Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 419 Zhou Yuan slowly typed a question mark

French coast,

On the front line of the decisive battle that truly determines the survival of mankind,

Soldiers from all over the world were mobilized in military camps,

The officers are arranging a battle plan for a month later. They want to achieve another greater victory than the Battle of Verdun here, defeat the arrogance of the alien invaders' mimicry, and completely ignite mankind's confidence in turning defeat into victory. !


These officers who were making arrangements with confidence did not expect that

In fact, the entire decisive battle along the French coast was a trap set up by Omega!

The purpose is to gather most of humanity's remaining troops that can form an organized resistance here, and then...

Annihilate them in one fell swoop!

Originally, Omega had had enough of playing with these humans.

So this endgame was designed.


Now Omega was a little panicked.

It can't figure it out,

What is going on with the exact same self I saw in the reservoir before, and the human inside me who can see myself through "space" and "time"!

So he changed his original plan,

He needs to be more cautious, more cautious!

His original plan to directly harvest most of the human army was postponed by him.

He changed his plan to cutting the flesh with a dull knife,

Take your time, little by little.

And he,

They will be hiding in the rear, waiting for the mimetic life to completely take over the entire world!

Thinking that I can absorb the life and information of this world and turn it into nutrients for my own growth,

Omega opened and closed his petal-like tentacles with great comfort.

Just be careful,

He will surely achieve the final victory!

No one can stop him!

Omega, who thought so in his heart, was happy.


Gradually, not far from him, in the void,

A different kind of "flower", similar to Omega but completely different from it inside, slowly bloomed.

The "flower" also has tentacle-like petals, which open and close, and two clear rays of light suddenly appear.

Omega was completely unaware of the changes happening around him;

This "flower" and the two figures in the flower seem to be in another dimension.

The two lights transformed into human forms, looked at Omega, and kept communicating:

"The plan is going very smoothly. The timeline for Fang Jing and Omega's meeting has been changed, and things will go as we expect."

"The backtracking is complete, shall we leave directly?"

"No, I'm reminded of a guy who was so arrogant at this stage."

"Wait for me for a while. I'll come as soon as I go."

"I remember, you are still like this, but I support you, go ahead."

"You can also take a good look at it."

After saying that,

One of the two clear rays of light suddenly disappeared.

this universe,

In the disinfection room, after learning that Fang Jing had begun to take action and used the Transformers troops to test Omega,

The atmosphere here is much more relaxed.

Zhou Yuan also found a rare moment to rest, changed shifts with Li Tianming, and prepared to go back to his room to have a good rest.

He has been in the disinfection room for four days.

Even if there are biotech preparations to support it, humans are not machines after all. Sometimes when you feel sleepy, but your mind is clear, it is hundreds of times more uncomfortable than direct sleepiness!


blow the whistle away,

Zhou Yuan, who was finally able to rest and take a nap, even whistled happily.

Taking the step of disowning all relatives,

Zhou Yuan returned to his room, closed the door gently, and took a look at the greyhound-sized panda that was nibbling on the specially made buns.

In its frightened gaze,

Zhou Yuan grinned evilly and took a sip!

"Sure enough, after a tiring day at work, looking at your cute pets is a perfect way to relax!"

Carefully put the helpless panda back into its nest.

Zhou Yuan was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, his eyes drowsy and about to fall asleep...



Suddenly, with a crisp slap,

Zhou Yuan covered his face, suddenly woke up, sat up from the bed in shock, looked around with vigilant eyes, and shouted at the same time:

"Who, who the hell ambushed me in my room and slapped me!"

What a mess,

Just now I was in a daze,

Someone whipped him!

who? !

If you find it, see if he doesn't peel off a layer of his skin, throw it into a small dark room, and make him cry and admit his mistake! ! !

Zhou Yuan’s eyes sharpened,

He took out a pistol from the bedside table and began to search his room vigilantly.

The best situation is that someone is joking with him; the fastest situation is that there is an unknown infiltrator!

Zhou Yuan has already given up on the first possibility in his heart.

No one would make such a joke!

Even Fang Jing, who was very familiar with him, would not joke like this!

Holding a pistol,

Zhou Yuan opened the bed vigilantly,

On the bed, under the bed, in the closet, in the toilet, on the ceiling...

The more he searched, the uglier Zhou Yuan's face became. Especially after checking the surveillance camera, he felt a chill down his back.

Under monitoring,

The scene at that second just now was extremely normal.

He just lay on the bed, and then suddenly sat up, as if he was dreaming!

"Am I dreaming?"

Zhou Yuan frowned and doubted himself for a second, then immediately denied it.


There's no way he can't even tell the difference between dreams!

Who is that?


Suddenly, in the room, which was so silent that it took one's breath away, there was an unusual sound.


Zhou Yuan turned his head suddenly, and his vision was indeed dark.

He's got a fucking sack!

And, in an instant, the gun in his hand was removed and hit the ground with a "click".

As his vision went dark, the gun was knocked away, followed by punches and kicks.


In a panic, Zhou Yuan was beaten so hard that he couldn't find his way around and could only barely protect his vitals.

But the strange thing is,

The opponent seemed to be extremely familiar with his defensive routines.

Almost every blow hit precisely...his face!

That's right,

This bastard only hit people in the face, and he obviously stopped.

Moreover, this way of beating people,

It’s so familiar!

Zhou Yuan calmed down and pulled out a whip kick, but he directly collided with the opponent's whip kick!

"Who the hell are you, don't make such a joke!"

shouted angrily,

The sack that was originally pressed against his head suddenly lost its weight.

Zhou Yuan immediately opened the sack,

He turned around warily.

It's still the original room, the same bed, the same table, the same bathroom, and that... also blindfolded panda.

have to,

Needless to say, monitoring is definitely useless.

"Damn it!"

Touching the bruise on his right eye,

Zhou Yuan gasped in pain. Although he was confused, he had some suspicions in his heart.

Especially the kick just now,

The opponent actually played with him!

Thinking of my disdainful words before,

Zhou Yuan's mouth twitched,

No, you really came to whip me!

Moreover, they hit me specifically in the eyes.

Do you want to do this?

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