Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 441: You're going to use this technology on me?

A strange scene appeared on the battlefield of the planet Cybertron.

The surroundings of the unmanned battleship in this universe that were originally penetrated, in an instant, like a replay,

The debris shot out from the ship's hull retreated along with the silver-white lightning. The broken places were repaired, and the lightning quickly retracted into the sacred mountain of Cybertron and fell back to Quintessa's scepter. above.


It seemed that everything was back to the way it was before Quintessa launched the attack.

But Quintessa obviously still retains her memory,

She could feel that time was still passing on Cybertron,

What's going on?

Quintessa, who is good at manipulating people's hearts, encountered a method that she couldn't understand for the first time.

Time seems to have been changed, but it seems not,

Like change? !

However, the white energy on the scepter does return!

The opponent's methods are very strange.

If Quintessa had sweat glands, she would have been sweating profusely.

Damn it, the enemy's methods are even weirder than hers, involving time and space, none of them are easy to mess with!

"I don't believe it anymore, come again!"

After a long pause, Quintessa gritted her teeth.

She can't do it anymore,

Manipulating time is very difficult, and she doesn't believe that the other party can always use this thing to defend!

After saying that, she waved her steel hand violently again, and the silver-white energy gathered at the tip of the scepter turned into lightning again, and pierced out like a sharp sword.

But, this time,

Didn't wait until it pierced the unmanned battleship,

At the moment when silvery white lightning flies out,

As quickly as it flew out, it returned to Quintessa's scepter.

This time,

What’s even weirder is that in the entire Cybertron, only the silver-white lightning has changed in “time”!

"Looking back at a fixed time, it's a shame!"

Quintessa looked at the silver-white energy returning to her hand and secretly thought something was going to happen.

His trump card was restrained to death by him.

Even if this attack can knock out the opponent's fleet with one blow, he can't inspire it at all!

Beyond the planet Cybertron,

Thousands of steel spaceships with shields on are slowly approaching,

The fleet gathered, and in an instant, there was once again a solemn and oppressive feeling of war outside this ancient planet.

As for Quintasha, the defender,

But suddenly I discovered,

My own attack methods are completely useless.

The opponent's play space is pirated Cybertron technology, so there's nothing to worry about.

But they can't stand it, they know how to play with time?

In the face of time retrieval, especially in the face of fixed time retrieval, Quintasha felt that her attack was a joke.

Facing these more than a thousand battleships,

She felt like a child, with no ability to resist at all.

We can only let the opponent keep approaching!

"The Cybertron orbital spacecraft has been cleared and all spacecraft have been shot down!"

"Planetary defenses cleared, orbital weapons disarmed!"

"The planetary shield has been controlled and the intelligent system is being hacked!"

In the fleet, Pang Hai on the flagship looked at the locked screen. Quintasha's big face was confused, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

In the simulated war, he learned enough lessons,

It can be said that you will use all possible means to face the enemy.

Just looking back in time, he personally led people to bring Omega out of the laboratory!


The controlled Omega is on the last ship in the fleet.

Now Omega, after scientists' research on high-dimensional space fragments, can control Omega's fixed point to go back in time like a computer!

Quintessa's weird attack just now was retraced, which was a masterpiece of this technology.

Falling into the protected ship at the rear of the fleet,

The experimenter grinned, clasped his head, and said excitedly:

"Although we still can't break through the two-day backtracking limit, we can already control the specific things that are backtracked!"

"With us here, Cyber ​​Tower's attack can't even hope to hit a single hair on the fleet!"

Omega, which was filled with pipelines, unconsciously swung its tentacles, and the blue energy in it quickly bottomed out and was consumed after two attempts to backtrack.

"Give me the platoon and give me energy!"

The researcher didn't care at all.

The core of this spacecraft is a supernova!

How much energy is needed, how much energy can be supplied!


The interior protected by Omega's tentacles was filled with faint blue light!

This is the last insurance method equipped by this universe for the expedition to the planet Cybertron, and it is also the most powerful insurance method!

planet cybertron,

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if most of the technology and weapons in it were destroyed in the long war between the Autobots and the Decepticons, the ancient Life God Quintasha must be the same as the fallen King Kong.

Sneaked a lot of good stuff!

At the beginning of the plan, the expert team of Project 237 had guessed this possibility.

As a result, the "Time and Space Corridor" project was officially launched.

Captain Pang Hai is one of the few people in the entire fleet until this plan!

"Lock Quintessa and the attack in her hands for me, the fleet is ready to attack!"

In the synaesthesia world, Pang Hai smiled slightly,

My move with the power of time and space,

It depends on how you answer it!

Cybertron, Quintasha's face was ashen in the sacred mountain,

She tried to throw the attack dozens of times, but without exception, the silver-white energy returned to her hands.

The opponent's retracing of time and space is as simple as eating and sleeping.

In this universe. In this dimension,

there is no civilization that can have such a BUG-like ability?

This time and space power,

Quintasha simply can't handle it!

Seeing the opponent's fleet getting closer and closer,

the first thought that came to Quintasha's mind was,

can't you run away if you can't beat me?

In view of the enemy's weirdness, without any hesitation, Quintasha turned around and prepared to yo-yo after the attack failed.

Her spaceship was not far away. As long as she went up, started, and opened the space bridge, according to the space rate calculation, even if the opponent could also use the space bridge, he would definitely not be able to catch up with her!

Ahem, there is actually a situation in which she can catch up,

that is, the opponent's spaceship has more energy.

Quintasha directly ruled this out. What a joke, her spaceship draws on the source of stars, how could its endurance be worse than the opponent's?

As long as she can get on board,

she can escape!

Quintasha moved very fast, the metal under her skirt surged like waves, pushing her forward.

She was very fast,

and in an instant, she arrived in front of the entrance,


what she never expected was that,

suddenly, the scene around her was reversed,

and Quintasha, who had already rushed to the door of the spaceship, actually returned to the original place.

Seeing this scene, Quintasha's high-handed pride finally couldn't be maintained, and then panic emerged.

Things were beyond her control,

the other party, the other party was so extravagant that he used the time and space technology to stop her from escaping.



now couldn't even escape!

It's impossible to escape even if you have wings!

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