Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 456 Damn, biological detection

Enter a new world,

It can be said that Fang Jing is already very familiar with the road.

Carrying equipment on their backs, they arrived at the sterilization room No. 7. All the logistics troops were now waiting. They all looked at each other and saluted each other. In the middle of the dense crowd, they consciously made way for a wide passage.

Amid the crowd, Fang Jing came to the platform in the center of the disinfection room.

Here is the place where space door preparations are placed.

At the same time, at the beginning of the mission, only members of the action team can get close.

"Are you ready?"

Zhou Yuan stretched out his fist, looked at Fang Jing and said loudly.


He and Zhou Yuan already had a tacit understanding of each other, so there was no need to say anything more. Fang Jing just touched Zhou Yuan lightly with his fist, and after saying something in return, he nodded heavily to King Sun and the others.

He is ready, new world, come!

The machine in communication consciousness,

In an instant, Fang Jing disappeared from the spot.

"Colonel Fang has disappeared. The time of disappearance is 09:01:23. The timer starts."

"The chemical defense team will eliminate it and clear the area!"

"Logistics materials have been put in place, and emergency response teams have been assembled and are ready to support at any time."


After Fang Jing traveled through time, the logistics troops who stayed in the disinfection room were not idle either.

They are also skilled workers who have experienced time travel several times.

They are also extremely skilled in chemical defense, biological control, assault preparation and other tasks.

Of course, the staff of the logistics team also know that no matter how busy they are, the level of danger is not as high as the scenery.

Every time he travels, Fang Jing is at great risk!

They can't help Fang Jing who is already in another world.

So you can only do your job better!

Everything is for the perfect completion of the task!

In the control room of Project 237,

Seeing Fang Jing disappear, Zhao Guangyao frowned and asked warily:

"This time...will there be changes in that machine?"

"It's not impossible. From the beginning of Transformers to the new Edge of Tomorrow, this machine has changed. Maybe we have reached a key node."

The experts in the office thought for a moment and gave their predictions.

"Is it a key node?"

Mr. Zhu on the side looked at Zhou Yuan on the surveillance screen and nodded thoughtfully.

This key node,

It should be the development of "time" technology.

So, is it "us" in the future who is giving us some kind of "obscure" hint?

Are these tips related to changes in that machine?

Mr. Zhu couldn't understand it no matter how much he thought about it.

There are too many unknown points, the clues are too fragmented and too complicated.

"Don't think too much about it for the time being, and moving forward in a down-to-earth manner is the right path."

Mr. Zhu was overthinking too much, so he quickly suppressed these thoughts.

Being down-to-earth is the right path,

No matter what conspiracy or conspiracy, in the face of absolute strength, it's all Xiao Dao'er!

But if Zhou Yuan heard what Mr. Zhu was thinking, he would definitely complain endlessly!

Zhou Yuan: Do you call being beaten a "subtle" reminder?

This is a close reminder!

This is a very desolate planet.

It is said to be deserted because there is no vegetation on the entire surface of the planet.

However, just because there are no plants, it does not mean that this planet is a dead planet!

That's right,

This is a Zerg colonial outpost.

The interior of the entire planet is full of desolation. If you look at it from the high mountains, you can see that it is densely packed with sharp beveled stones that reveal a reddish yellow color. These beveled stones are neatly arranged. They are obviously not natural creations, but some kind of insect nest. !

They shine brightly in the sun,

Looking at the densely packed similar buildings all over the surface of the planet is simply shocking!

What kind of race is this?

He truly reached the level of "god" in his physical body.

But unfortunately,

This "Zerg" like ant colony is, after all, just the equivalent of a civilization spanning multiple galaxies.

In the movie,

They were eventually wiped out by humans,

Even the last "worm queen" cub must be handed over to the protagonist "Ender". Only with human "compassion" can the population continue.

Ultimately, they are still too weak!

A barren land,

As the surrounding scenery distorted, a figure wrapped in thick mechanical armor suddenly appeared.

Fang Jing just landed on this strange planet!

"The oxygen is thin, the carbon dioxide concentration is too high, and the oxygen supply has been switched."

"No deadly viruses, no abnormal bacteria, normal gravity..."

Complex mechanical sounds instantly sounded in Fang Jing's ears, and the environment detection was completed!

The results showed without a doubt that this planet is extremely repulsive to humans.

If Fang Jing were not wearing biological outer armor or mimic armor, he would have died suddenly if he had been exposed on this planet like this!

"Fuck! It's an alien planet again. Couldn't it be teleported directly to the Zerg's home planet?"

Fang Jing, who looked around to make sure he was safe, couldn't help complaining.

Wouldn't they really send him directly to the Zerg's home planet?

Although he has a mimic armor, he is generally not afraid of the opponent at all.

But thinking about those giant bugs as big as airplanes, and maybe some inexplicable slime,

Fang Jing's body shook three times as soon as he landed.

The scary thing about this thing is that it's disgusting!


Take a deep breath,

Fang Jing suppressed the disgust in his heart,

Damn it, after all, he has received formal training, and he can't even overcome this psychological barrier. Isn't that a disgrace to Brother Zhou?


In an instant,

a piece of the deformed metal on Fang Jing's body split off and turned into a drone.

The shape of the drone is very similar to a rocket. The blue light at its tail surged, and it instantly rose up and rushed straight to the sky of the planet.

"In any case, it is important to determine your position and the situation here!"

Fang Jing is also experienced!

The location where he appeared is either the Eastern power in the parallel universe, or an important place where the story of the work is about to take place.


something must have happened not far away!

Fang Jing was sure of this,

so he sent a detection drone into space.

This detection drone will conceal its signals and heat sources to the extreme,

without the risk of exposure at all...right?


In fact, the drone was not exposed,

But Fang Jing made a mistake,

That is, the drone was not exposed, but he himself was!

Do you really think that the Zerg deployed a colonial fleet at the outpost?


What is the specialty of the Zerg?

In addition to survival, it is the invincible detection ability!

In the distance,

In a place that Fang Jing did not know,

Two giant insects that looked like U-shaped and as big as a J20, one stretched out tentacles at both ends and stuck tightly to the ground; the other stretched out a web-like tentacles and stretched them out and just rested in the air.

At a certain moment,

The tentacles of the two giant worker insects felt a slight tremor, and instantly, a buzzing sound was heard.

A certain language based on pheromones was transmitted between the two worker insects.

Although it cannot be translated, the general meaning is:

"The air is shaking, the ground is shaking, and a strange object has appeared on the earth!"

That's right,

what Fang Jing and the entire 237 plan did not expect,

or what they would never think in this direction,

is that the "insect race" they are facing is a strange enemy,

and what means the strange enemy will use are completely unfamiliar to them!

For example, now,

who could have thought that,

the detection bugs have recorded the vibrations of all species and life activities on this planet and their impact on the surroundings!


the strange vibrations and impacts caused by Fang Jing, the unexpected visitor, were instantly identified by them!

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