Our great China spans the multiverse

Chapter 496 No hope, waiting to die

Tona people are so aggressive;

Being in a crisis environment for a long time makes them extreme and possessive.

Although these are all forced out,

But for this universe, the existence of this kind of civilization will be a big trouble.

Many problems can be seen from being imprisoned.

The Totemka man Ibrahimovic was imprisoned. In addition to worrying about his home planet, after realizing that he could not leave, he simply lay there and blew bubbles and smashed them.

And what about the Tona people?

It's a constant resistance. Even if you know you can't break this kind of high-strength glass, you still have to fight with your life to hit it.

This character,

Even if you hit the south wall, you still have to find a way to push it through with your head!


Just a quarter of an hour after the Tona man fainted, the robot Mr. Zhu opened the triple airlock cabin, disinfected it and walked in.

Mr. Zhu walked in slowly, the iconic loving smile on his face disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Fang Jing, Zhou Yuan and Horos suddenly broke out in cold sweat on their foreheads.

In this posture, the head is held high, the eyes are slightly narrowed, and there is no smile on the face.

Oh, it's going to be over!

Ahem, also, don’t wonder why robots can see eyes and expressions, refer to Optimus Prime’s company, brothers, Transformers technology!

"Wake up Tuora!"

Mr. Zhu nodded and said hello to Fang Jing and the others, and then commanded the researchers in a cold voice.


The researcher gritted his teeth. Something was wrong. Take action immediately!


The Tona man named Tuoluo who was stunned in the maintenance cabin was actually... electrocuted on the spot after a burst of electricity. He stood at attention like an alien. He woke up? !

Fang Jing was stunned when he saw this scene.

It turns out that this current can still be played like this!

"Uh-huh, damn legs Lou Lou, I'm going to eat you..."

As soon as Tuo Luo woke up, insulting words immediately came out of his mouth.


Mr. Zhu squinted his eyes, his expression remained unchanged, and he just faintly uttered one word.

The researcher immediately followed the instructions and cleverly turned down the current.

Sizzling sizzling——

There was a sound of electric current, and the top immediately spun in place like a spinning top.

However, since the current was not very strong, he did not faint this time.

But this guy's mouth really smelled bad. After he regained his composure, he opened and closed his jaw again and cursed:

"I'm going to cut off your heads..."


Before he finished speaking, the robot Mr. Zhu repeated the order calmly.

The researcher did as he was told and pressed the activation button.


The tuala began to spin.

"I want to kill..."



“Abu Babu, uh uh uh!”


After repeating this several times, Tuoluo began to rotate to the right involuntarily and subconsciously.

"I'm done with it, I'm done with it, don't give me any more electricity!"


Mr. Zhu’s voice sounded again.

The researcher also subconsciously pressed the button.


After pressing it down, he realized that the sea scorpion had answered differently just now?

It took a while for Fang Jing, Zhou Yuan and Horos who were watching to react.

Wait, is there an electrical fault? !

The eyes of several people suddenly shifted to Mr. Zhu.

The oldest one also coughed slightly. Although his facial expression did not change, he felt embarrassed in his heart.

Ahem, that's fine.

After all, this Tuoluo is really bad-mouthed and has a stubborn temper, even more stubborn than a donkey!


"Huh, why do you still need to shock me!"

The tuala opened its mouth, and a stream of white smoke came out from it.

He was about to be turned into a spinning top!

The hard-bodied Tuoluo is still not stronger than physics after all!

After being punished hundreds of times for his bad mouth, he finally gave in.

It’s okay if you don’t accept it.

Although the Tona people are rough-skinned and thick-bodied, the electric shock is too uncomfortable!

If he electrifies again, he will transform from a spinning top into an electric top!

"Haha, can you talk properly now?"

Although Mr. Zhu was a little embarrassed because of his mistake, there was still a coldness in his tone. This coldness made Tuoluo's back feel cold, and he always felt that something bad was going to happen.

"Yes, you can speak well!"

Putting away his bad mouth, Tuoluo shook his whole body and affirmed again and again.

"Well, in that case, let me ask you an answer."

Mr. Zhu nodded, took out a document and said softly:

"Our civilization intends to end the war between you Tona and Totenka people. What do you think?"

This universe will not allow other civilizations to continue to conflict within 1,000 light years of the solar system.

Human civilization has emerged from war and iron blood, and its vigilance towards the universe is different from that of Totem Card people!

"Stop the war with the Totemka people, no, this is impossible!"

When Tuoluo heard this, his somewhat depressed spirit immediately cheered up, and he roared with anger:

"They are not worthy of those rich planets. Our tribe must occupy them to get rid of our hell!"

The communication method used by the Tona people is somewhat special. They use some kind of radio waves disturbed by tentacles. At this time, the radio station beeps, and it is obvious that his heart is not peaceful.

"I haven't finished speaking yet!"

Mr. Zhu interrupted Tuoluo, looked at him seriously, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and asked:

"What if we help you transform your home planet, turn it into a planet for survival, and then establish trade routes between you and the Totemka people to solve the resource problem?"

"That won't work either. If we kill all the Totemka people, their world will be ours!"

Tuoluo refused sharply,

Their conquest of the Totemka people has reached the most critical moment, and the Taino planet is about to be captured.

As long as they invade the Taino planet, gain a foothold, and use the planet's abundant resources and stable environment to develop their military and population, they can use this as a springboard to completely eliminate the stupid Totemka people and gain the entire wealth. Control of the land!

At this time, they will never give up!


Mr. Zhu's eyes narrowed, and a smile suddenly appeared on his originally cold face. He was very kind, like a kind old man in the park.

He didn't speak, just nodded, and then cut off the call with Tuoluo.

Tuoluo in the maintenance cabin looked at the outside world doubtfully.

Why, just ask a few questions and stop asking?

He didn't find anything, but Fang Jing, Zhou Yuan and Horos, who were very familiar with Mr. Zhu, were full of dead people behind him.

Mr. Zhu’s expression and smile,

Damn it,

This kid is finished!

"I guess Tuoluo's answer dissatisfied Mr. Zhu."

The three heads moved closer and Zhou Yuan analyzed in a low voice.

"This is not dissatisfaction. This is giving him face! He won't accept even if we try to change the environment or establish trade!"

Fang Jing picked his nose.

Duoluo, this is shameless!

"I'm done. The Tona people are too invasive. If we don't care about them, they will definitely bite this universe when they become stronger in the future!"

Horos also shook his head,

Mr. Zhu was obviously testing and giving a bottom line.

As a result, Tuoluo, the boy, didn't care and overturned the table.

Totally rejected!

There is no hope, just wait to die!

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