Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 471 You still say you don’t know martial arts!

In Ender's game world, above the Earth's orbit,

Not only did the astronauts on the International Space Station see the huge mixed fleet, but several astronauts on the space station of the Eastern Power also saw it!

And because of the distance, they saw it more clearly!

The hideous steel giant ship, the smooth conical spacecraft, the red mothership like a living creature, they gathered together and floated quietly.

Looking at the fleet that was slowly flying in the Earth's orbit,

Commander Du Yuan also hurriedly pressed the communicator and said:

"Xichang, Xichang, we are in trouble, turn camera No. 02 immediately!"



Hearing that there was trouble,

the staff of the underground command desk immediately looked serious and turned the camera.

The camera placed outside the space station slowly turned until a certain moment, the picture on the entire arc of the Earth was recorded.

It was a fleet,

a fleet of three completely different types of spacecraft!

An unknown fleet mixed fleet appeared outside the Earth!

"Dongyao, Dongyao, does the other party intend to attack? Please ensure your own safety!"

"Not yet, the space station is safe now."

The entire underground command room was stunned in place as they watched the fleet captured in the overhead screen.

Could such a fleet be coming to invade the earth? !

"No, look at the screen, the stern of the conical spacecraft!"

However, as they observed more and more carefully, a ground telemetry personnel discovered the problem and shouted hurriedly.

"Conical spacecraft, stern?"

This shout reminded everyone to shift their gaze.

The sight was focused on the stern of the spacecraft in the screen, where there was a somewhat blurred pattern and several unclear symbols.

"Use the remote control space station to zoom in immediately!"


The screen was zoomed in, and the originally blurred pattern and unclear symbols were instantly clearly displayed in front of them.

The pattern was two parallel bars on the left and right, with a black five-pointed star in the middle; the symbol was the clear "Southwest Theater Space Force-Yongchuan Ship in the Upper Reaches"!

"Shangyou Yongchuan Ship?!"

Seeing the familiar font, the person in charge of the control console glared and glanced at the man in military uniform standing next to him.

That look seemed to be asking, when did you get this thing?

And standing next to this person in charge, a general from the Southwest Theater looked at the spaceship in the picture with a puzzled look on his face.

I still don't know if we have this thing? !

This is Li Kui meeting Li Gui!

And the key is that this Li Gui is even more powerful than Li Kui!

Look at these warships, each of them doesn't look like a good thing to get along with. If they really fight, the general estimates that the entire human sky force will not be enough to fill the gaps between the other side's teeth!

"General, what should we do now?"

The person in charge of the command desk was at a loss, and turned his head to ask the general beside him.

"What should we do? What do they want to do now!"

The general shook his head, uttered a word, and then immediately ordered:

"The situation has been reported. I hope the other side will not do anything to us."

Looking at this fleet and this configuration, what can humans do?

They are now a dish.

It depends on whether the other side is going to fry them alive or boil them.


A huge fleet appeared outside the earth's atmosphere.

In just a moment, it caused panic on the entire earth.

The governments of all countries can't hide this matter!

If it is an ordinary spaceship, it is easy to hide it,

but it is a fleet!

The length of a spaceship generally reaches half a kilometer, and there are even fleets with spaceships reaching ten kilometers!

For this level of spaceship,

some civilian enthusiasts can see it directly with a telescope, and it is impossible to hide it at all.

So, governments of various countries simply broke the jar and directly disclosed the observation data of the space center.

"Where do these spaceships come from? What are they going to do?!"

"They are here to destroy humanity. We can't just sit there and wait for death. We have to take the initiative!"

"Take the initiative. Stop it. We can't win at all."

"Look at the sterns of those conical ships. Those are Chinese. This must be a conspiracy of the Eastern Power!"

"I've learned that those are Chinese!"

"I've said before that the people of the Eastern Power must be descendants of aliens. Now, the fleet is here to pick them up!"


Just below the released video, a debate immediately arose.

However, unexpectedly, this fleet stopped outside the atmosphere and did not make any other moves.

It was precisely because of this that

countries opened an emergency meeting at the United Nations.

At the meeting, holding the only information, representatives from all over the world looked at the representative of the Eastern Power, who was sitting in one of the most central positions, with strange eyes!

"Dear Representative Pang, can you explain the appearance of Chinese on the unknown fleet?"

In the end, it was the representative of Lao Mi who asked this question cautiously.

"…Hiss, I can't even get to that point."

After getting the data, Representative Pang was most afraid that the other party would ask this question.

Who knows why these alien fleets use Chinese?

Could it be that they thought it looked good, just like the foreigners, so they printed it directly on the ship?

However, it happened to be "Southwest Theater" and "Yongchuan Ship Upstream", which could not be explained at all.

Could it be that aliens also use Chinese?

Don't be funny!

Representative Pang's mouth twitched wildly, this guy was really holding him up!

"I don't know, that's right."

The representative of Lao Mi didn't question it, but just nodded slowly.

However, at this time,

a group of secretaries suddenly came in and brought new news.

Next to Representative Pang, the secretary came in and said in a somewhat anxious tone:

"Representative Pang, the situation is a bit bad, the fleet in space has moved!"

"Moved, what's the movement?!"

Representative Pang's expression tightened,

the fleet power, it's not going to launch an attack!

"Representative, the fleet did not launch an attack, but a part of it started to land directly!"

The secretary grinned, knowing that Representative Pang had misunderstood, and immediately added:

"That fleet, the main force, is re-entering the atmosphere, and the expected landing point is in the southwest of our country!"

"What, landed in our country?!"

Representative Pang raised his eyebrows and said in shock.

This is fucking,

There are Chinese characters printed on the hull, why did it land in the big country of the East?

This is something that can't be washed away even if you jump into the Yellow River!

The moment Representative Pang raised his head,

he immediately met the strange eyes of the representatives from various countries around him.


You still say it has nothing to do with you? !

Just now you defended yourself, but we believed it directly!

You don't know martial arts? ! !

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