Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 455 Main Vein, Branch Vein

"So, that branch can really open up a parallel universe?"

In this universe, Node Island, in the underground expert group office of Project 237, Zhao Guangyao touched his chin and was very surprised after watching the video in front of him.

"As things stand right now, that's certainly the case."

Tan Wei nodded, looking at the silver forks in the video, thoughtfully.

"The gray and black ones are the main veins. To distinguish them, we will call them branch veins from now on."

Mr. Zhu first determined the name issue of these two forks,

Of course, this is the only job they can do at the moment.

"Yeah, but the dots representing the world on the branch veins are gray and black, and I can't activate them at all. What conditions seem to be missing?"

Fang Jing frowned, filled with doubts.

"There is no need to worry about this. As we deepen our research on the mysterious silver-white energy of the Emperor of the Universe and Yuanshi Tianzun, and continue to explore parallel worlds, I believe there will be answers in the future."

Mr. Zhu is not worried about this,

Everything has a reason!

Since the energy of the Emperor of the Universe and Yuanshi Tianzun can promote the formation of branches, in the future, maybe there will be a key to activate the branch world in a parallel world!

So all the worries now are unnecessary.

It is fundamental to continue to exert strength, practice deep internal skills, and strengthen the strength of this universe.

"Mr. Zhu is right. The worries now are unnecessary. Things are just showing signs. It is true to focus on the present, enhance the strength of this universe, and remain unchanged in response to changes."

Zhao Guangyao nodded in agreement,


The key to the problem is that there are too many unknown factors.

You worry too much now, so what's the use?

He couldn't think of a reason why, but he made himself very worried.

"Let's focus on the new world. Is this density and structure the legendary Zerg?"

Tan Wei also nodded lightly,

The red earth, the dense insect swarms, and the ferocious insect mothership.

The whole picture looks extremely bizarre.

This sense of weirdness is even clearer in the eyes of scientific advisors.

Because they felt the same way when they saw the engineer's spaceship.

It is a completely different route from their traditional mechanical spacecraft.

Even this time, Engineer Horos felt a strange feeling in his heart.

I originally thought that a spaceship that was half biotechnology and half mechanical technology could show the powerful biotechnology of the engineer civilization.

The result is good guys,

Here comes a more ruthless guy,

At first glance, this spacecraft is full of biotechnology, with no trace of a mechanical creation.

Now there is only one question in Horos' mind,

That's how this spaceship flies? !

Also, what is the structure of this spaceship!

It's so... strange, Taijian has gone too far!

If the engineering civilization is the integration of biology and machinery, it is more biased toward biology; the human civilization is the development of machinery and biology, and is biased toward machinery.

Then the insect swarm in front of us is a combination of living things and living things, only living things!

No engineer or pioneer is worthy of being called a biological civilization in front of these insect swarms.

This is the real "biological" civilization!

"Can you tell that this is the parallel universe?"

Fang Jing looked at the things that were played repeatedly in front of him,

Fang Jing, who was already somewhat shadowed by bugs and the like, combined with the vague appearance of the giant insect, almost overflowed with shadows in his heart.

If he encounters these bugs,

It really might be hit by a neutron beam.

He is an insect hater!

"Insect swarms, strange planets, and motherships with purely biological structures. There are many such works, and we have to select them carefully."

There is video data,

With the assistant’s current computing power, the positioning of parallel worlds is now becoming faster and more accurate.

But there are quite a lot of works with Zerg-like enemies.

The Zerg appear in movies such as "Starship Troopers" and "StarCraft".

But for these two movies, the assistant directly ruled them out.

Because the description of the Zerg in it is very different from the form seen by Fang Jing,

at last,

The assistant targeted a movie,

"Ender's Game"!

"This movie?"

Tan Wei raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

"What's wrong?"

Zhou Yuan, who had not read enough films, immediately cast a questioning look.

"It's okay. According to the body shape that Fang Jing saw, the Zerg creatures in the movie are indeed quite consistent, but in this world we are relaxed."

Tan Wei shook his head and chuckled.

If it were just Ender's Game, he would have popped the champagne ahead of time.

After all, in that world, humans themselves had the ability to defeat the invading Zerg.

This universe has passed. Isn’t that a random killing?

There is no pressure at all, okay?

It was solved easily, and there were more biological research samples and resource universes.


"Zerg mothership, low-end version?"

Fang Jing's mouth twitched,

Why do I feel like I'm upgrading my game by killing monsters? If I'm going low-end now, I'll go high-end later, right?

"Now that the world has been set, all departments have taken action. In addition, I would like to remind everyone that we must not take it lightly and must take it seriously!"

Mr. Zhu's expression was serious and serious.

They cannot treat any new world with a joking attitude. This is their bottom line!

"Don't worry, I despise the enemy strategically and take the enemy seriously tactically. We have written thousands of plans for the movie "Ender's Game". We just think about how to cross to this world when we have nothing to do. It's OK!"

Tan Wei chuckled.

The expert group specializes in studying movies and works. With the help of supercomputers,

they are not just eating and drinking!

"That's good. Let all units move. The No. 7 disinfection room will be cleaned up quickly."

Old Zhu nodded.

The 237 expert group is the best selected after careful selection.

In terms of caution, they are more professional than Old Zhu.

For example, for the exploration of Cybertron,

the giant cannon that reaches the sky was proposed by the expert group.

And, do you think there is only one giant cannon there?

There is one near and one far,

and there is also an annihilator waiting in the distance!

Near, medium and long, all-round,

you tell me what is professional, this is professional!

"Don't worry, this process is old and familiar!"


the entire 237 base action group began to operate nervously again.

As for Fang Jing,


he had a mimic armor, so he just did some simple adaptation training and was ready!

Before he was about to set off,

Horos found him mysteriously and whispered to him:

"Fang Jing, when you go to the new world, you must find a way to get some samples of the mothership. I am very curious about how the mothership composed of living things can travel in space!"

Speaking of this,

Horos' eyes lit up like a light bulb.

He couldn't help but feel the luck of joining this universe again and again.


the research materials have been delivered again!

And this time it is a pure biological civilization!

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