standing in front of the Transformers army, Fang Jing slowly turned around and raised the corner of his mouth towards Mr. Duan, with indescribable confidence on his face.

Where does the confidence come from?

Look at the dense crowd of steel warriors behind him,

Look at the energy cannons and weapons in their hands,

This is confidence!

Fang Jing was already thinking about Omega's villain.

After blurring the time when Transformers appeared,

He will show Omega what despair means!

Aren't you very good at playing?

Manipulate the time corridor?

After blurring the timeline of Fang Jing and the appearance of Transformers,

Without saying a word, the Transformers attacked from all directions and took Omega's body directly.

Directly in your face!

You go back once, I rush once,

Anyway, you won’t be able to go back to the timeline without Transformers and Fang Jing.

Fang Jing can also rely on hiding in the original universe to travel back and forth to command,

At that time,

You're so damn talented that you keep going back!

He Fang Jing didn't believe it. You were able to defy the odds, and there was no upper limit for backtracking!

You will be exhausted to death!

Outside the 247 defense line,

The entire narrow impact plain has been bombarded,

The soil has been compacted!

Looking back, Alpha took his troops and hid in a cave somewhere, discussing the next sneak attack plan.

Just rush forward and fight a positional battle with humans?

This is the last resort!

Just when Alpha was still hesitating, in the mecha production base at the rear of the great eastern country,

Fang Jing looked at the Transformers with only 200 units left.

The corners of his mouth were raised high.

Four days have passed,

More than 10,000 Transformers were diverted as early as the first day and secretly hidden throughout the country.

After waiting for more than twice the predicted time,

The tentative attack has officially begun!

"It's 10 a.m. on the 27th!"

"Transformers, let's go!"

He roared excitedly,

Two hundred Transformers were silent, just a jump, and suddenly transformed into the shape of a fighter plane in mid-air. The blue light from the engine nozzle flashed, and it soared gracefully into the sky.

It is worth noting that

Although most of these Transformers were transformed by Masters 6 and 7,

But they have all turned into Transformers, into airplanes, and of course they have to transform into more handsome airplanes!


One hundred J20s, one hundred J16s,

The Transformers logo of this universe is printed with the emblem of the Republic all over the body, and they attack boldly.

Not just this place,

Throughout the great eastern country, in nearly a hundred places, such combinations took off in scattered pieces.

They start from different places,

But there is a common goal,

That's the French coast!

A dam outside the site of the decisive battle on the European Front...!

"Let's go!"

Fang Jing smiled calmly,

Suddenly, dense black appeared all over the body, and the black instantly turned into silver-white metal particles, and then, an advanced information command platform appeared in front of Fang Jing.

"The global network has been controlled and the situation of combat troops is being tracked..."

The moment the platform is established,

The holographic projection is projected onto the simulated earth map, and all the departing Transformers directly become information nodes for the forward exploration.

At the same time, the remaining satellites and network systems of humans on the earth were directly captured and added to the observation system.

Fang Jing,

From this base, the Transformers will be commanded remotely to take down Omega!

On this day,

On the Eurasian continent, reduced to the center line of the war zone, people running around to escape the pursuit of mimics can see very familiar aircraft passing by at low altitude and high profile in the sky as long as they raise their heads.

"Mom, it's a flanker!"

The blond Alyosha looked at the plane in the sky, pointed excitedly, and then asked his mother:

"Is that our plane?"


Alyosha's mother looked at the plane passing by in the sky, her eyes lit up when she saw the smooth shape, the swan-like neck, the elegant flying body, and the exquisite skin. But when she saw the plane next to When he saw the plane with tough lines and a strong sci-fi color, he said with a gloomy look:

"That's not our plane, it's from a big Eastern country. Why are they here?"

"They fought against the mimicry. Did they get lost?"

Although Alyosha's mother was sad that it was not their plane, she was still worried about these soldiers fighting for mankind.


The engines of the low-altitude fighter planes roared,

Keep roaring,

Gradually, Alyosha's mother noticed something was wrong, and her eyes filled with excitement.

I thought it was just an isolated case of being lost, but the roar didn't stop just like that, it continued!

One, two...more than two hundred, and counting!

"No matter who it is, come on, we must destroy these damn mimic monsters!"

Looking at the sky,

There are more than a thousand fighters passing by together, and the number is still increasing.

Especially the j16, which looks very familiar in appearance, but is known as the "ultimate flanker".

Alyosha’s mother sent her most heartfelt blessings.

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