Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 470 Houston, we are in trouble!

From entering the world of Ender's Game to now,

This universe has roughly studied the structure and society of the Zerg, and verified the content promised by the Zerg Queen.

Especially that golden solution,

After extracting pheromones from it, scientists can induce and even control the mothership to self-destruct!

No one doubts the effectiveness of this golden solution.

The Queen's sincerity has been verified,

But the story of this world is not over yet, because the real key place has not been covered in this universe.

in the conference room,

Everyone looked at Mr. Zhu and listened quietly to his action plan.

"The Zerg have surrendered, and their vast expanded territory has been captured by us, and the Zerg Queen has begun organizing a fleet of worker insects to mine minerals. Now we have the final task to complete..."

As he spoke, Mr. Zhu drew out the star map of Ender's Game World and pointed his index finger at a place.

This place is very familiar to everyone here.

This is a star system with eight planets orbiting it, and right in its habitable zone, a blue planet is particularly bright.

Pointing here, pointing to the earth, Mr. Zhu paused in his voice and said seriously:

"Establish connections with the great Eastern countries here!"

"What are we going to do, use the space bridge to teleport like the Alien world?"

Zhao Guangyao raised his eyebrows and gave a suggestion.

"No, this time we just give up our options and follow the Zerg fleet directly to the solar system to declare our existence to the humans here."

Mr. Zhu shook his head,

There is nothing left to hide from this world!

Now the strength of this universe is enough for them to no longer have to selectively cover up.

After procrastinating in the alien world for so long,

It is because of the strength of human beings in the alien world that they have been in the leading position for a long time. It was not until this universe overtook them that the decision was made.

And in Ender's game world,

This universe appears invincible as soon as it appears.

In this way, if you continue to be secretive, you will appear to be too narrow-minded!

Be patient when you need to be stubborn, stand up when you should be brave,

This time, it’s time to show off!

"Form an alliance directly with the Insect Queen, march to the solar system, explain our sphere of influence, and at the same time get in touch with the eastern powers in this world?"

Zhao Guangyao's eyes lit up as he spoke.

This operation is domineering!

Think about that image,

The overwhelming fleet was in the sky, just parked quietly outside the solar system,

Humanity, open the door to free trade!

"Yes, by then we will only establish foreign trade relations with the big eastern countries in the world, and all the problems will be solved."

Mr. Zhu smiled lightly and said,

In interstellar trade, of course the stronger party controls the market!

The big Eastern countries not only eat meat, but also drink soup.

As for the soup leaking out of my mouth,

Even if it is given to third world countries, they will not give a single cent to OMI!

"Well, the plan has been decided. Notify the fleet and the insect queen, and we will choose a day to set off. That's it."

The human beings in this world have technological capabilities that are too powerful to defeat the Zerg.

With this kind of strength, Mr. Zhu has nothing to worry about.

Very simple,

The opponent can't even break through their defenses;

It’s okay to just stand and let them beat you!

That’s how confident you are!

Ender's Game World,

solar system, earth,

The technological progress of humans in this world has reached the point where they can conduct long-distance voyages across star systems.

However, this will consume a lot of resources, so so far, all interstellar activities have been limited to a few nearby star systems, and are mainly scientific research activities.

Most of the humans here are still trapped on earth.

The earth is still their cradle!

Earth, low Earth orbit,

On the International Space Station,

Several astronauts with different skin colors and different heights are gathering at the public end of the space station.

"Haha, this macaroni is still delicious."

"The ground also specially brought fried chicken, which is my favorite."

"Ugh, I know the tomato I hate the most!"


Several astronauts were chatting and enjoying lunch.

Since I don’t have a strong desire to go into space,

The earth in this world is still stuck in the space station era.

"Hey, our friends, I have received news that the space station of the great Eastern country is about to enter our field of vision, and we can see them from a distance!"

Just when everyone was having fun eating,

The big-haired astronaut poked his head out from the end of the big-haired cabin and smiled.

"Oh, of course we're going to see our 'colleagues'."

Astronaut Laomi shrugged, with a smile on his face.

"Yes, yes."

However, the Liben representative on the side looked a little embarrassed.

"Come and take a look. This is a rare opportunity. The orbits of the two space stations are not adjacent at all. The other is changing its orbit. Maybe we can only meet like this once in our lifetime in space!"

Astronaut Da Mao noticed the embarrassment on the faces of Liben and the British astronauts.


This is the effect you want!

"Let's go to the observation cabin quickly!"

Astronaut Laomi nodded,

The group of people immediately flew towards the observation cabin. The protective structure in front of the glass cover opened, and a circular glass observation platform with a wide field of view immediately appeared.

Several astronauts on the International Space Station looked curiously at the arc of the earth in the distance.

Everyone knows that the Eastern powers independently built their own space station.

But before, they had only seen pictures of each other's space station on the news. What the real thing looked like, now they could finally see it!

As it happens,

The sun rises exactly where the other party’s space station appears,

In an instant, the bright sunlight caused all the curious astronauts to cover their eyes.

As they slowly adapted to the strong light, they squinted their eyes to see clearly the Eastern Powers Space Station in the sunlight.

But, the moment I opened my eyes again,

Everyone's eyes widened and they froze on the spot.

They did see the space station of the great eastern country. The structure with the word "earth" was particularly dazzling in the orange sunshine.

But that's not the key now,

The key is that behind this space station, shining through the sunlight, are densely packed space battleships flying wantonly!

These battleships,

There are awl-shaped ones with a science fiction color; there are ferocious steel ones with exposed shells and moving mechanical giants inside; there are red ones with terrifying appearances, as if they are all stretched open.

Densely packed spaceships, large and small, are floating in the earth's low-Earth orbit,

Presented in front of the astronauts on the International Space Station,

A kind of shock and fear instantly surged into their hearts.

Laomi's astronaut said in a trembling voice in horror:

"Houston, Houston, this is the space station, things are not going well!"

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