Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 442: Stop fighting, surrender!

Quintessa can't escape now even if she wants to;

She finally discovered it,

As long as you leave your position, the other party will activate that weird time weapon.

And she will be teleported to the same place in an instant,

Even if you want to escape, you can't escape at all.

If you want to attack, it's useless.

This is simply incomprehensible, so hopeless that there is no solution!

Quintessa could no longer think of any way to escape.

Just then,

The fleet has already reached the top of the planet Cybertron. The overwhelming ships are lying high in the sky, and the shadows cover the entire sacred mountain. The atmosphere of the entire Cybertron instantly solidifies.

Some of the Decepticons who gathered around the sacred mountain to defend themselves saw this scene in the sky, and they all very wisely squatted down with their heads in their hands.

Now this situation,

Without a fleet and without planetary defense weapons, how could they resist?

Take the cannon in your hand?

Come on, that's a battleship, a battleship with shields on!

Their little cannons have exposed their skin, but they can't hurt anyone at all!

"The fleet has arrived above the Holy Mountain, disarm the opponent immediately!"

"Action, action!"

On the sacred mountain,

Pang Hai didn't say any nonsense and directly announced the start of the mission.

In the unmanned warship, the hatch deck opened, and densely packed robots were ejected like black dots.

The moment these robots landed on the ground, the metal on the surface changed, a blue light appeared in their eyes, and they quickly dispersed with weapons in hand.

These robots are very small, much smaller than Transformers, and they look non-threatening.

However, body shape sometimes does not determine everything.

Sometimes quantity is a very important reference factor.

When the compact humanoid robots are fully unfolded and the number reaches one hundred thousand or one million, the size becomes meaningless.

More importantly,

Although they are small in size, these little robots have no shortage of weapons!

"Protect the Creator!"

The stubborn Decepticon roared angrily, took out the energy cannon, and tried to resist.

For these,

A pale light shot out from the small robots that were as dense as a colony of ants, penetrating them instantly!

Decepticons die immediately!

This is not over yet,

After the Decepticon died, a billowing stream of metal surged over and instantly enveloped his body.

His body was immediately decomposed. In the package of the small robot, the originally huge Decepticon corpse was eaten up in an instant, and the decomposed materials were reorganized into new, identical ones. Hundreds of little robots.

These robots…

It is actually devouring it and increasing its own number!

Seeing this scene, the Decepticon, who was holding his head and surrendering, looked horrified, and his whole body was shaking with fear.


The metal torrent composed of small robots did not pay attention to these Decepticons who gave up resistance, but continued to move around them like rolling waves.

their tasks,

Just to give Cybertron a big cleansing!

Those who died because of the war, whose corpses are placed randomly, and those destroyed war machines, they will all devour and deconstruct them!

"Log in, log in!"

on the spaceship,

The human warriors wearing the first-board armor followed the unmanned armor and jumped off the spaceship excitedly.

Haven't you landed in combat like this for a long time?

This is about landing on an alien planet and occupying it.

A feat that can last a lifetime, no, several lifetimes!

Under the landing ship, densely packed personnel and equipment were thrown down like raindrops.

They deal with other auxiliary battlefields,

On the real main battlefield of the Holy Mountain, the flagship is juxtaposed with several star-class battleships. The thick shield allows the light that passes around to be thrown to the tail end along the arc of the streamlined spacecraft.

The spaceship just floated quietly in the sacred mountain canyon, doing nothing and saying nothing.

That's it,

The silent contempt made Quintasha feel a kind of despair welling up from her heart.

What she is best at is undoubtedly deceiving people.

If Optimus Prime were in front of her, she would even be sure to make him rebel in an instant.

However, even with such powerful abilities,

The question before her is,

These desperate enemies,

They just surrounded the sacred mountain and had no intention of getting close at all!

No, she still has a chance, as long as she can return to the spacecraft...


The star-class battleship of this universe suspended in the sky suddenly activated its main gun, which was wide enough to fit a Transformer. The hot high-energy rays were instantly activated, and a beam of light bombarded the hull of the spacecraft not far from Quintessa.

The shape is strange, completely different from the ferocious spaceship style of Transformers. The extremely delicate spaceship hull was penetrated in an instant!

The wreckage flew away,

The power cabin inside the spacecraft was directly exposed, and the complex structure inside was completely destroyed.

All right,

Now, she has no chance.

After blowing up Quintasha's spaceship, the spaceship on the sacred mountain returned to calm.

The spaceship didn't land either,

The two sides were in a stalemate to see who was in a hurry first.

Pang Hai: I'm not in a hurry anyway, whoever is in a hurry loses!

Quintessa: Can I not be in such a hurry?

In this current situation, of course this universe can take its time.

The fleet is already in the air, and there is Omega behind it who can trace back to a fixed point in time and space.

I ask you to hit me, but you can't even hit me!

Pang Hai stood in the synaesthesia space, looking at Quintasha in the sacred mountain, whose face turned blue and purple. Although her expression was still a little nervous, it was no longer too solemn.

Large forces are clearing out Cybertron's armed forces.

With the leadership of Optimus Prime and others, the entire planet Cybertron has nothing to hide.

Quintessa's spaceship was also destroyed,

Now the only thing she can rely on is the strange energy on the scepter!


This is the only method, and now it is eaten by fixed-point time and space retrieval.

Now, Pang Hai is not afraid of Quintasha at all!

Your attack came out, well, it came out and then came back,

What can you do?

What Quintessa can do, she can't do!

Thousands of conspiracies and schemes flew through my mind very quickly,

In the scene before me, any conspiracy or trick is completely useless.


What she needs now is strength to forcibly break the opponent's space-time weapon.

But, unfortunately,

She didn't.


Quintessa hesitated for 0.0001 seconds, and then looked at the spaceship with a sharp aura above the Holy Mountain. The scepter with silver-white energy in her hand was thrown away decisively by her.

It landed on the ground with a clang and rolled several times.

"I surrender!"

How to fight this?

It's impossible to fight at all.

She wants to report the other party's attempt to control time in the manifest universe! ! !


This is reality. Without supervisors, it’s still a stretch.

I can't run away, I can't fight,

As arrogant as Quintasha has to admit,

She was really disgusted!

Quintessa had to give up because of the disgusting feeling of stepping in the mud and being unable to pull her legs out.

Stop fighting, surrender, surrender!

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